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Apo's Pov.

After our conversation that night everything is back to normal. But the thing I notice the most is  the way Linn treat us specially me. She is now rather giving me a cold shoulders and all that she never did before but I didn't give much of attention to it cause they say if a woman if pregnant they tend to be more grumpy .

While I was coking I heard Linn's voice , she seems mad about something that. I know that listening to others conversation is not right but I can't help myself to do so.

"You should better keep that secret safe or else all our plan will go down hill. Don't worry about them , I will surely throw them out when the right time comes ."What does she mean about that?

When she drops the the call I immediately run back inside the kitchen but her words are still stock in my head . I know that it isn't part of my job but I really wanted to know about the plan that she is hiding cause I feel like that plan it not good at all. 

" Why does the dark thread around her became darker ?" I thought to myself  . I am wrong about the thinking that , that thread means death? Whatever is it I need to know. 

-Fast Forward-

" Apo I'm going out and please don't tell Mile." Linn said 

"But I was told to keep an eye at you and Mile said that you can't go out without him so please wait here and while I call him." Going out on his own now is not a good idea.

"And who do  you exactly think are to tell me this kind of things ?"  There is a hit of annoyance in her voice.

" Linn I'm just following what I was told to do ." Is she really ok.

"Huh that is right you just follow the rules that you are told so don't you ever tell what to do. I'm also your employer so follow everything I say and don't act like we're in the same page cause we are not." Did I do something wrong to her?

"And Mile already knows and I'm going home with him so don't bother on telling him." After saying that she left the house and I was there left alone confuse and shock of her actions.

Mile's Pov.

I'm on my way home when I received a text from an unknown number. I stop the car for the meantime to check the message.

"Be careful of the people around you some of them maybe aren't real friend." What does it mean and who is this?

After reading the text I continue to drive home. When I arrive home I saw Barcode and Ta at the living room watching a random movie.

"Good evening P'Mile welcome home." The two said in unison, and I greet them back .

"Did you see Linn?" I ask them but both of them shook their heads as a no.

" Oh Mile you're home." It  was Apo he just came out the pantry with a bag of chips on his hands.

" Apo where is Linn?" I saw confusion on his face when I ask him.

"Linn went out at first I stop him to go out but she told me that you know and you'll meet each other." Linn didn't tell me anything.

"But still why didn't you call me for confirmation." My voice went slightly high and that made the brothers flinch .

" I'm sorry Mile. This won't happen again I'm really sorry." Apo hung his head down. 

"I'll be in the kitchen now so if you'll excuse me."  I was about to say something but Apo quickly run towards the kitchen. I sat down beside the two when Barcode spoke...

"Phi we are also sorry we also stop P'Linn in going out like you told us but like P'Po we can't stop her ." Both of the brothers get up and went to their  rooms.

I want to smack myself for raising my voice at Apo ' but I know he will understand where I'm coming from.

-Fast Forward-

I was now inside our room lying down when the door slowly opens up. Then Linn quietly enters thinking I was asleep.

"Why are you home so late?" I ask her and  that made her flinch and jump.

"You're still awake I thought you're already asleep." She change the topic.

" Don't change the topic Linn and tell me the truth. Where did you go and you came home late?" I ask her again.

"I'm sorry Love ,I came out to visit my friend and I didn't bother to tell you cause I know how busy you are at the company." She hug me tight, she really knows how to get me.

"Love you know that your pregnancy is not like the others and you are the only exception to everything that I do so even if I'm busy or not contact me and tell me everything. " I hug her back and kiss the top of his head.

" I love you so much love." She said .

"I love you more Mi Amor." I said then kiss here passionately.

Apo's Pov.

I'm now outside walking by myself thinking all my life decision .

"Is this really the right choice?" I ask myself tears flowing down my cheeks.

I thought everything is fine but  why do I still need to supper. All I want is too give my brothers a better life but why does my feelings needs to interfere in everything why does this stupid feeling of mine just fade away?

A few minutes ago I was walking back to my room after cleaning the kitchen and the dining table when I saw Mile's door is slightly open so I decided to close it cause I thought he was already asleep but I regret doing that cause I just saw them kissing and without thinking I suddenly run outside the house and now I'm here walking alone without knowing where I am going anymore.

As I run and walk the far I get but when I look back I realize that I was gone and much worst is I don't know how to go back.

"I'm such a unlucky bastard.


Hello readers double Update today. Hope you all like it and please enjoy reading.

Love you all<3

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