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Walking out of the castle, I groan at the heat surrounding me, "I don't remember it being this hot out."

"That's because it's now considered summer," Grim states, coming around a corner, making me jump.

"Do you just stand around that corner ready to scare the crap out of people," I question, walking towards the garden entrance.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I roll my eyes, I really can't get anytime to myself around here. "I was trying to get away, it seems you are trying to do the same thing," he states, falling into step with me as we enter the small gate.

"You weren't at the meeting this morning so what are you trying to hide from?" I ask, slowing my pace as I my fingers graze the flowers.

"I was hiding then too, I kinda messed up, so I really didn't want to deal with people," he grumbles, keeping my pace.

"You were avoiding Iz and Lorenzo," I retorted, laughing when I saw his face. "See you can't even fucking deny it, how are you this great Reaper that people fear but you can't hide your face."

His face instantly loses emotions, his eyes turning black as I take a step back, "I like you, don't piss me off with your stupid comments." I watch as his eyes go back to their normal color, a smile taking his face.

"Want to tell me more about the three of you?" I ask, starting to walk down the path again.

"I wouldn't even say there are three of us to talk about, and not saying I'm afraid of Nia, but I'm already on her bad side right now," he mutters.

"Nia?! That's such a cute nickname," I exclaim, slowing my steps and sitting on the tiny bench.

"Fuck, you never heard that name, only Lo and I are able to call her that," he tells me. "Like seriously don't say a fucking thing."

"That's cute," I tell him with a smile, making him smirk.

"You and my brother, is that why you are out here, I barely see him leave your side," he states, sitting down next to me.

"He pissed me off," I tell him truthfully. "I just needed some space, this hooded figure is pissing everyone off and I understand that but if he says this is my fault one more time, I'm going to lose it."

"I say lose it, teach my brother a lesson," he suggested.

"No, he learned it, now I would like to be left alone," I tell him, pulling my knees to my chest.

"I thought you would like to know that I might have found something out about the hooded figure," he tuts as he gets up.

Jumping up, I grab his arm, stopping him, "tell me what you know. Everything and don't play fucking tricks on me."

Turning around he smirks, "I wouldn't dare play tricks on you my Queen."

I feel the coolness over my eyes at his threatening tone, "I've heard stories, don't play with me Grim. I want the truth, I specifically want to know how you know something while everyone else is fighting and arguing about not knowing anything."

"Walk with me to my office," he states, ripping his arm out of my grip, walking to the castle doors and inside. Taking a step in, I scream when cold air wraps around me. Within a second I'm in a small room, sitting in a chair staring at a smiling Grim.

"What the fuck was that?!" I scream, getting up from the chair only to find myself back in the chair again. "What the fuck?!"

"You are at my house now, I don't have an office in that stupid castle," he tells me, walking around the desk to sit in the large chair. "And you won't be able to get out of that chair until I decide you are. So don't try again, I'm not trying to hurt you but you don't have control over your powers yet."

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