twenty one

16 2 0

"FUCK!" I scream as I stub my toe on the door frame.

"What?!" Lucifer asks, running into the room with a frantic face.

"The stupid fucking door," I groan as I stand on one leg, holding my toe in my hand. "Fuck, it shouldn't have hurt that hard."

"I thought something actually happened," Lucifer replies, running his hands down his face. Coming over, he throws me over his shoulder making me shriek as he walks us out of our room.

"Let me down," I screeched, yelping when he smacked my ass mid hallway. "Lucifer!"

"You can't walk, you just stubbed your foot," he mocks me as he continues walking down the hallway. Kicking his office door open, I throw my hands over my face as the Inner Circle looks at us.

Moving me to his side and then placing me on his lap as he sits down on his chair. Moving my head into his chest, I continue hiding my face from my friends as I hear them snicker. "She stubbed her toe," my husband explains, rubbing my back.

"Aww is the poor queen okay," I hear Lorenzo say, flipping him off, I start to wiggle in Lucifer's lap.

Feeling a light slap on my thigh, I look up to see my husband's strained face. Wiggling around, I finally get comfortable when I feel Lucifer's dick hardening against me. Wiggling my butt, I smirk to myself when his hand slaps my thigh again.

"Lilith are you even listening?" turning my head I turn to see everyone looking at me.

"That face means no," Harium states, earning a glare from me. Throwing his hands up, "don't go all fangs on me again."

"What are we talking about?" I grumble, shrinking back into my husband as his hand rubs my thigh and back.

"Koriene," Grim states, making my muscles tense at her name.

"How did she get out?" I ask.

"We think she bought off a guard to let her out during shift change," Harium replies this time.

"We know she tried getting Adam out with her," Iz adds.

"How do we know that?" Grim asks.

"I talked to some guards this morning," she shrugs, her gaze falling to the ground as Grim stares at her.

"You weren't supposed to," Lucifer grumbles from behind us. "I specifically put Grim in charge of that and he wasn't doing that until this afternoon."

"I wanted answers," she retorts. "My best friend has been threatened more times then I can count and the bitch I've had to deal with for hundreds of years just fucking walked out. So I'm so fucking sorry if I went to get answers on my fucking own." Standing up, she starts pacing, only stopping when Lorenzo gets up and moves towards her.

Stepping into his arms, I can hear her take a deep breath, before looking back towards us. "I'm going to step out, I'll be back in a little bit," she tells us with a small smile, cringing when she meets Grims' glare.

"You are going to sit here," he tells her, sitting straight up in his chair.

"Grim," Lucifer warns, my body now sitting up, ready to defend my friend if needed.

Defend. Fight.

"Please," I hear Iz, her voice not even sounding like herself as she seems to beg Grim, her eyes holding tears.

Pushing off my husband, I stood at the desk, any shyness I felt leaving my body. Watching the interaction between the couple, I feel bad when I see Lorenzo starting to get nervous, bouncing on his heels as he watches the interaction.

"Grim," I find myself warning, not liking as he continues staring at my best friend.

"No, don't get into this," he snaps at me, I can feel Lucifer tense behind me. "I told her not to, it wasn't her job and she didn't know what was going to happen. She went alone, she could have gotten hurt."

"She was saf-" before Lorenzo could finish his statement, Grim go up from his chair, throwing it against the wall.

"You don't know shit!" Grim screams, Harium now up, ready to stand in between as I step closer to Iz who is now shaking with anger.

"You talk to me however you fucking want, but you watch how you speak to Lo," Iz snaps, standing in front of Lorenzo who seems ready to cry.

"Iz, please leave with Lorenzo and go eat something," I tell him, glaring at Grim as he takes a step towards them. Pointing at him I continue, "you stay here with us. Sit."

Clenching his jaw, I watch as he reluctantly sits back down, Harium still standing as the other two leave. Pitching on the edge of the desk, I cross my legs. Turning to face Harium I continue our conversation from before.

"Who do we have out looking for her?" I ask him.

"Everyone," he tells me. "We have our best guards and our spies out in the city looking too."

Humming my understanding, I start to look at Grim again who seems to be wanting to strangle me. "Don't look at me like that, Iz can take care of herself but we both know Lorenzo won't talk back to you, even when he should."

"She shouldn't have gone down there," he grumbles back.

"She shouldn't," Lucifer confirms. Snapping my head towards my husband, I glare at him. That wasn't the point right now, he needs to control his fucking temper.

"It doesn't matter, he needs to watch it," I tell him. Turning back to Lucifer's right hand man, "I want everyone out there, if she steps foot anywhere near here I want to know. Not Lucifer. Me, she wants me and now I want her."

I want her blood.

"I'm going to make sure my best friend is fine, you three are going to figure out any other information and I want to be informed of it when you finish this meeting," I tell them, getting up off the desk.

Rounding the desk, I give a peck on my husband's cheek before retreating out of the office.

Finding Isabania and Lorenzo still standing outside the door, I sigh, bringing them both into a hug. "I'm so sorry you guys, please just go relax, find something to do," I tell them. "Eat something, I guarantee that you guys haven't eaten."

"We don't need to eat," Lorenzo reminds me, making me roll my eyes at the detail I keep forgetting.

"But it's part of your routine, and it doesn't help," I remind him.

"I'll go see what the kitchen has," he tells me, kissing Isabania on the cheek before heading around the corner towards the kitchen.

Looking at Iz, I pull her back into a hug, squeezing her tight as she starts to relax.

"I love him, Lilith, and I keep going back to him, but I just," she begins but lets out a small cry. Shushing her, I keep my arms wrapped around her.

"Love isn't easy," I tell her, pulling her back slightly, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"I know he was just trying to protect me, but I can take care of myself," she tells me.

"I know you can, and I know where he was coming from, but he shouldn't talk to you like that," I tell her. "He should know that."

"We were doing so good," she whispers, wiping her last stray tear. "I just want everything to be back to normal. No evil bitch trying to hurt you or weird soulless trying to fight us."

"Believe me, I know, and it'll be over soon, we just have to find her," I tell her. "I swear, it's all gonna be over soon."

Nodding her head, she brings me into another hug, "I'm going to go find Lorenzo, thank you Lilith."

"Always," I tell her, giving her a small smile as she heads around the corner down the same path.

Walking into the other direction, I walk down to the end, looking out of the large stained window. Outside the dark skies seem to be moving, rotating within itself. Touching the stained glass, I flinch back at how cold the glass seems to be. Looking further out, I narrow my eyes as a large shadow floats over the fields.

Stepping back, my eyes wide as the shadows clear, an entire army standing at attention. The entire castle shaking. 

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