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Apo's Pov.

I was stuck on place after witnessing that kiss. I can't even lift my feet to continue walking. I was to stunned even to speak.

"Hey, Apo what took you so long?" Linn irretrievably asked.

"Oh sorry." I said then hand her over the drink she ask me. After giving it to her I decided to get back inside the kitchen but before I could walk out Mile call out to me.

"Apo." I didn't bother to look back but I ask him why.

"Can we talk?" he ask me so I look at him but Linn caught my attention. She was looking onto me. If looks can kill I'll be dead by now.

"About what?" I ask him. He was hesitant to answer cause Linn was here. "If there's none I'll leave now." I said then walk away.

"Why can't I have him?" I ask.

Mile's Pov.

"Why do you want to talk to him that you can't say while I'm here?" Linn ask me. If she isn't pregnant, I might push him away.

"Linn it was a personal matter that your shouldn't be involve so will you excuse me." I said and try to remove her hands to mine.

"No, I'm your fiancé and I need to know everything." She is really persistent.

"Wait, Lets clear things up. You being my fiancé doesn't mean you need to interfere with my own personal space. Its not like that. Being in a relationship doesn't give any of us a pass to live our private space." I said then walk out.

"I just need to play along and stick to the plan. Until we gather all the evidence we needed."

Apo's Pov.

After getting away from there I decided to go outside and went to the garden.

"I thought things are starting to be okay." I pick a up a green flower. " I'm jealous of you ." I talk to it.

"You need two things to help you grow and beautiful like this water and sunlight but you get both but me on the other hand I only need him but I can't even have him. " Don't get me wrong I love my brothers and I need them in my life but I already have them, they are mine but Mile, just the thought of having him brings me much more happiness and joy in my life.

I was just sitting there when all of a sudden rain started to pour, but I didn't mind at all . I miss being in the island where in I don't care about loving someone who will never be mine.

I miss the cold breeze every morning and night , I miss the simple life that me and my brother once live. I wanted to go back but I don't want any of my brothers to stop chasing their dreams and all the opportunity at may come to them.

Just thinking about them turning their backs to their dreams make my heart aches . I already failed mine and I don't want them to be like me, a loser in life and the love.

Together with the rain pour my eyes began to water, tears that have been kept for a while little by little falls down.

"Why do I always need to keep others happy? How about y happiness? When will I be the winner? When will someone choose me? When will I ever found the happiness that most of the people have? When will I--" I didn't get to finish when a person suddenly pop behind me holding an umbrella. I look up then saw Bible holding the umbrella and on one hand he is handing me his handkerchief . "Thank you." I said .

"We should go inside now P'APo ," He said and I answer him with a small nod. he was about to walk when I stop him .

"Ah Bible can we keep all the things you hear and see ,a secret to everyone specially Mile" I beg him cause I don't want others to know.

"Sure , don't worry I know how to keep a secret." he said then Pat my head.

"Hey I'm not a kid anymore." I said then frown .

"I never told you that you are one?" he said and it made me think about it.

"Never mind, but Bible can I request one last time?" I ask him and he gives me a nod.

" Thank you for keeping my secret." I said then hug him, I bet he was surprise so I was about to let go but he hugs me back. "Don't worry Phi you can always count on me." he said and those words somehow put me at ease.

Bible's Pov.

I'm on my way to my cousin's house to pick some documents but it suddenly rains but I am a boy scout so when I arrive I stop in front of the house gate then get down from there I notice the some opening of the gate is open so I entered the place without knocking at all . I was on my way when I notice Apo sitting drench in rain and I think he is crying. I quickly went to him .

"Why do I always need to keep others happy? How about y happiness? When will I be the winner? When will someone choose me? When will I ever found the happiness that most of the people have? When will I--" He didn't get to finish his sentence cause he notice me standing behind him. He also thank and hug me for promising on keeping this from P'Mile.

Apo is a really special guy. he was to good to be true. Maybe protecting him and his smile is my mission and if it is, I'll gladly do it.

Mile's Pov.

I was about to follow Apo outside cause I didn't get to see him inside the kitchen but rain started to pour , so I went back inside to get and umbrella but I saw stop in my tracks when I saw Apo and Bible hugging each other. They are even smiling at each other.

When he is with Bible , he looks so happy but when he was with me he always cry and hide his pain. I know cause I see it but what can I do . I need to stick to our plan or else him and his brother will get involve in this mess but I can't keep myself to feel pain in my chest.

He was once happy with me but because of being stupid I waste my chance to be together with him. I was to blind of love but now that I can see clearly . I believe that i f*ck up everything.

"I should have know better before someone else take you away from me."


Hello reader , here's another update from me. I know things happen but It won't stop me. I still believe in their friendship cause they are soulmates ( Not all soulmates are form of lovers there are also friendship <3) I'll support them together and individually. I'm here from the start so I'll also be there till the end. Anyways I hope you enjoy reading.

I will support, love and ship them no matter what happens. They are the reason why I came back and they are the medicine that always makes me heal specially in my heart.

If you don't like them anymore just kindly leave and don't say anything cause believe it or not they brought happiness to our lives.

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