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Lucifer let me sleep in the bath before he gently woke me up to actually get ready for the day. When we walked into the meeting room a little less than twenty minutes ago, everyone gave us a knowing smile. And while I was as red as anyone could be, Lucifer just winked in my direction.

Which leads us to now, me slumped in a huge corner chair while everyone else sits around the meeting table bouncing off ideas. Even fucking Koriene is here, but also she keeps doing it making eyes at my husband which just pisses me off.

As I watch her continue to stare at Lucifer, I slip out of the chair, quietly walking over and slipping into Lucifer's lap. Without stopping his conversation, he pulls me closer rubbing my back as he continues.

Focusing on the argument in front of me, I lean into my husband, trying not to glare Koriene.

"I'm just saying it would be a possibility, and Lilith could help," I hear Harium say, which snaps my attention all the way into the conversation.

"What about me?" I ask, earring a snicker from Koriene.

Turning to her, I glare but before I can say anything Lorenzo is already going off. "Okay, listen here you little bitch, we had to be nice to you before but we definitely like Lilith like hundred percent more than you. And that girl has way more power over Lucifer than you ever did, so shut your damn mouth and just sit there. Or leave, we honestly don't care."

Watching as Lorenzo sends one final glare to her, he shoots me a wink before explaining. "I was saying that maybe we can use you to get to this mystery person."

"We are not using my wife as a little puppet, we will get him to come out another way," Lucifer snaps, pulling me closer, his face falling into my neck.

Smiling at the feeling, I laugh when I see Isabania making a gagging face. "While I would love to help, I also agree, I don't really want to be live bait, doesn't seem like fun."

"This isn't supposed to be fun you bi-" Koriene starts to snap.

"Watch your mouth," Lucifer snaps, his head lifting as he narrows his now red eyes in her direction. "You will respect her like you respect me. Lorenzo was right to say you can leave, but now I tell you to leave. Now."

Growing angry, I watch as Koriene snaps the book shut, grabbing it and stomping her way out the door. "What a bitch," I mutter, making everyone laugh as I roll my eyes.

I mean seriously, is she five? Stomping out of here while giving everyone a silent tantrum.

"Okay, well I don't really know what else we could do, I've been scouting out, talking to souls down in the city and no one has seen anyone even remotely wearing a hood. No bows have been made or even sold in years. No one needs weapons when they aren't working," Harium states, defeated, taking over his features as he slumps in his chair.

"The only thing that anyone has said in the city is that they are crazy for going after you, that this is hell what did they expect," Lorenzo says, shrugging his shoulders as he opens another book.

Taking the book from her friend, Isabania turns to a marked page, "I however have focused on the weapon that was covered in Hell flower. Whoever this thing is, they have to be smart enough to figure out where the Hell flower still grows and then even how to make it into a powder."

"Wouldn't you just ground it up?" I ask, "only earth, you can simply just crush a flower up, put some water in it and you got a liquid that colors a canvas."

Shaking her head, Iz turns the book around, showing a picture of a beautiful flower. "To make a powder or even a liquid that could be stroked onto something, you have to use only the petal closest to the middle. Then you have to use liquid iron to form it into a different substance."

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