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"Darling," I hear Lucifer whisper in my ear, stirring me out of my sleep. "Darling, I need you to wake up."

Groaning, I place my face further into his chest, "No."

Hearing him laugh, "Lilith, I need to get up, everyone already left and you need to eat something."

"But-" I start to argue.

"But nothing, come on Darling," he tells me, scooting me off of him, "we need to get going."

"Why," I whine, trying to cover my eyes from the light. "So much has happened today."

"That's exactly why," he tells me, as I hear a drawer open somewhere. Finally opening my eyes, I see him shuffling through one of his desk drawers. "I need you to eat, and then I want you to go see a doctor."

"You have doctors in hell?" I ask, sitting up finally.

"Yes, we do get sick but sometimes we don't heal as fast as we do," he tells me, closing the drawer and slipping something into his pocket. "I need the doctor to look at the wounds that Koriene left."

Hearing her name just pisses me off, which I don't understand because I don't think I've ever felt this angry at a person. Not even Adam. Moving my shirt, I look to find two scratch-like marks on either side of my collarbone, "Um, Lucifer, they aren't here."

"What?" he asks, coming over to me, and running his hand over my collarbone, I try not to shiver at the touch. This is not the time. "You must have gotten my healing abilities, I didn't know that was something that you would get. But I guess I also didn't know you would be able to have fire abilities."

Nodding my head, I agreed with him, I didn't know that I would get any powers. "Well I will call the doctor off, but you still need to eat something," he tells me, helping me up off the couch, keeping my hand in his hand.

Walking out of the office, Poppy is waiting for us in the hallway, "why is she out here?" I ask, letting go of his hand to go and pet them. "Why weren't they in the office?"

"Lorenzo let them out," he tells me, "he must have not let them in."

"Well we are just gonna have to talk to Lorenzo aren't we?" I ask Poppy as they bark in agreement. "Now let's get going, your daddy wants us to eat something."

"They also need to eat, so they aren't gonna argue," Lucifer comments, taking my hand again, and walking down the hall. "You aren't arguing."

"Arguing about?" I ask, confused.

"Holding my hand," he tells me.

"Don't push it," I tell him, taking my hand out of his for him to take it once again with a huge grin on his face. Letting him hold my hand, we walk into the dining hall, where only two chairs are waiting for us. "Nobody else is dining with us?"

"Well that wasn't such a nice time last time," he tells me, true. "Are you saying that you don't enjoy my company?" he asks with fake pain in his voice.

"Oh you know it," I tell him, trying to keep a straight face, thanking the staff when they bring me a plate of food.

"Damn, I thought after kneeling at our wedding it would make you happy enough to like you," he tells me, not even trying to hide his smile.

"You would think, but I'm hard to please, it's gonna take more than just kneeling at a wedding to get on my good side," my smile finally won over my face.

"I can kneel in the bedroom," he tells me, gasping at his words, I look up from my food to see him have a sly smirk, his eyes bleeding into me.

"Lucifer," I scold, taking a sip of the red wine. "That comment was unnecessary."

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