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Apo's Pov. 

I can't sleep at all cause Mile  is hugging from the back and his now breathing behind my neck. His heavy and hot breath is making my whole body shiver.

"Po its already late stop fidgeting and close your eyes to sleep." I was taken a back when he spoke. 

"Oh, sorry but can you please remove your hand and stop hugging me ." I awkwardly ask him.

"Why, we always sleep like this right?" He pout at me , even though he was really sleepy and his eyes are close he still didn't forget to act cute when he want something from me. Is he also like this with Linn?

He open his eyes then in a spilt second he was already on top of me.  "Hey I know what you are thinking." He said then lightly push my head back. "Can you not think about someone when you are with me." He added.

"When did I think about other person that you?" I cover my mouth when I realize what I said, It was supposed to be a secret . 

"Oh so I'm always on your mind wait no, no I was the only one in your mind is much better to say." I knew it his going to tease me.

"Apo don't pout your or I might claim those lips." After saying that he lick his own lips in a tempting way.

"No , my brothers are also in my mind not just you." I said then push him but he was much stronger than I am so I was just push back down. 

"Let's stop now and I'm really sleepy ." He said so I thought he was going back to his place but he did not and instead he lay down in my chest. I wanted to push him back but I can't so I just gave up and sleep in that position.


Morning came and I woke up without Mile beside me so I thought he was already downstairs , so I get up and then I tidy his bed , we've been sleeping beside each other again for a week now and I was already comfortable and  I was already use to it and most importantly I feel the warmth that once became mine.

While I was tidying his room when I notice a note on his table. " I was called early at the company so I didn't wake you up. I already cook you breakfast and I will drive the kids to school to so just rest there and do whatever you like  and I'll try to go home as soon as I can , see you later;)"  I can't help but smile after reading his letter for me. If someone see me they might think I'm crazy cause I was smiling ear to ear just from reading a letter given by his crush.

"Hey Apo stop smiling and do your job now." I scold myself but I still can't stop smiling.

~Fast Forward~

While I was cooking for our lunch I heard a sudden knock on a door.  

"Coming!" I shout while removing my apron. I was all smile thinking it was Mile who came home but it was quickly erase bye the time I open the door. 

"Linn..." That is the only word that escape from my lips.

"Why do you seems so surprise? " She ask then enter the house as if she owns it.

"Can you please help me carry my bags to our room, I was really tired and then make me some juice after." Her voice was full of authority.

When I reach Mile's room I quickly put down her things then I put the letter Mile wrote me to my pocket cause I don't want Linn to see it.  When I reach downstairs she was glaring at me as if I did something bad to him.

"Why did you take so long? I just ask you to put my things upstairs !"  She raise her voice at me and all I can say is sorry then proceed to the kitchen to make her a drink.

After finishing making her drink I quickly get back to her but I was stop in my place after seeing Mile he was finally home kissing Linn.

Then again my dream was once again shutters.

Mile's Pov.

I was so eager to get home cause I know Apo will cook something delicious.

"Hey, Hey my friend is in a rush. Why is that?" I heard a voice from behind so I turned around and gave him a dirty finger.

"Oh come on man. You've been away for so long and you will just greet me like that my heart hurst." he even acts as if he is having a heart attack.

"When will you ever change huh, Nodt?" I said but this guy just gave me a wink then he walks towards me for a hug.

"It is bee a few months since I came back but I juat saw you now so why is that?" Now I'll be that one you will ask.

"Oh... I was on a business trip." He seems indenial.

"We're friends so you should tell me. Wait you don't need to tell me, You may be in a business but you're with your personal assistant ok I know now." I said with a mocking tone.

"What do you mean by, you know huh?" see he started it but he is the one ending up being sulky.

"Khun Nodt we need to go now cause your meeting is about to start with in thirty minutes." Speaking of his Personal assistant.

"Oh Perth, its good that you're here take away your boss he keeps on pestering me." He then just nod and ask Nodt to go again.

~Fast Forward~

I was so excited going home cause I'll see Apo again but I was shock to see Linn as soon as I open the door.

"You're finally home." She said then hug me as soon as I get near her I was about to ask here a question when all of a sudden she kiss me on the lips and thats when Apo came out of the kitchen. He was shock as me but the pain is very visible in his eyes.

"Why doesn't things work the way we want them to be?"



Hello readers here is another update for you. Enjoy reading love you all. 💚💛

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