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Apo's Pov.

As I was looking out side the window I  heard Mile moaning on his sleep.

"Please I-I can't do this anymore t-take m-me home." he looks like a lost kid. Sweat dripping down his forehead and tear flowing down his eyes, so I woke him up.

"Hey Mile wake up, you are dreaming come on wake up." I shake his body a liitle bit.

"Agh!" he said when he woke up he even almost hit me in the face, but when he notice who am I he hug me and sob like a kid who was just scold. It was a surprise seeing him crying since even as a child I never seen other man my age cry. I pat his back to calm him down cause his body is shaking.

I wanted to ask about his dream but I don't want him to feel more uncomfortable so I decided to keep quiet.

When I notice that somehow he calms down I move away from the hug and get a glatof water.

"Hey, here drink some water." I said as I bring him the glass of water near the bed.

"Thank you." he thank me but you still can see that he was still afraid to talk about his dream or rather nightmare.

"Are you ok now? Do you want anything?" I ask cause somehow I feel pity at him. I thought because of him being rich, he is living a good and pretty life but I think I'm work rich people also do have problems of their own.

He answer me with a nod and a small smile. You might be richer than the rich but we're still both human that facing our own problems.

"Wanna get some fresh air outside? Its good to walk at this hour and the sky is really good and full of stars" I ask.

"Sure and perhaps I should really get some fresh air." I help him get up and walk until we get out side where an old tree fell down. We sat there and feel the wind hitting our skin. It was cold but it was tolerable.

"The sky is really beautiful at night, stars are shining and twinkling." he commented.

"Yeah, stars are my and brothers entertainment every night. We like to count them even though we know there are infinite count of them.

" It sure a good type of entertainment." he said the grin.

" Hey are you mocking us? Sorry Mr. We are poor ok? " well I kind a went over board

"Wait Po chill I'm not mocking your way of entertainment or your status in life it was just so fun not funny to see how excited and proud of what you have and I envy you for that." he said both his arms up like a guys who is just caught by the police.

"Oh sorry about my sudden outburst its just the thought of you mocking us is uncomfortable again sorry." it is true that I mis understood him.

"You don't need to say sorry. I should be the one saying sorry cause I don't use my words correctly, it was just a habit of mine that I develop growing up, but for real I don't really intend to mock you or anything I'm sorry." he said and bow his head.

"You know what why don't we go inside now I feel kind a tired and I need to rest early because I need to go fishing early so I can sell my catch to the buyers from near by island." I stand up then offer him my hand to help him get up.

He accepts my offer the I helo him get inside the house. When we arrive at the room I slowly guide him to sit.

" Why are your siblings sleeping there? "he ask pointing at my brothers sleeping at the flooring using a thin foam.

"Oh they really sleep there while I sleep at the bed but since you still can't move properly, I'll go sleep beside them. So rest now and just wake me or my siblings up if you need anything." I was about to lay beside Barcode when Mile called me.

"Hey Po we can share the bed and it looks like there is no space there." he said while tapping the space beside him.

"No it's ok you can sleep and rest now don't mind me but for your peace of mind I'l go sleep there when I've felt uncomfortable here." I assure him cause it I didn't do that we might be fighting about that until be both agree to one's decision. So I lay done beside my brothers and slowly sleep ate me.

Fast forward.

Morening came both me and Ta get ready for fishing while we lelf Barcode to help Mile for  while cause Mile is still sleeping.

"Phi I hope we get more fish this time, cause last time we only got fish and we didn't even get the chance to sell them." This guy really do have a sharp tongue.

"Hey as least we do have something to it. So don't be a picky don't worry if Uncle Lu came back from his work the the big Island (Big Island is where the hotels and other buildings and transportation is available.) I ask him to help us or we can just buy to the other vendor, meat." I'm guilty and kind a mad at my self cause I can't afford to buy them food other than fish that we freshly caught ir sometimes various vegetables that me and my brother grow behind the house.

" Phi Im not complaining about our food but my concern is about about us having not enogh food." well he had a point.

Maybe I should ask Mr. Lu to help me find a Job at the Big island ao I can provide more for my siblings.

Maybe I should dream higher and don't settle for just being like this.


Hello readers, here is another update at this story hope you like.

This is my birthday gift for you. Love you all

Happy new year everyone.

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