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Apo's Pov.

It's currently five in the morning as usual I woke up before all of them.

Its been a month since we came here at the city. Our days are pretty normal. I do all the chores in the house meanwhile Ta and Barcode are attending school and Mile also went back working at his company.

After doing all the chores I will prepare his and my brothers breakfast.

We agree that our stay in his house won't be free and I'll be working for it so basically I became a male maid but I don't have salary he wanted to give me one but I didn't accept it after all our shelter, our food and my brothers tuition is provided by him and doing this kind of job is not even enough as a payment.

It's now seven and I'm preparing the table for them. while putting the plates a heard a woman's  voice laughing  I look around and there I saw Linn with Mile they are going down the stairs and behind them are my brothers .

Barcode is looking at Linn like he saw something the really pissed him off.  My eyes went from my siblings to Mile and Linn's finger but I'm confused their thread are align but the thread on Linn is starting to get dark meanwhile Mile's is still the same. How is that even possible?

" Phi are you ok?" Ta ask me when they finally arrive at the dinning area.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I smiled at them this heart of mine doesn't concern them at all. They are here to learn.

"Wow Apo you woke up early again." Linn commented. Mile help him sat down .

"I though you went home last night?" I ask cause she did her goodbye last night to us.

" Its true that I went home last night but an unexpected thing happen so I ask Mile to pick me up my condo." I just nod my head then stand up to get an extra plate , spoon and fork.

"And starting from now on she will stay here with us." Mile said that made me stop.

"She is going to stay here with us? " I ask myself.

"Apo is there anything wrong?" Mile ask me but I just shook my head.

"I'm done eating ." I said then stand up and walk away without looking back even though they keep on calling my name.

When I arrive at my room I close the door and sat behind it. My tears started to fall down as I remember all the things we did together when we are still at the island. It already hurts to know that they're back again together now she will live here with us. How long do I need to bare all the pain?

I know that I don't have the right to decide who will leave here after all Linn has more right to leave here she is the fiance and the lover Mile even told me before that before Linn disappear , he was about to surprise her with a house that they'll live in after their wedding and I think that same house he is talking about is this house. Meanwhile me a mare Island boy who just help and we don't have a connection at all .

Ever since Linn came back all the promise that Mile said to me just vanish like a bubble.


" Mile what if Linn came back what will happen to us?" I curiously ask while we are hugging under the blankets after our night. Mile look at me and smile awkwardly .

I know my question is inappropriate  we just finish doing it but I do really wanna know.

"Look Mile don't mind me. Its just that I do really wanna know . I promise you that I won't be mad or anything ." I assure him, but before answering my question he sigh.

"The truth is I don't know but I do promise you if that time comes, that Linn comeback . I won't treat you differently . I will still be attending your needs but you know that not all the things that happen here will happen again there." I understand what he mean but the pain is still there but that's the best I can get from him and I'm already happy about it.

-End of Flashback-

But that promise is no where to be seen nor found.

We're in a same house but I feel that I'm don't even exist to him. He will just notice me when Ta, Barcode or Linn call for me and when he have something to ask me. Unlike before that he will approach me and we'll have conversation about anything possible.

But there is one promise that even though I know that its impossible to happen any time soon. I will still keep it and that is....

"But if Linn won't comeback anymore .I will surely choose you more than anything and anyone else ." he said.

"So I'm a rebound?" I ask him and he shook his head.

"You'll never be a rebound this feelings of mine might not be that sure now , but I already know that I'm starting to like you." he the proceed on kissing my forehead.

Up until now I'm still holding onto those promise.

After flowing my hearts out I wipe of the tears in m y cheeks then check  myself at the mirror .

"You can do this Apo just think about your brothers .They're your priority and remember that destiny will speak itself and it already told you that a person like Mile is isn't for you and will never be." I remind myself in front of the mirror.

After all the drama I went back outside to check on them but when I open up the door Mile is standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him 

"I'm here to check on you cause you suddenly walk out ." is he worried about me?

"I'm fine where's Linn?" I ask him then he told me that Linn went home to get her staff.

"Why didn't you go with her?" Isn't it much better for him to accompany her?

"I was about too but she told me to look after you." So you won't bother if Linn didn't tell you.

"Mile can I ask ,starting today treat me like a servant .I'll be more comfortable that way and don't ever feel pity on me just because someone told you and that is much better for me and in that way I'll be able to move on faster. You know about my feeling towards you." Maybe this is for the better.

"But you told me that you don't need me to response to your feelings so why..." I cut him off

"Mile I'm not telling you or pressuring you and I will never do that . My point here is please don't  look for me just because someone told you to do so. Its just making me feel more pathetic and unwanted please understand that. I'm trying to move on so don't  give mix signals. Mile you help me a lot, but can you please also help me with this too." The way he cares for me is making me hold onto him more but I know he cares for me because he was told to do so , so I'm making this request .

I maybe holding those promises but I'm willing to let them go if he keeps on acting like this. I never ask him to love me back all I wanted is for him to treat me the same way we use too, like how we treat each other when he stay with us just a few days after his recovery. I just wanted to be friends again.

But I hate that when he acts worried I thought he is sincere but it turns out he was just looking after ne just because he was told to?

" Why can't it be you who feel the urge to take care of me? Why does it need to be other people?"

Hello readers here is another update for you. I hope you like it💚💛.

Love you all enjoy reading💕.

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