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Apo's Pov.

Morning came and I'm the first one to wake up. I was about to sit up but I was stop by a strong pair of arms wrap around me.

So I look behind me I saw Mile sleeping peacefully then a memories of last nighy came back to me.


Both of our eyes met and the next thing I knew our lips collide and our bodies are in heat together.

I push him away from me but Mile is much powerful than me, but still at the end I gave in temptation of lust and love.

I answer all his kisses, touched I eveb moaned everytime he leaves his mark all over my body and when he trust his thing inside of me. We did it a few times until both of us fall asleep in each others warmth.

~End of Flashback~

Remembering those memories of last night makes my face to neck red. I put both of my hands to my face because of embarrassment but I also quickly remove it after seeing a familiar red string tied in my finger. It was bright red and really visible but I don't want to hope for anything but I still check if it is connected to Mile and I was right.
Once again we are connected by the red string.

But then I suddenly remember that my power is failing so I remind myself that I should not keep my hopes up, so I quietly remove his arms around me and even though my back is killing me I force myself to stand up and pick up all my clothes and wear them once again.

Then I also clean up all the mess last night and put his clothes away on the basket and now I'm just hoping that he won't ask anything about last night, but I was wrong cause while I was cleaning the living room after my siblings left for school Mile went near me and sat at the the couch then follow every step I take so I quickly finish cleaning the said room then went to the kitchen sink to wash the dirty dishes but then again he followed me there and sat in front of  the kitchen counter.

"Are you avoiding me after what happen last night?" I was taken a back of his sudden question. Yes I am avoiding him why does he need to ask that anyway after all it was wrong to slept with someone who already had a lover. I know we did it a few times at the island but we both thought the Linn was already dead although he was still hoping . I also know that they are having a problem like Linn is cheating but Mile never justified that they already broke up.

"No , I'm not I was just busy need to do a lot of chores right now." after saying that I went back on washing the dishes.

"Apo I know that we just known each other for a few months but I know and I'm sure now that you are avoiding me and I don't like it." After saying that I heard a loud bang at the table so I look behind me then saw him standing both palms at the table.

"Ok I really am avoiding you because I feel embarrass about it. You are still in a relationship and I took advantage of that and you being drunk and I'm really sorry .I know you are disgust of what I did so let me stay away from you so that I won't repeat that again. " I said then tears falls down.

"Its not your fault at all and I'm not disgust about it cause why would I ? I'm the one you force you to do that with me and I also like it ' I also want it to begin with, so please don't blame yourself on something you didn't do or not guilty with." The we went near me and embrace with  then kiss me.

The kiss was really light at it quickly ease the pain in my heart. Maybe I should just enjoy what I can get but what really  bothers me right now is the fact that we are once again connected by the red  string but this time the string feels tighter and look brighter unlike the the one we have before , it was kind a loose and the color of it is pale.  but I still can't bring my hopes up cause I had it once but it disappear .

Mile's Pov.

We are now at the living room cause after we talk things out we decided to watch a movie then  meanwhile Apo fell asleep after he  cried so much . His eyes are puffy he looks cute, He look so defenseless if he is sleeping and what makes him even cuter is him hugging my arm while he is dreaming about something.

"Phi we are home." I heard the voice of the two when the entered the house I sign to them to keep quite cause their brother is sleeping and the both of quickly understand .

"Hey Ta why did you attend school today feeling better now?" I ask then gesture them to take a sit.

" P'Mile I feel so much better since last night and I don't want to miss any lesson I may look lazy but I really do want to learn." He said then awkwardly laugh while scratching the back of his head.

"Then study hard , so that you can achieve all of your dreams and ambitions." The two of them smile widely then nod at me.

"By the way P'Mile while is P'Po sleeping like that? He look like a cat." Barcode then smile and look at his older brother lovingly.

Apo really looks like a cat , he acts like one when he is sulking and he is so affectionate too, but what I really love about him other than those characteristics are his hazel colored eyes specially when they are under the sunlight cause they glow much more and it keeps on pulling me closer to him.

"Please wait for me cause after all this I will be yours , all yours just wait for me."


Hello readers here is another update I hope you all like it. Lets stop for drama for a while hehe.

Enjoy reading love you all. <3

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