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Mile's Pov.

We're now at the boat going to the big Island. I was so exited about it cause it is my first time visiting the Island, I know it was about work but still I can't help but to be excited. I look at Apo and he was all silent and looking at nowhere he is like this eversince we woke up.

It was actually weird cause whenever we are together he is really talkative. Apo is always excited to talk about anything or everything but he look totally different.

"It was my first time going to the Big Island." I said to get his attention but instead of looking at me he just nods his head and continue to look somewhere else.

I don't know what happened cause before we sleeps both of us are ok we even cuddle up while sleeping.

I was about to ask him a question when the operator of the boat said that we finally arrive. Apo stands uo from his sit then get down the boat so I did it too.

"Wow this Island is sure really big but is really far from your island we travel atleast 5 hours from there to here." It was fascinating  it is much better than what I imagine it is.

-A few moments later-

While I was busy cleaning the dishes I heard the boss called for me.

" Mile we have an order that should be delivered in room 515 it was supposed to be Apo's work but he was busy serving some costumer right now." I just nod to what he said.

The boss and my co-workers are really nice they thought me all the things I need to learn even though I'm just here to help cause they need an extra hand.

I was about to push the cart of food when Apo rush into me and ask which room I'll be taking this food.

"I'll be talking this to the room 515." I said. I saw a shocking and terrified look on his face and it makes me worried.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask as I feel his forehead and neck but he is ok.

"No I'm fine, I'll be talking this instead you should stay and helo here." he was about to get it from my grip but I didn't dodge at all.

"No, I'll be talking it and it was the boss order." I said but he still didn't let go of the cart.

"Please Mile let me deliver the food and I also need to talk to someone but I can't cause I'm working right now please." He beg so I gave up.

Apo's Pov.

As I arrived in front of the said room my body stiffened but after a while I gather some courage to knock on the door.

The door slowly opens up and who I thinks Mile older brother is the one who opens it.

" So is there my dear?" His mom ask.

"Oh it was Apo mom, he is the one who deliver our food." Phi answer his mother.

"Let him in." he widely opens up the door for me to enter.

After entering I slowly put their food one by one in the table. Then while doing that Mile's mom went to me and said...

"Apo about the other day I'm sorry for saying that to you." I think she was talking about how Mile will fall in love when he sees me.

"It's fine ma'am I understand." I said then continue placing their food.

After a while I finish my work and was about to say my goodbye when all of a sudden Mile's Dad who was in a call suddenly shouted...

"Oh my they already found Linn and she is still alive." he announce.

Both Mile's parents and siblings are happy and joyous about the said news, but here I am broken and might not be fix anymore.

"Oh my that was a really great news only if Mile is here I know he will be super happy about this news." His mom is now in tears.

"Ma'am why don't you celebrate fir tge meantime our restaurant is having a party this evening you should come and unwind for a while." I suggest and smile to hide all the pain that is now torturing me.

"You are right we should unwind after all we are here to have a break from all the happenings that is happening now at our lives." Mr. Romsaithong agree so his family did too.

After that instead of walking back the restaurant I lay on the sand beach to think all what is really happening right now.

" I wish this is all the dream but I know that dream doesn't hurt for real." I said to my self.

-Fast Forward-

It is now evening and the party is starting but I still can't see where they are at this moment until someone called me from behind and there I saw them wearing hawaiian costume

"Hey Apo!" It was P'Tong . I greet them then guide them to their table.

Mile is now at the back helping cleaning the dishes. It was true that my boss needs an extra hand for today so my plan became more easier.

Now all I need is to wait and let them meet again.

Mile's Pov.

As I was cleaning the dishes Apo called and ask me to help out side now cause it was so busy after all I'm not that really need here at the back.

So I started taking orders and dekivering food to each table. It was really trilling although I went here to for work I still enjoyed it so much more than office work.

Holding the plates of food towards a table my heart begins to beat like crazy, but I brush it off ao I continue to walk. While I was putting their food on the table a familiar voice suddenly called my name.

"Mile, is that really you Mile!" it was my mother he then process to hug me so tight so I did it too my father and siblings also came to me for a hug.

"Oh my good news are overflowing this day. Linn is still alive and now we already found you." P'Tong said the proceed on patting my head.

Linn is still alive. It makes me so happy I can't wait to see her again.

Apo's Pov.

I was watching them from afar tears are now falling down." I'm hoping for your happiness Mile I love you more that anything." I whisper through the air.

"This isn't really our time. Goodbye"

Here is another update guys hope you enjoy it. Love you all.

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