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 "Please eat something Darling," Lucifer whispers, rubbing my back as we lay on our bed.

"I keep puking everything up," I mutter, laying my head back as I continue looking at the screen.

It's now two days after the incident with the hooded figure, Lucifer hasn't left my side and I haven't been able to keep anything down. I'm starving but anytime that I eat something no more than twenty minutes later and I'm sitting on the bathroom tiles.

"No regular poison should have done this to you, maybe Iz will know something," Lucifer mutters, though it seems more to himself than to me. "You are really worrying me."

Shifting around slightly, I kiss his cheek, "I'm fine, I'm sure it will pass, it's just a little stomach ache."

"Darling, we don't get stomach aches down here, you are not a human anymore, this shouldn't be happening," he tells me, pulling me closer, his head resting into my neck.

"Baby," I mumble, now staring at the ceiling. Hearing a muffled mumble, I laugh as his breath tickles my neck. "I love you."

Pulling his face out of my neck, "I love you too, Lilith." Before placing his face back into my neck, making me laugh.

"Why has this been your new favorite spot lately," I ask, raising my hand to run my hand through his soft waves. Rolling my eyes as he mumbles something into my shoulder.

Staying like this for a couple minutes, I enjoy his warmth as he holds me. Hearing a knock on the door, I start to get up but only find myself being pulled into Lucifer again. "Come in," I yell, as I let him hold me.

I sigh when I see everyone shuffling into our room, standing in a line at the end of our bed. "Has he been like this the entire time?" Harium asks, pointing at Lucifer who simply raises a hand to flip him off.

"What can we help you with?" I ask, not even trying to move away.

"Well I'm here to figure out why you are sick, because I asked the doctor you saw once and they said this shouldn't be happening. They are an idiot so, I'll figure it out," Isabania pipes up.

"I'm here to apologize to you and Lucifer," Grim says, his tall stature making him look like a giant compared to the rest of the demons.

"And who told you to do that?" Iz calls, sitting down at a small desk in the corner.

"Yeah, whatever," Grim mutters, walking away from the small group and joining Iz in the corner.

"We are here to figure out what happened, because the idiot behind us can only tell us so much," Lorenzo says, earning a 'watch it' from Grim. "And no matter what Harium says, I think he just misses his angry best friend."

"For fucks sake, I don't miss Lucifer," Harium argues, which tells me that this isn't the first argument over this topic, which makes me laugh.

Finally pulling his head from my neck, Lucifer whispers, "you don't have to tell us yet, if you don't want to. But it would be helpful."

"I can tell you guys," I shrug my shoulders. "But can you guys find somewhere to sit, I can't just talk with you two just standing there, it's weird." Ignoring Hariums comment about humans, I watch them all get comfortable.

"Well Grim gave me some information and then apparently you all suck, so he needed a new drink buddy," I tell them, earning a wink from Grim which leads to Lucifer pulling me closer.

"I just got some water, it didn't taste weird, nothing was weird about it at all," I tell them. "I then took a second sip and I was hot, shaking, and all I knew I needed to do was puke, so I ran into the bathroom. As I puked she cam-"

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