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 "Okay, we literally have everything you could possibly want to eat or drink," I say while gazing over the pile of food and drinks on the table. After Lucifer showed me around the so-called modern area, I convinced him to watch Cinderella after we got all our snacks.

"You know I can think of one thing that isn't on this table that I would like to eat," Lucifer whispers, coming beside me and placing down some plates.

Looking at him with wild eyes, "what could we possibly be missing?!"

"You aren't on the table," he replies with a smirk, kissing my neck, as he pulls me against him, falling onto him as he falls onto the couch.

"Tsk tsk, the devil making dirty jokes," I chide, pulling the blanket over us as I turn on the movie.

"Always," he mumbles into my neck. "Now remind me how you got me to watch this movie?"

"It's a classic, a great movie, just watch it," I mumble. Scooting closer to him, his arms wrap around me, holding the blanket closer to us.

A couple minutes into the movie, my eyes start to feel heavy, I don't understand why I've been so tired everyday. "Don't go to sleep on me," Lucifer whispers. "I'm not watching this movie unless you are awake."

"Mmmh, I'm awake," I mumble, snuggling my head more into his chest, actually, I don't even think that is possible. "I want a snack."

"So get yourself a snack," Lucifer replies, giving my forehead a kiss. "Or do you want me too?" Nodding my head, I hear him sigh, before gently moving me off his lap. Getting up from the couch, he grabs a plate and places a small amount of almost everything. "Baby, you need to open your eyes so you can eat."

"Yup," I mumble, opening my eyes.

Taking the plate of food, he pulls me next to him, every couple of minutes grabbing food from my plate until it's empty. "Okay, I'm bored," I tell him, shifting my body to look at him.

"The movie isn't even done," he groans, pausing the movie right as Cinderella loses her slipper.

"Yes, I know, let's do something else," I beg, grabbing his arm and shaking him ever so slightly. "I rarely ever get through a movie, so get used to it."

"Nope, sit through the rest of this movie, then we can do something else," he tells me, grabbing the plate from my hand before squishing me into his side. Playing the movie, he stares straight ahead, keeping his grip on me.

Finally wiggling enough, I start to get up when a hard sting hits my butt, looking back at Lucifer with wide eyes, he just pats the seat next to him. Rolling my eyes, I start sitting back down, "that was mean."

"I never promised to be nice Darling," he replies, kissing my forehead. "It only has like ten minutes left, I think you can manage." Agreeing with his statement, I turn straightforward and start to pay attention to the movie. The minute the credits start rolling, I jump up from the couch.

"Okay, so I think that we should clean up and then I think we should go for a walk around the gardens," I tell him, starting to clean up the snacks that have started to trash the floor.

"Leave the trash, I will get someone else to clean it up and put it away," Lucifer tells me, grabbing my hand and dragging me away as I protest. "Lilith, you are never going to have to clean up after yourself ever again."

"Yeah, yeah," giving up, following him down the hall. "Can I change before we go out? Also I have a really random question." Changing directions, we walk towards my room.

"What's your question?" he asks, opening my door and sitting down on my bed.

"So you have these TVs and everything, so will my phone work? Because you or whoever put it on my phone but like does it work?" I ask, stepping into my closet. Stripping from my pants and shirt, I pull on a long black dress. Slipping into some flats, I head back into my bathroom where Lucifer is now sitting on the counter. "Did you watch me change?"

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