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 "Lucifer, really I'm fine, I've been able to eat, and I feel fine," I told him for the tenth time today.

"I can get another soup made, I promise the last one," he tells me. That's what he has said for the past five meals.

Rolling my eyes, I get off his office couch, sighing when he starts getting up, "no. Sit down, finish what you need to and then we can do something."

Watching me for a couple seconds, he slowly sits back down, "at least eat something that isn't heavy on your stomach."

"Deal," I grin at him, blowing him a kiss before walking out of his office.

No matter how many times I've now walked through these halls, the detail on the tall ceilings always amazes me. Stopping at the end of the hall, I smile at the fields that burn from hellfire.

Watching the flames move against each other, I admire them. Moving my gaze from the fields, I start walking towards the kitchen. As I start to push through the double doors, I stop when I hear a loud sigh from the other side.

Leaning closer to the door, I try to listen.

"Nia, please, just listen to what I have to say," I hear Grim plead.

"I really don't want to have this conversation," I hear Iz argue, a clang of dishes hitting together.

"That's what you've been saying for a week now, we need to talk," Grim replies.

"I think I like to see you grovel a little more before you decide to speak," I hear Iz say, but I can hear the hurt in her voice as she says these words.

"I've been begging you for a week, I finally got Lorenzo to speak to me but you barely look in my direction," he tells her, his voice breaking.

"When you kneel down on your fucking knees and beg me, then I will listen to you," Iz retorts, I cover my lips as a small laugh comes out, that would be a sight for sore eyes.

"I'm not doing that," Grim grumbles.

"Then leave," Isabania states. Scrambling back from the door, I only make it a couple steps before Grim comes barreling out the double doors. His eyes flashing black as he looks at me, before he takes a step forward and disappears.

Rushing into the kitchen, I catch Iz as she hits the floor. Wrapping my arms around her, I slide down to the ground, holding her to my chest as sobs roll out of her. Sliding my hand up and down her back, I try to calm her down but her sobs just continue growing.

"Hey, hey, you are okay," I whisper to her, laying my head on hers. "I got you."

After a couple more minutes, I smile to myself when her sobs become soft hiccups, her body jumping slightly against mine. "Hey, I got you," I repeat.

"I'm sorry," she hiccups, as she moves her body closer, holding herself as I hold her close.

"Don't apologize," I tell her. "It's okay. If you want, we can go have a little girl's day, forget about him and every other problem we have right now."

"I kinda wanna talk about it," Iz whispers, moving her hair out of her face.

"Okay," I tell her, giving her a reassuring smile. "Want to stay here?"

"You must be uncomfortable," she mumbles.

"I'm okay," I reassured her.

"Okay," she mutters, hiding her face into her hands as she takes a couple of deep breaths. "I know that, I've already talked about it a little bit. About how he broke Lorenzo's heart and all that stuff. Well he's been trying to make up for everything that he did between. I really don't want to explain everything that he did."

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