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Standing up, Lucifer wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against him, turning us, I'm lowered as his lips meet mine. Butterflies turn my stomach, as I kiss him back, hearing clapping and yelling as I do so.

Straightening back up, we break the kiss, both our lips swollen as grins take over our faces. "Come on," he whispers, pecking my cheek and taking my hand. Taking the step down, we walk back down the aisle, creatures still cheering as the double doors open and we step inside. "Come here," Lucifer whispers, crashing his lips against mine once again. His hands go down to my ass, a gasp when he squeezes which lets his tongue dance against mine.

Breaking apart, he pulls me closer, his hand moving to my waist, as we stand flush against each other. "I didn't know you were going to do that," I tell him.

"I know," he smirks. "That was the whole point. I needed everyone to know that you are my queen, that I kneel before you. Now we have another ceremony that we need to get to, this one is just us though."

Taking my hand, we start walking down the hallway, as we pass windows I stare at the outside of the castle, where I have yet to be. "Darling, we are going out there, let's keep going," Lucifer tells me, pulling me along. After walking around a corner, two large doors open, and a large garden waiting on the other side.

Walking down the steps hand in hand, I stop when we are about to walk onto the dark grass, "Lucifer."

"What is it?" he asks, looking around.

"Nothing like that, I just don't want to get my white shoes or dress dirty," I tell him, they are so nice, I don't want to ruin them.

"I made sure that this fabric doesn't stain the shoes though, I didn't even think about that," he mumbles. Squatting down, he takes my shoes off, placing them in one hand before taking mine once again. "There is no problem."

Smiling at the action, I step onto the grass, laughing at the tickling sensation that runs up my legs. Following right behind Lucifer, I see a gorgeous setup, a wall of vines, in front of a small bowl, with two pillows on either side of it. Helping me sit on one pillow, Lucifer goes and sits on the other one.

"Lilith," Lucifer calls my name, bringing my eyes to his figure. "My queen, I am not good at this. I've done relationships before and have always failed. For others, I have not cared if they failed, for you, I can't fail. This blood oath is balancing out the world, declaring to everyone that you and I are one. But Lilith, I want you to know that it may take time, but I am willing to give you everything that I have, I am willing to give you all of me if you let me."

Feeling a tear roll down my face, I try to smile at his words but fail when a small sob comes from my lips, "I'm so sorry, I don't know why I'm crying."

Reaching over the stone bowl, he wipes away my tears, my face resting in his palm as he calms me down, "It's okay darling. I'm just not crying because I'm the big bad devil."

Laughing at his words, I smile into his palm, reaching up, I hold his hand in mine, "Lucifer, my king. I've done this before, and it has turned wrong. I just ask that you never do to me what he did to me, that you take care of me, even if it has to be from afar. I don't want to get hurt again."

"I'm not going to hurt you," he tells me, a sad smile on his lips. "I promise you that."

"I trust you," surprising myself as those words leave my lips. Looking at our hands, I smile, bringing them to my lips I give them a soft kiss. "What do we have to do?"

Taking his hand back, he shows me how to rest my hands on the bowl, our palms facing toward the sky. "Inside this bowl is a godly solution, what many mortals call the godly nectar," Lucifer explains to me.

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