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Third Person's Pov.

"Are you sure you want to do this Jes?" Mile ask the gentleman.

"If it is the only way to know the truth , I'll do it. I want to know the truth and why she is doing this. This might hurt but I don't want her hurting anyone . Ambition are really scary. you will do anything just to get it." Jes took a sip of his drink'

" We both don't know her intention in doing this but I hope by doing this plan we'll get a better understanding about her intentions even if its bad or good." Mile also took a sip of his drink.

Both of them became quite for sometime, no one dares to talk and they just keep on drinking.

After a while Mile decided to go and take his leave. Meanwhile Jes on the other hand is thinking about her wife Cath and her reasons in doing this cheating behind his back and what's worst is that he didn't  even notice ."

~Fast Forward~

Evening came and the said woman woke up. She stands up from laying down and did her night routine after that she walks down the stairs supporting her growing belly. 

While walking down she notice a good smell coming out from the kitchen so she went there faster cause she is expecting Mile there cause all she know that he took her home but to her surprise another man was standing there preparing food for her.

"Hon you're home." The shock on her face and voice is very visible.

"Why hon you seems so surprise having me here in our home and why is that?" Jes say with a hint of sarcasm but Linn/ Cath didn't even notice it cause she was really surprise .

"No hon .I'm just surprise your home early .You told me you'll be home next week." Linn conceal her surprise self and act normally as possible.

"Well I miss my wife so much that I finish all my work abroad just to be with you again and our baby." Then the man walk closer to Linn and give her a hug.

Both of them our busy hugging each other when all of a sudden the door in front of the house suddenly opens up .Both of them go out side the kitchen to check and their Linn's Aunt and Uncle standing look flashy in their dress and suit.

"Good evening aunty and uncle." the man greet them and just like Linn the elder also show a shock face.

The older woman took Linn to the kitchen and both men are left behind.

"You told us that Mile will be here?" The confuse elder ask her.

"I don't know either. Jess was supposed to be home by next week but when I woke up he is already here . Aunty I'm sure that Mile took me home cause he is also with me at the hospital. What if they meet each other what will I do?" She is so scared that she almost peed in her pants.

"You need to get you shit together. Act natural cause if you don't our plan will go to waste." The elder say.

"What is happening here? Is everything alright? " The younger man  say as they entered the kitchen.

"No hon . Everything is fine but can I go back upstairs? I'm not feeling good at all and please look for Aunt and Uncle for a while ." Linn told him and he agree so Linn went upstairs and check her phone to message Mile, but before she can even send a message Mile already sent her a message way before.

"Sorry Love I didn't get to stay and  just drop you off cause I know you're already tired but dad called and I really need to go back to the company today I hope you don't mind. I love you." a message from Mile

"This message is not enough I need to know if they meet or not." She thought to her self.

Her thoughts was cut off when she heard the door knob moves. She quickly lay down and close her eyes as if she was asleep.

"Hey Hon both aunt and uncle already left . Are you ok?" the man ask and Linn just shook her head as a no.

"Hon can I ask you something?" and the man just nod.

"Of course you can. What is that?" Linn took a deep breath before asking.

"What time did you get back?" She ask .

"I just came back this evening and when I came back you are already sleeping so I thought to cook something for you since you look really tired." Jes stroke her hair.

"Why did you ask hon?" Jes ask her back but the tone of his voice is somehow feels like scary.

"Well nothing hon I was just really surprise of you early arrival that's all." she laugh awkwardly.

"I thought you're hiding something." he said then kiss Linn in her forehead.

"Come on love rest cause will be doing lots tomorrow ." Jes said then stand up and went inside the shower.

" What are you guilty about hon?" Jes ask to himself.

Mile's Pov.

When I get home I quickly went up stairs to get change cause I really smelled like alcohol, but before I reach my room I heard voice coming from Ta's room so I get near the door and there I saw the three of them laughing together . I watch them for a minute before I decided to go to my room. Seeing them having fun makes me forget my problem . 

After changing my clothes I decided to go out but the moment I open my room door Apo was standing there .

"Oh Apo do you need anything?" I  ask him.

"Well can you help me outside Ta needs medicine and your already out so I was asking if you can help me go to the near drugstore to buy him medicine , he already take a medicine but his fever was still high." This is the only time he ask me a favor after what happen before well we we're talking to each other but ever since that  day when Linn came back the conversation between us became short and the interaction became awkward.

"Sure come on ." I said then we both went outside ,well the drugstore in just near so we just walk there.

Apo bought medicine and some other stuff then we both walk back home and same as we are walking towards the store no one is talking he was was just following me home.

"Apo do we have a problem?" I stop then ask him but he just dump into my back.

"Ouch." He hold his forehead .

"You're deep in thoughts again." I said as I check his forehead.

"Sorry ." Is all he said .

"When will you learn to be greedy?"


Hello readers here is another update .I know it was still unclear what really happen but we will slowly make it clear cause I want to put some a clip hanger.

hope you will enjoy it .Thank you and love you all <3

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