twenty three

21 2 0

Hearing a high pitch, my head started to throb as my body felt like it was pummeled over. Blinking my eyes open, I grab my head as a loud noise fills my ears. Looking around, I try to stand up when I see Lucifer rushing towards me.

Screaming out, my eyes widen when I realize I can't even hear myself, another squeal of sounds fill my head. Looking up, my face drops when Lucifer kneels beside me, his mouth moving as I try to make out what he is saying.

He finally stops, his hand holding my cheek as he stares at me, his eyes searching mine. Raising his hand to his ear, I shake my head, my body crumpling at the sudden action.

Feeling his warm hands catching me, he picks me up, my nose filling with the smell of iron as he raises me up. Slowly the ping in my head starts rising to a higher frequency before I can slowly hear the sound of footsteps.

"Lucifer?" I question, sighing when I can hear my own voice.

"Darling, I got you," he whispers, kissing my forehead as he continues walking towards our home. Soulless bodies scattered around us.

"Isabania," I whimper, my body shuttering as my back lights on fire.

"We haven't found her," he tells me, tears streaming down my face as I hear those words. "But it's okay, I'm sure she's around here."

"No," I start to shake my head but groan when my vision starts seeing black spots. "Koriene, she took her. She has her."

Looking down at me, for the first time since meeting my husband I see his face filled with worry. Not just a flash of it, no trying to hide it. Nodding his head, he slowly looks back up, his jaw ticking. "We'll find her. I need to take care of you."

"We, we have to," I cry, my body tensing as another shot of pain goes up my spine.

"We need to get this out of you," he tells me, as we reach the stairs to the castle. "It can't kill you but it can hurt you, and with you once being human," he shakes his head. "I don't know, and that scares me."

"Lilith!" Lorenzo screams as he and Grim flank us on either side. "Lucifer, Iz talked me through what to do for this, take her to a spare bedroom."

"I'll take her to ours," he grunts, shifting my weight as he lifts me higher on his chest.

"No, put her in a spare room," Lorenzo tells him, reaching his hand out and stopping Lucifer from moving. "This one will do."

Nodding his head, I want to reach out and hold on to Lucifer, to disappear. Taking us into the spare room, I scream as he places me down on the soft covers, the fabric rippling against my back.

"Make it stop," I cry out, as I try to wither around, not wanting my back to touch anything.

"Lilith you have to calm down," Lucifer tells me, moving my hair from my face as he softly runs his hand over it. "Take deep breaths with me." Meeting his hazel eyes, I take deep breaths as his chest rises and falls. "There we go Darling."

"Lucifer you need to turn her on her back," Lorenzo calls out as he heads into the enjoining bathroom.

I watch as Grim comes over to help his brother turn me over, I breathe a sigh of relief when my back has nothing touching it. The pain is still there but now bearable. "Did she say where?" Grim asks, crouching down next the bed to come eye to eye with me.

"She didn't say, she tricked me and when I turned I blacked out," I tell him, my throat scratching as I talk. The icy feeling is starting to take over every muscle in my body.

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