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Apo's Pov.

Morning came and I woke up without a Mile beside me. I small smile went to my lips.

After what happen last night I went back inside to work then Mile follows but gr entered the hall  because of his family.

While working I can't helo but to look at him happily talking to his parents.

"How can I be selfish when I see how happy you are? " I ask him even though he won't hear me.

I stand up from my bed to get ready cause I was ask to guide the volunteers later

While I was brushing my teeth a heard a knock on our door.

"Ta, Barcode can you please open the door." I shout but it seems like both of then are still asleep to I wash away the toothpaste bubble and wipe my face quickly to attend the person who is knocking at the door.

As I open the door I saw Mile and behind him was his parents and sibling.

Mile is now looking much better cause he is wearing something that really suits him unlike my old shirt or the tripped clothes I bought for him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask politely cause I don want to be rude to them.

"Well why don't we go inside first?" It was Mile who suggested it, so I open up the door wider for them to enter.

When they finally entered our house Mile guide them to sit then he went to the kitchen to get them something to drink and eat.

He serve them coffee and cracker which I bought from the other Island and I'm just here in the corner looking at them confuse.

"You really know your way around her Son." Mr. Romsaithong commented.

"Of course dad. I live here for months." he said smiling widely.

When Mile went back to the kitchen I excuse myself them follow him.

"Mile what are you doing aren't you suppose to go back today?" I ask but he didn't answer instead he continuous to do what he is doing.

"Look Mile at least tell me what are you doing here and stop serving them that should be my work you and your family our my guest." I said then pull his arms.

"Apo look where here cause my family wanted to thank you properly and I'm here to say my goodbyes." he said.

"But they already did thank me last night that is enough and we both agree and did our goodbyes to each other last night too." I scratch my head out of frustration cause I thought after last night it will be all done and I can finally move on.

"Apo for me that is not a proper goodbye at all and I also wanted to spend more time with you cause I might not be able to go back here." He said looking directly to my eyes.

"Mile you don't have to go back cause your life isn't here and you should remember that this life is not for you too leave. You don't deserve to live a life like us. You deserve more and everything." I softly tuck his slightly long haid behind his ear.

After our talk we went to the living room and there his family thank me.

"Thank you for saving him and giving him a home and most of all for bringing him back to us. We own you and your siblings a lot." Mrs. Romsaithong said. After that they decided to finally go back the Big island.

-Fast Forward-

I was now standing near the ocean waving at the person who I fell in love with in just a short period of time. He is now going back to where he really do belong and that's not beside me.

"Mile I hope you find happiness with the person who you really love and will love you as much as you do. I love you, goodbye I hope one day will meet again." I say even though I know to myself that he won't hear any of it.

If being selfish was a crime then I'm guilty of it, cause I'm wishing to all the stars that  in our next life, I'll be the one you love and not anybody else.

When I turn around a voice suddenly shouts my name. So I look back and their I saw Mile the boat is not that far so he Jump off the boat and run towards me.

My eyes widens when he finally reach my place he hold my shoulders then say.

"Why don't you go back with me?" what is wrong with this guy?

"Mile what are you talking about?" I saw confuse.

"Go back with me. You can also just work there and you can also make your sibling go to school and I help you with that. Please just go back with me." but going back with you will just make everything worst for me.

"Phi why don't we accept P'Mile offer." It was Barcode he is with Ta.

"Didn't I tell you to wait inside." I said.

"But P'Po we want to see P'Mile leave." It was Ta.

"Phi I wanted to study I just down want to learn how to read and write I also wanted to learn more please lets just go with P'Mile." Barcode hug me.

It's true that it better to learn more knowledge other than how to read and write but I'm scared of the possibilities of leaving the island and living into an unknown world where in I might be uncomfortable and to add on that living with Mile while seeing him finally chasing his dreams with his destiny makes me mire uncomfortable but I should not think about me.

"Ok fine will go but I'll ask Mr. And Mrs. Romsaithong ok." they both cheered and pull Mile inside the house to help them pack.

Their boat is now back at the shore so I went near them to ask and they both agree. They're are a really nice person they treat everyone equally.

After asking for their permission I follow my siblings and Mile inside to also pack my own stuff when I saw them laughing specially Barcode he really likes to attend school eversince that is why he is the most excited.

"I'll do anything just to see you both smile."

What will happen to them at the city?

Hello readera here's another update I hope you all enjoy reading. Love you all.

Ps. I'm sorry about some misspelled words and grammar errors I'll just fix them when the book is done but for now enjoy. 💚💛

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