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Stalking up the stairs, I slam the doors open to find Harium waiting for me, his arms behind his back. "Don't even think about it," I snap, as I head past him.

    "Don't think about what Lilith," he asks, his snarkiness just adding to my anger. "But may I advise you not to follow him right now. We just had someone come into the palace."

    Stopping, I spin around to face him, the coolness of anger taking over my features. "I just had an arrow shot towards my head, and then I was shot into the fucking air. Tell me where he went. Now."

    "I'm afraid I can't do that, and don't try pulling that bullshit of you are the Queen. His orders go over yours," he tells me, a smirk on his face.

    "Tell me where he is," I scream, pushing against his chest as he just stares at me. "Fucking shit Harium. Where the fuck did he go?"

    As I let my fist hit him once again, I can see my veins starting to shine the same blue as Lucifer. My hand slips back to my side as Harium goes flying against the nearest wall, staring at him, I run over to him, helping him up. "I'm so sorry, I didn't, I don't."

    "Just follow me," he mumbles, brushing my hand off and heading down the hall. Trying to take deep breaths, I follow him but no matter how much I try to calm down, I can't seem too. Keeping up with him, we went down a hall I've never been in. "Just remember, I told you not to come here." With that he opens the door, revealing an empty room.

    Walking in, I see Isabania staring at a window, Lucifer and Koriene circling an old man. "What are they doing?" I ask Iz as I step next to her. Jumping at my presence, she shoots Harium a glare before turning back to the window.


    "He knows something about what happened, doesn't he?" I ask, glaring as they continue circling the man like hawks.

    "Came to us, right as the arrow went past you," Iz confirms. "You shouldn't be here."

    "I wouldn't try that," Harium insists from behind us. "She has his powers, and clearly doesn't know how to fucking use them."

    "I said I'm sorry," I scoff, rolling my eyes at his little tantrum. "I want in."

    "Look Lilith, I love you and totally think you could get answers out, but look at you," Isabania tells me, grabbing my arms and pointing at my blue veins. "Now look at Lucifer, his demonic side is not out, he is in full control."

    "But he is in there with her," I state, my anger boiling more as my eyes follow Koriene through the interrogation room.

    "Look, I don't like her any better than you, but she is great at this, part of her job here, so let her do it," she tells me, shrugging.

    Watching them stalk around the man, I try to flex my hands, anything to get rid of this anger but only hiss when I feel a sharp knife like tip cut my hand. Looking down, I see my fingernails have elongated into daggers. Grabbing my hand, Iz laughs, "that's a new power. Guess you are just full of surprise."

    Before I could respond, a loud crash came from behind the glass, the old man now on the floor, his chair thrown on the floor. Taking my hand back, I start heading down the door, when Harium jumps in front of me. "If you want to see what is about to happen, I suggest that you watch from this side."

    "Fine," I mumble, stepping back to the window. "This is so fucking stupid, how hard is it to get information out of someone."

    "They aren't people, he is a soul, they don't bleed or hurt like normal people, not until they are beaten down at least," Harium explains.

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