twenty five

22 1 0

Stepping onto the roof, flames instantly raise on either side of me, flanking the bricks of the roofs. I stand still, watching Iz on her knees across the roof.

"It took you longer than I thought it was going to, I thought she was your best friend," I hear Koriene before I see her. "She's hurting, go to her," I can feel her now behind me.

Turning around, I face her, "Let her go."

"I rather not, you know she also used to be my friend, I would say best, but that's such a mortal thing to say," she sneers, eyes penetrating mine, anger written over her entire body.

Taking a step towards me, straightening her back as she comes closer.

I stand still.

"Koriene," I say her name, her shoulders visibly tightening at me calling her. I take a deep breath, biting my lip before starting the plan. "I'm sorry."

She lets out a breathless laugh, turning around and walking a few steps back. Just enough time for me to rub my fingers together, a small flame casting a shadow over my head before disappearing as she turns around.

"I had everything," Koriene states, a wicked smile on her face, her tanned skin shadowed by the flames that still line the roof.

"We can talk about this," I responded to her. "We can give you things to do back at the palace, we can work with you."

"I'm not stupid," she screams, throwing her hands in the air like a child throwing a fit. "And who are we, you're here alone, by yourself, you have no one on your side either. You are too defiant to be a queen, you are not my queen."

"I'll listen to what you have to say," I tell her, it's the truth. I know she hates me, everything she has done has made that clear, but I want to know everything she's thought since meeting me. I'm intrigued.

"I don't want you to listen, I want you to leave, to turn back fucking time and never have come here," she screams, her eyes glowing a dark silver as she stares at me.

"I can't give you that," I tell her, even if I could, I wouldn't. This is now who I am.

"You shouldn't have come for her, she isn't even worth it," she calls out, stepping back even further away from me. "She's just like you were, a weak little slut, waiting on her knees for someone to save them, that's at least what your husband told me."


Instantly my demeanor changes, anger, sadness, any negative emotion that I could feel, was now wrapping around my body. My features changing, a glow seeming to wrap around me, narrowing my eyes at her, I step forward.

"I wouldn't do that," she tells me, a smirk on her lips as she waves her hand. A powder is thrown around us, the fire extinguishing under it, soulless now visible where the flames were. "I'm not the only one mad at you."

Pacing towards me, she stops inches away from my face, staring at me. "You'll be dead by tonight, my queen."

Stepping around me, I keep my eyes on the soulless bodies standing around me, still not moving. Smiling as I hear her scream from behind my back, anger coming off of her in waves.

Turning on my heels, I give her a fake pout as she whips her head towards me, "I'm sorry, I didn't think you would be so hurt, she wasn't your friend anymore, right?"

"Where the fuck is she?" she questions, coming toe to toe with me, her hand raising slightly.

If everything went to plan, Grim has already taken Isabania back to the palace, getting her whatever medical treatment she needs. Harium should be scaling the wall with soldiers all around us as Lucifer continues watching from the other rooftop.

Grabbing her hand as she lifts it to my face, I pin both her hands behind her back, her chest popping out as her back curves. Grabbing her chin, I force her back by two steps, shoving her face towards the sky. My nails are digging into her neck.

Looking around at the soulless, I let the anger take control over everything. The small amount of control I had seconds ago, now completely gone as I continue holding her thrashing body against mine.

I feel everything I do next, like I'm watching it happen to my body without doing it myself. Just like before.

Flames rush over my skin, a prickling sensation coming from my lower back as the flames stop right at my wrist, not daring to touch Koriene. Not yet.

A grin splays itself on my lips as I see Lorenzo jump onto the roof, soldiers following his movements along the entire length of the roof. One soldier for each soulless, perfectly placed, no doubt Lucifer's exact planning.

"I may not be the queen that you want, she may say that I ruined your lives, that I did everything wrong," I state, my voice carrying louder than I ever thought it could.

A whistle of air behind me and a soft thud indicate that my husband has now joined us. Swirling around, I wrap my fingers tighter around Koriene, a whimper escaping her lips.

"This is your King, he chose me, he didn't choose this worthless piece," I seethe, my nails now fully digging into her neck, her blood flowing freely down my hand. "You can all make up your own choices. Either leave with us, or die with her."

A rumble of the sky is the only thing heard for a second after I spoke, so quiet, I can hear the soft whistle of the flames that still dance on my skin. "She-" Koriene tries talking, her voice coming out raspy. "She-."

I look up from my hand, my eyes catching Lucifer, he shakes his head to the side. Stick to the plan. That's what he wants me to do, but it feels too good. I still don't fully have control of my body, and my power has a taste it's never had before. Blood, and it's thriving off of it.

I shoot him a wink, one to which he narrows his eyes at.

I let go of Koriene, her body falling on the floor. I step over her.

I stand in front of Lucifer, watching her. My head cocks to the side. A predator watching her prey.

She looks up at me, those silver eyes now dull as she meets mine, fear behind her own. Still, she gets to her feet, barely standing as she points at me. "She. This mortal is not your queen, she doesn't know our ways, she is a mortal that doesn't belong. She's stupid. That's all mortals are, and will ever be."

Koriene said she wasn't dumb, but she forgot the most important thing about her little army men. They were mortals, they died a painful death, then completely lost themselves in the waves of hell.

They were just like me.

The demeanor in all the soulless shifts, many dropping to their knees instantly, their assigned soldier standing over them. Some seem to look between us, the lifeless bodies seeming to fight themselves. Until the rest follow suit to their weaker members.

I look at Koriene, her eyes wide at those she trusted to fight behind her. I see it before I feel it, the flames on my skin have now turned to pure blue. A hand settles on my shoulder, "enough Lilith."

Shrugging off my husband's hand, I step toward hers.

Every snide comment and threat she's made since I came here, repeating itself in my head. Standing in front of her, I stare at her, watching as her knees give out and she falls to the floor. Catching her shoulder, I keep her semi upright.

Bending down ever so slightly, I remind her of her own words, "You'll die today."

"Lilith no!" Lucifer shouts but it's too late.

I let it out, every angry thought screams in my head, every tightened muscles relaxes, every flame grows larger.

It engulfed us.

The End.

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