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 "Wake up bitches!" A voice yells as Lucifer's bedroom door gets slammed open. Groaning, I open my eyes to see Lorenzo standing in the doorway, a pillow coming from behind me, hitting him in the chest.

"Go away," I complain, shutting my eyes and turning around into Lucifer's chest.

"You see, I can't, I was told to come get you," Lorenzo tells us, now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Go away," I repeat, trying to snuggle more into Lucifer's warm chest.

"I can't," Lorenzo explains.

"Lorenzo," Lucifer snaps, throwing a pillow at his friend. "We'll be out there in a minute, just fucking go."

"Whatever, but next time Grim is coming in here, because he is the fucker that wants you out here," he tells us, throwing the pillow back at our feet as he walks out the room.

"Do we really need to get up," I groan, as he pulls me closer to him, running his hand through my hair.

"Lo, wasn't lying, Grim will come in here and he will literally drag us out of here," he mumbles into my neck. "Lilith."

"Yes?" I ask,

"You should sleep here every night," he mumbles, kissing my collarbone.

"Okay," I whisper back, kissing his chest.

A knock on the door has me pushing him off, sitting straight up, no way in hell are they pulling me out of this bed. "We are up," I shout.

"Good, I need to talk to my brother," Grim yells from the other side.

"Can't we do this later!" Lucifer yells back. "Come back to bed, please darling," he whispers.

"No we can not! Lucifer I will come into this room," Grim screams back.

"Give us ten fucking minutes," Lucifer yells back, turning around and sitting up in the bed. Hearing the shuffle of feet outside the door, I head into his bathroom. Grabbing a towel, I turn on the water to heat up as I go back into the bedroom.

"Baby?" I ask, a blush taking over my cheeks as I call for him.

"I'm coming darling," my husband replies, coming out of the closet, doing his tie. "Is the water running?"

"I'm going to take a shower," I told him, finishing the rest of his tie. "Do you need me today?"

"I think Grim and I are just going to talk over some things, then I should be yours for the rest of the day," he tells me, giving my forehead a kiss.

"Okay, I'm gonna see if Iz wants to do anything," I tell him. I really need some girl time, well girl/demon? Time.

"Alright darling, I'll see you later," giving me a smile as he slips out of the bedroom, leaving me alone.

Heading back into the bathroom, I strip from my clothes and head into the steaming water. Standing under the stream of water, I find myself starting to smile.

I haven't been this happy and relaxed in a long time. I feel loved. Not only from Lucifer but from everyone, I feel like I'm at home. I guess I am, this is my home. For the rest of eternity, I should be scared, but I'm not.

I'm married to the devil. We promised, we promised not to fall in love. We said that we would help each other, but we wouldn't fall in love.

He saved me two weeks ago, maybe a little more. Someone can not fall in love in two weeks, whatever I'm feeling, it isn't love. This isn't a romance story. I can't fall in love with the devil in two weeks.

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