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Feeling my body start to move, I open my eyes, looking up at Lucifer I smile softly, snuggling more into his chest. "Darling, I'm just taking us to our room," he whispers.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep," I mumble, nuzzling my face further into his chest.

Feeling a kiss on hair, I smile against his chest. "It's alright, I'll get some food to our room, you need to eat."

"Sleep," I mutter back, "I want sleep."

"You still need to eat Darling," he tells me, closing my eyes I feel the push of a door, before the cool air inside wraps around me. "Plus I got your favorite food."

"Pancakes!?" I squealed, opening my eyes to see his face show confusion.

"Um," he mumbles, moving me up a little bit. "I thought it was burritos."

"Burritos are also very good," I tell him, tapping his chest, laughing as he rolls his eyes. "Mmmhm, you aren't allowed to do that."

"What can't I do Darling?" he asks, opening our bedroom door.

"Roll your eyes," I chide him, squealing when he drops me on the bed.

"No, you aren't allowed to roll your eyes," he tells me. "I can do whatever I want."

"I don't think that is how this works," I tell him, throwing myself down.

Walking off towards the closet he calls back, "it's exactly how this works."

"No it's not," I mumble, climbing up the bed, snuggling into the blankets.

Peering above my hip, I laugh when I see Lucifer holding up one of my sweatshirt crop tops, "I almost put this on." Throwing it on the bed, "we have sides of the closest for a reason."

Pulling the fabric over me, I snuggle back into the blankets, pulling it over my head, encased in darkness. "Nope, none of that, you have to eat," Lucifer states, snatching the blanket off of me.

Throwing my arm over my eyes I groan, I just want to sleep. Feeling his fingers grasp my ankles, I yelp when I'm pulled down to the edge of the bed. Opening my eyes, I see Lucifer smirking down at me, his hands moving my legs to wrap around his waist.

"You know, you need actual food but I can have you as fo-" before he could answer there was a knock on the door.

Biting my lip, I stifle my laugh as Lucifer gently removes my legs, walking over to the door. Sitting up, I cross one leg, letting the other hang off the bed. Watching as he brings a tray inside the room, he shuts the door, locking it.

"I don't know why you need to lock the door, we are just eating," I smile, taking the plate he hands out.

"We are just eating," he tells, sending a wink my way as he drops the tray off, taking a seat against the headboard. Scooting up the bed once again, I sit down next to my husband, placing my plate on his lap. "You don't have your own lap?"

"Nope, husband, I do not," I tell him, giving him a huge grin as I pick up the burrito. Taking a bite, I grin, feeling a piece of rice drop onto my lap, making Lucifer throw his head back and laugh.

Finishing the dinner, I climb into Lucifer's lap, laying my head on his chest. "Are you ready to go to sleep, my love?" he whispers, kissing my head as he pulls me closer.

"I feel nasty," I tell him. I need a shower, I feel gross.

"The burrito already got to you?" he asks, concern in his words.

"I stink," I smile, silently laughing at his thought process.

"Oh, shower?" he asks, nodding my head. Smiling as he picks me up, we head into the bathroom.

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