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 Waking up, my eyes slowly open before I close them instantly. I don't want to be awake, after dinner last night Lucifer helped me find my bedroom, telling me that we would change it up whenever I wanted to. After struggling to get my dress off, I finally got into bed, drifting off to sleep the minute my head hit the pillow.

Turning towards the open curtains, I open my eyes, slower this time as I look out at the red lava-spilling canyon. Staring at the red liquid flow, I start to think about the pain I experienced yesterday. I don't understand how doing a blood oath could hurt more than losing my soul. When I signed the contract, I didn't feel anything, but yesterday hurt like a bitch.

Turning back away from the flowing liquid, I see a little note on my bedside table, grabbing it as I lay on my back.

It reads:

Good morning Darling,

I want to discuss a couple of things with you today, you look so comfortable sleeping that I didn't want to wake you up. Just come to my office whenever you wake up.


Your husband

Smiling at how he signs it, I place the note back onto the side table, slowly getting out of bed, and heading towards the bathroom. Doing my business, I then stare at myself in the mirror. I want to see what I looked like when I changed.

Lucifer said I had Amber's eyes, I remember my teeth feeling pointed, trying to imagine this, I see my eyes flicker through, coolness casting over them as they fully turn a dark shade of amber. Feeling my teeth start to poke into my lips, I open my mouth just a little bit, flicking my tongue over the sharp edges.

Flicking my wrist out, a circle of fire runs around it, over and over again until I flick it back towards me, the flame instantly gone. That is so fucking cool.

Walking into the closet, I roll my eyes at the amount of clothes that Lucifer had made for me. I don't think I've ever owned this many clothes, there is no way that I am ever going to go through all of these. Grabbing a pair of off-white sweatpants, and a white crop top, I place some slippers on my covered feet and head out of my room.

Starting down the hall, I try to remember how to get to his office, turning a corner. I remember the pictures on the wall, so I at least semi-remember where I'm going. Turning another corner, I inwardly groan when I see Koriene heading my way.

"Lilith," she states, coming in front of me, and standing.

"Koriene," I stated, trying to fake a smile that only led to her rolling her eyes.

"I saw that little stunt at the ceremony, are you a witch or something? Getting him to kneel for you. It was pathetic, I just know he didn't do it by his own will," she spits at me.

Trying to ignore her, I take a step to the side, when she steps right in front of me. "I don't even want to talk to you, especially about Lucifer so please just leave me alone," I tell her.

"I just don't get it, what the fuck did you do to catch his attention?" she asks. I can't even say that it isn't a good question, because it is, but even if I knew the answer I still wouldn't answer.

"Move," I command, authority rising in my voice which I wasn't expecting and neither was Koriene with the step she just took back.

"You may have done some silly little ceremony but you aren't my queen," she hisses out, flipping her hair like a teenage drama queen in a movie.

"You can believe what you want, but I took that role. You don't have to like me, fuck I barely care if you listen to me, but get out of my way. I don't want to deal with you," I snap back, this time I can almost feel fire through my veins as she continues getting on my nerves. Looking down I see the same vibrant blue that Lucifer was showing yesterday.

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