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Apo's Pov.

I woke up to the sound of people's loud voices then I slowly open up my eyes to just to see my brothers playing at the tv.

I was getting up when I heard a voice behind me. " Oh you're finally awake." It was Mile with a bowl of chips in his hands.

When he gets near me he puts down the bowl in front of the two then sit beside me and that's when I notice another chip but it was still in a bag sealed.

"Is that for me?" I ask then he looks at me and the bag, then he opens it. I thought he will give it to me but instead he pick up a piece and put it in directly to his mouth.

I just rolled my eyes at him and attempt to grab some at the bowl my brothers have but he stop me by putting a piece in front of my lips.

I look at him but he just smiled at me. I did take the chip but I know the look at my face is funny cause his face is about to brust out laughing.

Mile's Pov.

I just wanted to tease him a little cause the looks on his face is really cute I just can't help it.

He was about to grab chips at his brothers bowl but I quickly pick one and put it in his lips he took it but his eyes are piercing like a spear and it was funny but cute at the same time.

I was about to feed him another but my phone suddenly rings. I was hesitant to answer her calls but if I didn't our plan will go to waste.

"I'm going to answer it for a while." I excuse my self to get out an away from them.

"Hello, Love why did you call?" I hope the ranging anger is not visible at my voice.

"Well love, I just wanted to inform you that I'll be staying at my parents house for a while. I'm sorry I hope you understand." What a two face B.

"It's ok I understand. Take care always." I said then she said I love you but I just hung up the phone cause I don't want to hear any more fake worda coming out his mouth.

I went back inside just to find Apo is gone, so I went upstairs but again he wasn't there either. I decided to go back and to my surprise he was there comfortably sitting at the couch.

"Where did you go?" I ask as soon as I get near him.

"Oh the bag of chips is empty so I went at the kitchen but the cabinet is out too so I went at the back at the pantry room to get some I hope you're not mad." He awkwardly smile and slightly bow his head.

I was about to say something when his too brothers spoke.

" It's ok P'Po, P'Mile won't mind it after all he is a kind person. " Ta  commented.

" Not just kind but also caring cause  he told us when we first move here that we can do anything here and eat anything too so don't be like that Phi just thank P'Mile and be grateful to the blessings he is sharing with us. " Barcode said the continue eating their chips while playing some video games.

" Hey! Yes Mile did say that but it doesn't mean we will take him for granted. " I pat his head and raffle it a bit.

"Apo it's ok after all what's mine is also Yours " I feel like he meant aomething different when he said yours.

"See Phi that's the kind of man I want to be when I grow up and had Copper as my husband." Ta said.

"Well P'Ta aren't you going to find Copper?" Barcode as his brother but who is this Copper?

"Ahm am I missing something? Who is this Copper?" I ask them. They just look at each other.

"Well Phi when we were at the Island I already told you about him. He is the one I met at the Island the son of the rich volunteer that last when there." Oh now I remember he even told me that when they shake their hands he felt a sudden shock and both of then let go of each others hand.

"Do you want to find him?" I ask but I was interrupted by Apo.

"You don't have to do that Mile cause it they're meant to be they'll eventually meant each other and be together. So keep fighting my brother." Apo said, well he had a point but isn't it much better to accept my help fasten the process of looking.

"I know what you are thinking but I still won't tolerate it cause what is wrong about finding love slowly and no matter how slow the process is it was still for sure worth waiting." huh he really doea read my mind.

"Well you know what P'Po is right. Cause if P'Ta really wants to see the person he true loves he should learn to be patient and calm. You too P'Mile even yourself is slow." What does he mean about calling me slow. Barcode is slowly being a tease too.

"You're right after all I can wait, no matter how long or no matter how things will turned out." Ta is really determined to find his beauty.

Apo's Pov.

After all the commission we all decided to go upstairs and it was already late and we're already full eating all those chips.

The two of my brothers went to there own room so I will go too but Mile pulled my had.

"Yes do you need anything?" I ask confuse of his sudden action.

"Can you sleep again beside me here in my toom." Mile said.

"Of course anything you like."I smiled at him and so does he.

" Hoping that this dream will last forever. "


Hello readers here is another update. Thank you for always waiting and aupporting my work I hope that you enjoyed it.

Ps. I got a new job for at least three months so the update will became much slower that this. I hope you all understand, after all I won't stop but I will just be slow. Anyway love you all enjoy reading. 💚💛

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