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Mile" Pov.

After that incident Linn and I continued our morning and get ready to the doctors.

All the way to the hospital we are just quite and no one dares to talk until we reach the hospital where in she will do her monthly check up.

"Stay here outside I can go alone." She said to me when we arrive in front of her Ob-Gyne's door. I nod my head as approval and sit on the bench outside the room.

While waiting I decided to make a phone call cause Ta seems very sick early in the morning.

I contacted Barcode but no response so I try again a few times and still no response. I put back my phone inside my pocket when Linn's Phone ring. I look at the name but it was just a unknown number, I was about to answer it when a hand snatch the phone away from me.

"Oh your done." I stand up and fix her hair. I was a bit shock of her sudden action. It looks like she is hiding something but I still choose to ignore it.

"Yeah, the doctor and I just talk about how will I take care of myself so that our baby will be born healthy." she said.

"You must be tired come on let's go home and I'll cook you anything you like." I stroke her hair and kiss it.

"No need love I want to spend a few days at my parents cause I miss them ao much." She said tearing up, ao I thought maybe because she is pregnant that is why she is more sensitive than usual.

"Ok love. I'll take you home to your parents house." I assure her.

"Thank you love. Sorry cause it was supposed to be us but I think maybe because I'm pregnant I keep wanting to see my parents specially mom." Adter saying that she went on a tip toe and kiss me on the cheek.

After that we went back at the car and drove away to his parents house. While on the way I ask her if she wants to go to the drive thru but she refused and continue to drive her home.

We arrive after an hour and a half. I get out of the car and went to her side.

"Linn, love wake up where already here." I try to wake her up but she didn't move even an inch so I decided to lift her up in a bridal style.

When I get near the door. I started to knock but no one answer so I knock a few more and a guys opens up the door. I look at him up and down cause he is not wearing a top.

"Who are you?" I ask him, but instead of answering he look at Linn who is sleeping in my arms.

"I should be asking you that question. Who are you and why are you holding my wife like that?" I was to stunned to speak but I gather all my courage and ask.

"Linn is your wife?" I ask him.

"Who's Linn? Her name is Cath." I look at her to confirm but all I can see is Linn and not other person. I was about to ask him again but he get Linn away from my hold.

"I don't know what is your problem and who this Linn is but you better stay away from my wife or else you'll be seeing the one above early." He shut the door in my face and that left me stunned and didn't even move an inch.

Who is this man and why is he claiming that Linn is her wife and where is her parents?

After that incident I drove home and take a rest but the thought of that man claiming Linn as her wife is making me over think things.

While driving I decided to turn around and drive back to that house again cause I want an answer and to clear everything and if my hunch is right why does Linn doing this?

When I arrive at the house I knock on the door and once again the guy before opens up the door and not Linn's parents.

"You again." He seems so disappointed but I don't care less cause I really wanted to talk right now.

"I would like to talk to you." I calmly said.

At first he seems sceptical and I understand that but I really need to have a word with him or else I'll be over thinking things.

"Sure lets talk beside the pool." He said then walk towards the said place.

"By the way I'm Jes. So what do you want to talk about?" he ask me as soon as we sat down.

"It was about Li-- I mean Cath. How long have you been in a relationship with her?" If he say two years. It means they had relationship when she went gone and missing.

"We've been in a relationship for five years and married for two years so we've been together for seven years." Seven?! So linn already had a relationship before I even known her?

"And the baby?" I ask again cause all this time I know the baby was mine.

"Yeah the baby is mine and my wife is at most four months pregnant." My eyes widens.

"What about her parents?" I ask again. I know that this question is to much but I really wanted to know all of this.

"Parents? Her parents died when she was still in high school." he was confuse answering my question.

So who are the parents she introduced to me before?

"Why are you asking me this questions out of nowhere. One you suddenly showed up in our house carrying my wife and the came back to ask about this kind of information. Now tell me what do you really want and who really are you?." I stands up and point a finger at me.

" I'm Mile and I'm Linn's Fiance which you know as Cath. We've been in a relationship for two years then she came missing two years later and now she showed up in front of my house and we're living for three months and she told me that she is pregnant for two months. I didn't know anything about you. I didn't mean to ruin a relationship specially a family. I'm really sorry Jess . I never know anything about you. " After saying that Jes became quite and so do I.

" So you're saying that Cath is cheating on me? " I look at him and shook my head as a no.

" She isn't cheating just on you but also to me." I said firmly.

I waste all my love and money for a person who is just using me and other people for her satisfaction.

"I have a plan do you want to join me?" Jes suddenly suggested. I agree with it and we both agree on how will we do it.

"People are not toys for you to play with."


Hello readers!!!!!

I'm back at writing again thank you all for waiting. My grandmother just got out of the hospital yesterday but she still needs to gain more energy so daily updates is not available yet. I'm sorry for not updating but I will do my best to write weekly.

I love you all and I hope you enjoyed it. 💚💛

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