twenty two

19 1 0

 Running as fast as I can I almost cry when I see my husband, Harium and Grim coming out of the office. Lorenzo rounding the corner in his own running as he meets us in the hallway.

"What the hell was that?" Lorenzo shouts, automatically heading into Grims' open arms, their arms tangling around each other.

"Where is Iz, she said she was going to go find you?" I ask him to which his face pales.

"She never found me," he tells me, his voice breaking. "We have to find her."

"We have to figure out what is happening," Lucifer says, bringing me into his own side, looking at the couple.

"We know what's happening," I whisper. "They brought them here, the hooded figure has been planning this. They are here."

"We have to find Nia," Grim grumbles, taking Lorenzo's hand. "We are going to go find her, and then we will meet you up front."

Nodding our heads, I grab Lucifer's hand as we start running towards the front of our home. Flinging the front doors open, I run down the stairs, a small amount of relief reaching my heart as I see the guards standing in front of the gates.

"Open the gates," I command, moving between the guards until I make it to the front. The soulless now standing on the other side of the gates, the hooded figure standing in the front with a straight face.

"Are you sure my Queen?" I hear a guard ask.

"Do as she says," Lucifer commands. Shade being thrown over me as I hear a whoosh from behind me. From the corner of my eye, I can see Lucifer's dark wings, his demonic side taking over as mine does the same.

Feeling the initial icey feeling take over my body, I start to feel the soft wind of flames surrounding my body. Narrowing my eyes at the hooded figure as their head cocks to the side. Taking a step forward my anger starts to become heavier on my chest.

"What do you want?" I ask, my voice carrying.

"You dead," they respond, their body straightening as the soulless take a step forward, the guards behind me taking a step forward.

"Do not threaten your queen," Lucifer yells, his voice deeper, a shiver running down my body. Not the time for that reaction, not the time at all.

Throwing the hood down, I here gasps from behind me as I feel a smirk play on my lips.


I was right. Kill her.

"Koriene," I hear Lucifer whisper, making my blood boil, my eyes rolling at his realization.

"Your stupid role should have been mine," she seethes, taking a step forward, my body matching her movements. Raising my hand to keep Lucifer from taking a step with me.

"You never had the role," I tell her. "You were never going to be Queen."

"You took it from me," she screamed, her foot stomping on the ground like a child.

My hands start to shake as I become angrier. "I was thrown into this role!" I scream, my voice straining with emotions. "I died being beaten to death by my husband who you then threw back into my face. I took death in stride while figuring out Hell existed and that I was crowned Hells Queen!"

"I don't care," she grinds her teeth, her arms going to her sides, the soulless behind her starting to glow. "You don't have the power I do, you don't have the soldiers that I have."

"I don't need to have what you have," I growl, my fangs tearing at my lips. Feeling my body start to lift, I don't fight it this time, flames surrounding me in a swirl. "Leave Koriene."

"No," she growls, herself, her hand flicking.

Instantly the soulless are running towards me, running around Koriene as she continues standing there. I hear Lucifer shouting orders behind me but all I can hear is the rushing of my own blood as I start seeing red.

Shooting forward, I stare ahead at Koriene as the soulless continue around me, not paying any attention to me at all. My hair flies around as the rush of souls causes a stir in the air as Koriene stands still, staring at me.

My feet move before I realize what's happening, my pace picking up as I run towards Koriene. Throwing a punch when I meet her, my hand meets a shield, as she smirks.

Placing my palms against it, warmth radiates through my body as the shield shatters around her. Throwing my fist into her face, she falls back, barely catching her footing as my heel meets her knee.

Falling on her back she looks at me wide-eyed as she throws her hands over her face, shielding my curled hand from her nose. Grabbing her throat, I throw her in the air, surprised by my own strength as she flies several feet away.

"Lilith!" I hear Lucifer scream from behind me, turning around, I groan when I feel a sharp pain in my back, my knees buckling as I fall to the fields.

Screaming, flames catch around me, the groundbreaking as I scream as the pain flares up my spine to my neck. "What the fuck are you!?" Koriene asks, kicking me over, my back now thrown on the ground.

Staring up at her, I cry as another pain shoots up my back, the flames around us growing more as I cry out. "What did you do to me?" I sob as the pain consumes my entire body.

Bending down close to me, I hear shouting muffled by the flames that have now engulfed us, hiding us from the rest of Hell.

"The Hellfire Flower is a very powerful thing, my queen," she seethes, her voice dripping with venom. "I didn't think it would work on you, but I had to try."

"Fuck," I scream as my lower back arches off the ground, freezing pain shooting across my body. Trying to reach behind me, I scream as she pins my arms away from my back.

"This poison will slowly find every single vein you have and run through it until your entire body becomes cold," she tells me, her eyes narrowing as her face hovers above mine. "You are going to die."


Stand up.

Without even pushing off the ground, I find myself standing straight up, Koriene stumbling over. What the hell just happened?


Instantly my skin crawls with flames, Koriene's eyes widening as she goes to take a step back but the folded flames still shield us from everyone else. Trapping her in.

Taking a step forward, I ground my heel into the dirt, my shoulders pushed back as my body became rigid. Taking another step, I bare my fangs as she takes her own step towards me.

"You don't want to do anything stupid, I have your friend," she coys, her smiling growing as my foot stops mid air. "I've never really liked Isabania, and I mean she's a whore. Being with two men."

"You don't want her, you want me," I tell her, my voice deeper as I feel my body sway from side to side. "You want me."

A tear slips as another pain shoots down my arms, my veins turning to black as the flames down my air disappear. The wall around us, falling short. The clear noise of battle now surrounding us.

"Where is she?" I ask, my knees wanting to buckle as I almost give out.


"You see, I would tell her but I don't really want to tell you, and it seems like-"

Kill her.

Standing in front of her, I wrap my hand around her throat, my arms stinging in pain as I hold her inches off the ground. "Where is she?" I seethe, my nails piercing her skin, dark liquid running down my fingers.

"She's over there," she groans.

Turning my head to look in the direction, a piercing pain stings my neck, my hand falling from her neck as my body gives out. Hitting the floor, I scream a silent scream as my vision disappears. 

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