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Apo's Pov.

Mile told me to take a rest but I did bother to do it I want to take care of my sick brother than taking a nap. I went up and enter my brothers room .

"Ta why did you follow Barcode instead of taking a rest here ?"  I ask as soon as I sat beside him . He look at me like he was begging for something, so I spread my arms for a hug.

"Phi I don't feel good at all I need you beside me." This brother of mine are really and much more clingy when they are sick. They want my full attention .

"Then I'll be here until you feel better ok." He smile and that made his eyes gone. What a cute boy he is. If he new that I'm still thinking of him as a boy he will surely be sulky and will tell me that he isn't a boy anymore but a man.

I stand up then went to his bathroom to get a basin with water and a towel to clean him up.

"Phi did you notice anything change about P'Linn?" He suddenly ask me but I just shrug my shoulders cause I don't want to be involve to her anymore and I already decided that after this month or two we are moving out but for now I need to find a job cause I can't afford to support their education.

"Ta are you happy living here?" I ask while wiping his  body.

"The truth is I don't really know cause it was really different that living in the island but at the same time I don't want to live here cause in here I can attend school and learn things." He happily say .

"But you need to remember that we won't be here forever, so don't you ever be attach to anyone and anything in here." It maybe to much to say but the early they know the early they understand after all we don't belong here.

After wiping his body down .I clean up all the basin and left the room for him to change cause his clothes are sweaty. I went down the kitchen to cook him something cause I know he didn't eat anything since this morning. As I was busy making Ta his food when my other sibling came running and hug me for my side.

"Phi can I also have the food you are cooking." My other sibling is being clingy too.

"Of course . By the way Code thank you looking for Phi and I was really sorry cause I brought trouble to the both of you." Upon saying that my youngest sibling just hugs me tightly that before. I can't believe that the both of them our now teens but still clingy as before.

-Fast Forward-

After finishing cooking Barcode and I bought the food up stairs to Ta's room. I didn't cook much since the couple are out for Linn's check up and Mile also told me that they'll be visiting his parents  and might be home in evening or by tomorrow morning.

"Phi give me that, that is mine I specially request that to Phi." We' re currently eating but this two have other plans.

"Come on Code, I'm sick look so please just give it to me." The both of them are arguing about a piece of meatball.

"No, your should eat what P'Po makes for you and that is what yoir body needs right now." Barcode said and pulled the fork away from Ta. I love it a lot when they both like this specially when...

"P'Po who should have this?" And thats when I know I'm in trouble but I still love it cause its shows how much they both want my attention they will always lean on me.

"I don't know." I playfuly said to them, then both of them gave me a pout.

"Why don't you just share?" I ask but their pout just got longer and it made me laugh.

"Oh my cute brother. How can I put you in my pocket?" I hug them both and kiss their cheeks.

"P'Po this thing is really important to us so choose one and please choose the person who really deserve it." Barcode say in a Mocking voice.

"Oh Phi have mercy on me I'm sick and that meat ball is my cure." Ta even acted as if he is going to faint.

But instead of answering them I stand up and get down to the Kitchen to cook more meatballs. I made them last night before cleaning up and I think it's only us so I cook more but I still stock some.

After cooking I went back up and heard them arguing so I didn't enter the room.

"Look what did you do P'Ta. I think Phi is mad cause you can't give it to me." Barcode complain.

"Hey you should also be guilty cause Phi ask you to share but you don't want too." This two will never have a proper conversation without fighting.

They became quite and that is my cue to enter and both of them look at me with a eyes that say sorry.

I walk to them then put the plate of meatballs in the middle of them but I was surprised when both of them teared up them jump at me for a hug.

"We're sorry P'Po." They said in unison. After all the fight they will surely say sorry to me and to each other.

This is what my life is about. This is why I'm alive and they are the reason for all the sacrifice that I make and will make. They are my family and they're the only treasure that I have.

I have them with me so I don't need anyone anymore Ta and Barcode are enough they are enough for me.

"I love you Ta, Barcode don't worry Phi will do anything for you." I said and give them both a kiss in their forehead.

"I love you too Phi." - Barcode.

"We love you more P'Po." - Ta.

"No matter where life takes us, I know that we will always have each other. I love you both."

Lets focus on the brothers for now hehe.

Hey readers here is another update for you. Hope you enjoy, love you all💚💛.

Ps. Sorry but I may not write an update tomorrow cause It will be a very busy day for me but if its done earlier that expected, I'll try to write you an update. I hope you understand and thank you.

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