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"Lucifer, we are having this meeting in ten minutes, get out of bed," I tell him, coming out of the closet fully dressed.

"I think we should stay in bed all day, just cuddle," he whines, rolling deeper into the sheets.

"Have you always been like this?" I question, stepping into my slippers.

"No, you turned me into this," he mutters, his voice muffled from the pillow over his head.

"So get up," I complain, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Squealing as his arms pull me down onto the bed, I laugh as he cuddles me close. "Lucifer!"

"Yes, Darling?" he teases, finally lifting his head from the pillow.

"We need to go to this meeting, we need to talk about everything," I tell him.

"You wanna know a secret," he whispers, his mouth finding my neck, sucking lightly. Nodding my head slightly, I gasp as he bites my neck before pulling away. "You were hot last night."

"I broke down last night," I mutter, shaking my head at his nonsense.

"Before that, when you took the hellfire in, fuck," he mutters, kissing my neck again. "So as I said earlier, you are hot."

"Whatever you say," I whisper, rolling my eyes at his comment.

His hand shoots up, wrapping his fingers around my chin, snapping my head to his. His lips touched mine, "don't roll your eyes at me."

Looking in his eyes, I slowly nod, watching as he kisses my lips before letting go of my chin. Finally getting off the bed, I watch as he heads into our closet, my heart racing as he steps out dressed in casual clothes. Getting up, I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, his falling to circle around my waist. "You should dress like this more," I tell him, smiling up at him.

"I need to look scary, my love," he tells me, dropping a kiss on my lips. "I'm the devil, a businessman, and I have to look the part."

"Yeah, yeah, come on let's go to the meeting," I tell him, unraveling myself, walking out of our bedroom.

After a few steps down the hall, I smile as he strides next to me, taking my hand in his as we walk the rest of the way to the meeting room. As we step in, our friends go silent, all their eyes snapping at us.

"I'm fine, don't look at me like that," I tell them, going to sit next to Lucifer when he pulls me onto their lap. That's when I notice we are now in the same position as Isabania and Grim are.

Lorenzo sitting next to them, his eyes watching in such admiration.

Shooting a questioning look her way, she shrugs with a small smirk on her face before looking down at her hands. "What happened there?" Lucifer asks, motioning towards his brother and friend.

Shooting my elbow back, I smirk when I hear him groan, "shut up." Giving me a confused look, he just nods his head before turning his attention to his right hand man. "Harium, what did you get?"

"The soulless that came yesterday are all from the far side of the city, past the riverine down there, at one of the camps," he tells us. "The chant well-"

Before he could finish telling us, the doors burst open, Koriene coming through.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked her, anger taking over my entire body. "You weren't told to be here, so this better be good."

Feeling a slight squeeze on my hip, I'm ready to snap at Lucifer but slightly relax when he gives me a proud smile. Turning my attention back to Koriene, I shot her an annoyed look, "you haven't answered."

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