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Walking down the hallway, I follow Lucifer around the corner, Poppy keeping right next to me as I try to keep up with her owner. Turning a corner, I see a group of people waiting in the middle of a hallway, their backs to us.

"Guys vigilare," Lucifer shouts at the group of beings, making them turn around.

Stopping in my tracks, I feel Poppy bump into the back of my legs, as I stare at the group in front of me. Demons. As I continue to stare in front of me, Lucifer stops, turning my way with a worried face. Taking a couple of steps towards me, he hides my view of the creatures. "Lilith," he whispers as I continue to stare at his chest. "Lilith, look at me."

Slowly raising my gaze, I now stare at his worried face, "I just wasn't, I wasn't."

"I know, and you don't have to meet them, we can turn around right now, we can't wait," he tells me. "Seriously, we can turn around right now."

"I have to meet them at some time?" I ask. Nodding in confirmation, I just stare at him for a couple of seconds. "Okay, well then I guess I might as well meet them now."

"Are you sure?" he asks, his eyes searching mine.

"No," I answer truthfully, "but let's go." Stepping around him, I start to head toward the group when I realize I don't wanna go first. Stopping, I let Lucifer step in front of me, without thinking I grab his hand that is by his side. Following at barely a step behind, before we stop in front of the small group.

"This is Lilith," Lucifer introduces me, pulling me to stand right next to him, still holding my hand.

Smiling at the group, they all introduce themselves at one time, except for one girl at the end of the group. As she continues to stare at me, anger rises in me, taking a step towards her, I place my hand out. "I'm Lililth," I repeat, my hand still out for her to take.

"I heard," she tells me, her voice sultry as she flicks her gaze to my outstretched hand. "You're human."

"I'm so glad you can see something like that, I wasn't sure you were smart enough," I snap, my arm going back to my side. Hearing a couple of laughs coming from the rest of the group, I turn around to see Lucifer smirking at me as I step back to his side.

"Well, let's get going, I need to eat and we all have to talk about some stuff," Lucifer tells me, taking my hand and pulling me through the group. Walking in front of them makes me uncomfortable, not wanting to have my back to those I don't know.

As we continue walking, I step closer to Lucifer, "where are we going?"

"I thought everyone could use some food, these are my closest friends, you need to know them and trust them. Then I need to talk to you, alone," he whispers back. Nodding my head, I turn my head back in front of us. "You grabbed my hand back there."

Turning red, I continue looking forward, "Mmmhm." Stepping in front of two large doors, they open when we stop in front of them, a long table in the middle.

Grabbing my hand again, Lucifer sits us down at the head of the table where two seats await us, as the rest of the group flanks on either side of the table. As the last person takes their seat, the table is filled with all kinds of delicious food, and every person's plate is different.

"I know you all introduced yourselves earlier, but can you guys reintroduce yourself to Lilith," Lucifer asks, but his tone suggests this is not up for debate. Nodding their heads, they restart their introductions.

"I'm Harium, not a traditional human name so I don't expect you to remember it right away," the creature says, two horns coming out of his forehead, the rest of him looking normal. Dark hair, dark eyes, tan skin, and built. "I'm Lucifer's right-hand man, I take care of everything when he is away."

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