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...but I don't know that voice.

Waves of sounds hit my ears, my hand grabs something, and sheets bawl in my fist, as I try to open my eyes. Instead of my eyes opening, my muscles tighten down my body, soreness going through my entire body. Trying to open my eyes once again, my lids finally open only to see darkness around me.

Looking around, I realize I'm laying in the middle of a very large bed. Pushing against the mattress, I sit up, with no rushing pain. Twisting my back to either side, I relax when I don't feel any pain at all. Swinging my feet off the large bed, I look at the small pill and glass of water on the dark bedside table.

Definitely, not taking that.

Jumping off the bed, I head towards the large dark drapes, opening them up. I gasp and fall back when I see a large cliff on the other side of the window. The red liquid flowed down the sides of the rocky black cliff. Getting up, I take my step back to the window, "holy fuck."

"You shouldn't have gotten out of bed," a man's calm voice says, turning around, I place my back against the glass. "Or you should have at least taken the medicine." Standing in the doorway that I hadn't even noticed, the man leans against the dorm frame, the little part of his face I can see, staring straight at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to put a pill I don't know in my mouth, I could die," I tell him, staring right back at him.

"I didn't save you just to kill you," the man says, stepping out from the darkness, the red light from behind me flitting against his face. Grabbing the pill and glass, he comes towards me, reaching out to hand them to me. "Would you please just take this?"

"Leave me alone," I tell him, staring at his outstretched hand. "I'm not going to take it, so just leave me alone. Please."

"I'm not going to hurt you," he tells me, stepping closer to me.

Closing my eyes, I take deep breaths, as I feel his presence come closer to me, "sweetheart, open your eyes," he whispers.

Squeezing my lids even harder together, I feel a cold hand on my cheek, you aren't going to die alone. "Open your eyes," the man repeats. "Please sweetheart, open your eyes."

Relaxing my face, I open my eyes, my own now staring into his dark eyes. "I need you to take care of yourself, please," he begs me. "Just take the pill, it will help you feel better."

Continuing to stare into his eyes, his facial expressions soften until he has a slight smile on his lips, trusting him, I reach down and grab the two items, popping the pill in my mouth with a small swig. Instantly I could feel a cool liquid run through my veins, the soreness that was in my muscles vanishing. "Good girl."

"What the hell was that?" I whisper, his face still inches away from mine. "Why could I feel it?"

"Did it help?" he asks, turning around, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes," I answer him, my eyes narrowing as he didn't answer my question. "How did you know that would help me?"

"It helps anyone Lilith," he tells me, goosebumps crawling at my name.

"How the hell do you know my name?" I ask.

"I know everyone's name," the man replies, the smile only growing more prominent on his face. "It's one of my many talents."

"What are you, God?" I ask, a laugh coming out of my mouth, my eyes finally averting away from him. Looking up from the marble floor, I see the smile on his face has disappeared, his eyes now darker than they were before.

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