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Apo's Pov.

After fishing me and Ta decided to go back at the island, but while we are paddling back we saw a yacht park near the Island.

"Wow that yacht is so pretty." Ta commented.

Well he is right the yacht is really pretty and big if may I add. There's also people coming down the yacht I thing they are a family but what bring them here in this deserted island? Are they here for Mile? Are them his family?

" Phi come on we're already here." Ta snapped his fingers infrot of my face.

When we came down the boat we heard Barcode calling for us, running toward us.

"Hey nong slow down you might fell down." I said as he stop in front of us.

"Sorry Phi but did you see the big yacht, they said it was a rich family that will bring supplies and help for the few families here in the Island." So they are here to deliver and give people goods, like food and medicines. So it was a good news.

"Oh Phi that was a good news, specially now that we didn't get much from our fishing there help will help us last long until the next season of fish." Ta was really excited knowing the news.

After saying that both of them pulled me towards the said people where my neighbours are in line to get their share.

While we are getting near a red thread from Ta's pinky finger suddenly appeared so I follow the thread and there I saw one of the family members finger with a red thread that connects to Ta's.
It was a beautiful boy I think same age as him.

When we get in front of the line the boy smiled at Ta so I look at my brother and there he is starstruck and stuck at his place.

You may ask me why do I see that. I don't know myself but I think it was a super power of mine that I get to see red coloured strings that connects to people but when I was a little boy my dad told me that he can see it to and I might inherit it from him but it was just a secret between the two of us. My father also told me that string is a connection between to people who destined to be together and it was a red string of love.

"You are so beautiful what is your name?" Ta ask with hesitation and out of nowhere that surprises the boy and us.

The boys I think parents (both guys) seems to understand what is happening so they kind a tease their son who was now red as a tomato.

"Come on son this young man is asking for your name." one of the parents ask.

He look at his father before looking back at Ta and answer his question.

"My name si Copper." the shy boy said.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful boy like you." my ghad this boy is really hook by this beauty.

"What about you young man what's your name?" one of the older guy ask.

"Oh hello Sir I'm Ta" he proudly introduce himself.

"And you too?" he ask again.

"Oh I'm Apo and this is Barcode our youngest." I did the introduction cause I know Barcode won't be talking.

"Nice meeting you by the way I'm  Porsche and this is my husband Arm." (Ps. They are a real couple and husbands) he offer his hand for a handshake so we accept it then I decided to go cause we are stopping and causing delay.

" We are sorry Sir we cause a delay to give all the food we are going now thank you very much for this blessing." after saying that Barcode pulled Ta closer and we all did our good bye it was a littke rude for us to get our share and just ho but some eyes are looking at us so we decided to go home instead and Mile might be waiting for us.

Upon entering the house I realise that, Mr. Porsche can help Mile to go back home. So I quickly go to his room but I found nothing inside so I when down and roam around the house but there is no Mile to be found.

"Maybe he went outside cause he notice or get a news that there is a family who help thay people of the island." I said to myself. I sat down the chair and put my head down on the table.

"He didn't even bother to say bye to us." it was disappointing cause he forgot us just like that after knowing he can finally go home.

"Oh you are back. I took a bath cause I feel kind a better right now and sorry I took some of your clothes Apo." Mile said walking out the restroom.

Hearing him made me stand up of my chair and hug him. I heard him hissed in pain so I let go of him

"Why a sudden hug?" he ask me while I help him sit down.

"Oh nothing I thought you already leave cause the room is empty. " well that it the truth I don't wanna lie.

"Oh I'm not fully recovered yet Po and you also told me that to get help we should still to go at the big island but the both that we use can't bring us there." he said.

"No speaking of that their is a family I think from the city to just visit us here and they also give food and medicine come on, I'm sure they can help you." I said I was about to help him get up but a sudden voice echo inside our house.

"P'Ta I told you, you can't go with them!" it was Barcode solding his older brother.

"But Code I fell in love at first sight." Ta said that made our youngest face palm.

"P'Apo he is being hard headed again." Barcode complain to me.

"Why what happen?" it was Mile who ask.

"Well the rich family already left and P'Ta here wants to follow them with the boat like as if the boat can be paddle much far away." he said.

"Mr. Porsche and his family alredy left?" I ask and both of them just nod.

I look at Mile but I didn't see any disappointment in his eyes but he seem to be relieved instead.

"Sorry Mile looks like you ain't going home for now." I apologise but instead of saying anything he just look at me and smile, then he touch my hand and then we both feel shock by lightning.

"Oh what's that?" he ask holding his hand.

"I don't know ei----" I did finish what I'm about to say cause I suddenly saw his finger and my finger knotted with a red string and it was connected.

After so many years I saw a string knotted onto me together with the person who I fell in love at first sight.


Hello readers, here is another update. I hope you like it, enjoy reading love you guys. 💚💛

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