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It's been a little over a week since marrying the Devil, and it's been so fucking lonely and boring. After the one day in the meeting, I haven't been in another meeting, and when I have it's been so dull I don't remember anything from it.

While Lucifer and I have been sharing a bed, we haven't done anything else and to be completely honest, I want something. Before death, any physical touch or teasing was made by Adam, so I never wanted any of it. But with Lucifer, I wanted him every time I saw him. Pathetic.

Walking out of the dining room where I had eaten by myself, I walk towards Lucifer's office, where I see both him and Lorenzo walking out. While Lucifer didn't dress casually most often, he never wore a full suit like he is right now.

Moving my steps with them, Lucifer holds my waist, kissing my forehead as he continues talking to Lorenzo. Walking through the halls, we head into the meeting room where everyone is waiting for us. "Wait, Lucifer, can I talk to you real quick?" I ask, holding his hand, not letting him sit down.

"I'll be right back," he mutters, following me into the hallway. "What's wrong Darling?" he asks.

"I'm bored," I tell him. "We haven't left the palace like you said we would, and even then I still haven't found that wing with the more modern stuff. Lucifer I haven't even watched TV. I'm tired of reading old myths in books and," stopping myself from continuing I look down.

"And?" Lucifer asks, grabbing my chin to make me look up, that's when I see his smirk. He knows.

"And nothing but can we please go somewhere?" I plead, trying to give my best puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, tell me what you were going to say," Lucifer tells me, still holding my chin.

"You haven't touched me!" I whisper.

"Like this?" he asks, pushing me against the wall. His hands slid down my body to my clit, rubbing over my pants.

"Mmmhm," I mumble back, instantly wet from his actions, my cheeks red.

Taking his hand away from my body, he moves back away from me, his eyes darker than usual. "Lucifer," I whine, moving towards him, wanting him to finish what he started.

"Darling, I have to go into that room and have a meeting," he tells me, a sad smile on his lips. "I'm sorry, but we will go out tonight. Just come in there with me for ten minutes and then we can leave."

"Okay," I nod, walking into the meeting room. Sitting down across from Lucifer, I zone out as they start to talk.

I should probably listen in, especially after my first outburst in my first meeting, I need them to respect me. Trying to Focus, I turn my head to Isabania as she starts talking about a camp that has been set up by some river.

"Have they done anything? It's probably just a bunch of new lost souls trying to figure out where they are," Lucifer sighs. I can tell he is stressed by how tight his shoulders are, and how he keeps running his hands through his slicked-back gel.
"They haven't done anything, but their camp is growing dangerously big. I've never seen it this big," he replies.

"Well Lilith and I were going to go exploring, so we might stop by it on the way there," Lucifer states, sending a half-hearted smile my way.

I know I haven't known him for that long, but he hasn't been like this around me. This taken aback, this heartbroken, almost fearful. It doesn't suit him, and that's what scares me the most.

"I don't know if that is the best idea," Isabania whispers, her head hanging low as if she doesn't want to say what she just said.

"You don't have a say in this," Lucifer snaps at her, my blood boiling at the tone he just used with her.

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