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Barcode's Pov.

I woke with a sound of someone knocking at my door. I get up and open up the door to check on who is it . Upon opening the door I saw a very worried P'Ta in front of me.

"What happen Phi?" I ask while trying to calm him down cause it was to early and P'Mile and P'Linn might still be sleeping.

"Well Code Phi isn't in his room ." He said but I just told him that maybe he is already in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"No Code I already check every corner of this mansion but Phi is no where to be found." After saying that I also began to feel worried cause unlike us who somehow now know the way around here P'Po don't come out the house unless he was with one of us.

"Wait how did you know Phi is missing?" I ask him cause it was to early.

"Well I wasn't really feeling good so I decided to look for him cause I want him to treat me but when I went inside his room he wasn't there so I check the kitchen and other parts of the house." You can really tell that P'Ta is really worried because of how he speak and we are both clingy to out older brother when we are sick or not feeling good at all that is why he is looking for him.

"How about this you go to your room and I will go out and check on Phi outside." I suggest but Phi just shook his head .

"No ,I can't just wait here and don't do anything." I gave up cause I know that can't stop him.

I went back to my room to get my phone that P'Mile gifted us. When we got out of the house it was still kind a dark outside .

"P'Po where are you?" we shout.

"Where did he go this early ." P'Ta said while still looking for our Phi.

Its already bright out and we still can't find any trace of our brother.

"Code come on lets take a break on that bench over there I'm really tired." P'Ta said and proceed in walking onto the bench. We already went outside the Subdivision and we arrive at a play ground a few blocks away .

" Code..." P'Ta called so I look at him and I saw how pale he is.

"Oh my Phi you're burning up. I already told you to stay there but you didn't listen to me ." I shook my head in disbelief .

"I can't stay there knowing that Phi is missing." I understand how worried he is cause I am too but what will P'Po will think or say if he founds out that we came looking for him while one of us has a fever.

"Hey did you know someone got into an accident early this morning.' I heard two elderly talk.

"Yeah , I know it was really a pity cause they say a man is still young around twenty seven or older " The other lady said.

"That is true and what makes me sad the most is that the said man is in a critical condition cause his head bleed to much because of the impact." I can't stop thinking of my older brother after hearing those words cause what if the said man who had an accident is my brother ? I can't help myself to over think.

"Phi Ta rest here for awhile I will continue to look for P'Po ." I didn't let him say anything so I run to see where the accident happen but I didn't get to run further when I bump to a person that cause for me to fall. I was about to curse the man but as I look up I was P,Po with a swollen eyes.

"Phi!" I shout as I stand up then hug him.

"Oh my Barcode its you, Phi is sorry for worrying you .I didn't really mean to do that." He said as he hug me tightly.

" Its ok Phi. Lets go home now cause P'Ta is really sick right now he really needs you." I said as I wipe away my tears.

-Fast Forward-

We arrive at the house and when we enter the mansion a mad face of P'Linn welcome us.

"Where did you go?" P'Mile ask he is calm at the moment.

"We went outside to look f-" I was cut of by P'Linn

"You went out and you forgot to close the door and the gate!" She shout at us.

"We are very sorry ." P'Ta said even though he is having a hard time speaking.

"Do you think that sorry of yours can help huh?!" Why is she so mad about it .

"Linn please its early in the morning." P"Mile try to calm her down.

"How will I calm down huh? Just because your guard is off duty this mooch can do anything that they want." That made my ears itch she called us a mooch.

"Hey Linn that is not right to call them that." P'Mile said there is a bit of annoyance in hie voice.

" Why? We are almost rob because of them." So something did really happen.

"They already feel sorry and nothing has happen or been rob so please be mindful of your action and words. Please calm down for our baby. " P'Mile then rub her back .

The truth is I've been wondering if this is just an effect of her pregnancy or just her true color and why doesn't P'Mile notice the change on her?

"Code put your brother to bed now I will talk to your Phi for a while and You also love go back and take a bath cause you have a early check up today." We all followed him and went to our rooms but I can't stop worrying about my Phi.

Mile's Pov.

"What happen to you?" I ask as soon as the three of them our gone.

"Sorry Mile I went for a walk outside last night but I didn't notice at all and the next thing I know is I already gone far and eventually got lost." He explain.

"Please Apo don't do that again I was also worried to know that the three of you are gone, and I'm sorry about Linn she's been like that ever since she became pregnant." Apo just gave me a nod as an answer so I pat his head.

"Go take a rest you look really tired." I remind him.


Hello readers here is another update I hope you all like it love you all<3.

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