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I wrote this cause I miss Barcode already. I'm happy and sad at the same time cause starting from now the interaction between them (BOC artist) will be less but the opportunity for Barcode will be more💜🌻.
Barcode Tinnasit Isarapongporn 
( บาร์โค้ด ทินนสิทธิ์ อิศราพงศ์พร)​

Apo's Pov.

It's our first day here now at the city and Mile insist his parents for us to live with him in his so called house which me and my sibling called a mansion.


When we arrive that the Romsaithongs residence our eyes widens so see their so called small house is actually a mansion.

"Phi now that I think about it, are we really going to live here? This house is so big that I don't know what to do and it is to much to live here what if they think that we're doing this cause we are taking advantage of them. P'Mile already promise us education and a Job for you so I think that is enough already. " Ta whispered into my ear.

He is right I didn't think about that at all. I only thought about how happy my siblings are.

"Hey come inside now." It was Mile he slightly push us inside but the three of us keep our feet down and didn't even try ko take a step.

"Mile I think this isn't a good idea and you already offered us a job and education for my brothers and thank you for that." I face him.

"P'Mile can we also ask a favor to help us find a place to live for a while." It was Barcode.

"What do you mean and where else are you going to live but with m? ." He pats Barcode head.

"But Mile that is to much how can we be able to pay you back?" I look at him but he just answered me with his sweet gummy smile.

-Fast Forward-

We are now at the dining area and the foods are keep getting in.

"Come on let's eat and please don't be shy I really request this all for you. Our chef here is a really good cook for sure you'll enjoy it." Mrs. Romsaithong said. Me and my siblings are salivating over the food cause they all look good.

Everyon startes to eat but I was still scanning the long table just to see that most of the food are mostly new to our eyes then one dish caught my eye it in bite size so I got one to taste it.

The flavor of it is really good so I got a few more. Mile also give and put some other food in my plate for me to taste. I was enjoying the food when all of a sudden I suddenly felt itchy all over my neck and arms.

"Oh my hey Apo what is wrong with you?" P'Tong worried stand up from his seat then went to me.

I can't even speak any word so I shock my head as a no. I keep on itching my neck and now I'm having a hard time to breathe.

"I think his having a allergic reaction." Mr. Romsaithong said then he run somewhere and when he came back he told P'Tong and the others to move a side then all of a sudden I felt a sharp thing stab in my inner thigh.

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