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"Lilith, you will look beautiful," Isabania tells me as I start pacing against the wall once again. Yesterday I agreed to become the fucking queen of Hell, and now here I fucking am. My stomach keeps turning, I barely slept last night which you can see in my face.

    "Fuck," I whisper, continuing to walk as Isabania just watches me. "You know you can be doing anything other than staring at me."

    "You need to be feisty more often," she tells me with a smirk. "But not to me, I don't play that shit. So sit the fuck down, so I can start helping you, your dress is on the way."

    Listening to her, I sit down in the glass chair, staring into the mirror as she comes up behind me. Watching as her delicate hands start working through my hair, "Can I have my hair up, don't want it in my face," I tell her.

    "Of course my queen," she says, smirking when I make a face at that.

    "Please tell me that people aren't going to call me that," I plead, watching in awe as she starts curling my hair simply with her fingers.

    "I don't know, I'm sure Lucifer will try and force people too, and most don't go against him but he can't bend them to his will," she tells me, concentrating on my hair. "You want frame pieces?"

    "Sure," I tell her. "Iz, be honest with me. How bad is he?"

    "Lilith, he is the Devil. He has a reputation, the tales that mortals tell are true, and he is the villain in every story for a reason. He isn't a good man, but then again, he is Lucifer. He cares, he takes care of us, he has reasons for what he does, now at least. And I can tell just from the two days you have been here, he would burn down the world for you."

    Blushing at her words, I try not to smile, I believe her. Continuing on my hair, she shapes my hair into a bun, laying it close to my neck as some curls frame my face. As she finishes, the door opens, and Lorenzo comes in. Sitting down on the chair, he just watches us as Iz turns me around and starts working on my makeup.

    "What do you want Lo?" Isabania asks, my eyes closing as she brushes color.

    "I was told to come see how everything is going," he responds. "Getting any cold feet yet Lilith?"

    "Warm," I mumble, Iz scolding Lorenzo for making me talk.

    "Well, I have a surprise that I'm not exactly sure is a good thing or a bad thing," he tells us. "I know it's cheesy, but I think that you both should get a present on your wedding day, so I got Harium to say he would help me. You and Luce are going to do a little photo session before the ceremony."

    "Really?" I mumble, this time Iz scolds me, telling me to nod my head from now on. As I try not to smile, she starts on my lips, Lorenze explaining what we are going to do.

    "I know you've had the whole wedding before and I know he told us not to ask you about it, but I know it's something mortals do. And because no one is going to be taking photos of the ceremony, I thought this would be nice," he explains.

    Right as he finishes explaining, Iz smiles and lets my face go,  "Done."

    Looking in the mirror, my eyes go wide, I don't fucking recognize myself. My skin looks flawless, my eyes have this sharp eyeliner that just makes me look like a fucking badass. Then my lips, they have a dark red on them, I've never gone dark in my makeup. "You look hot," Iz tells me, fixing a curl around my face.

    "Thank you," I whisper, a knock comes on the door, and Harium pokes his head in.

    "I have your dress, are you ready for it?" he asks, nodding my head, he brings in this beautiful dress, hanging it against the mirror before pulling Lorenzo out.

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