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,, Megatron come and face me you coward!" Yelled Predaking while crashing a viecon. Loud banging can be heard all over ship. Only one viecon manage to call on the com link just to say,, Lord Megatron Predaking is... Aaaaagh!" And nothing. Everyone herd that except, Starscream who is busy with work and didn't hear anything from the viecon. All of a sudden A loud banging and yelling snap him back to this world.,, What the Scrap is happening outside?" He was thinking. As soon as he got out of his workspace he saw a viecon flying in the air and crying in pain. ,,What's happening?" Yelled Starscream while lifting a wounded solder,,P-P-Predaking." ,, What are you talAaaaaaaagh." He didn't have time to say anything, Predaking was grabbing him by the wings painfully and throwing him on the wall. Some viecons tryed to get him away from Their commander but in pain Starscream yelled,, Just call the Megatron, call Megatron!" At that moment Predaking raised his claws ready to attack but Starscream dodge it and scratched Predaking on his face. It was painful and so strong that it broke Starscream's claws but he kept trying to escape. He didn't wanted to die, after everything he went through. The scratch outraged Predaking and he trow Starscream at the wall across the hall. This time he grabbed him by the wings and trow him so hard it ripped off. The pain was unbearable. Scream was so loud whole ship can hear it. Megatron and Soundwave who are  running from one part of the Ship hearing the painfull cry started running faster hoping that everything will be fine. Meanwhile Starscream is fighting for his life Predaking ripped out his arm, wings and legs. Both of his claws are broken he couldn't move all he can do is watch Predaking rasing his claw for final blow when he heard a blasting sound. Megatron is standing on the corridor in horror. The ex-gladiator was in a lot of fights and saw a brutal things but not something like this. The hallway is painted with Starscream's spilled energon walls, flor, everything. All around the hallway are parts of Starscream, his wings are in parts. Ripped arm and leg on the floor and at the end lays Starscream. He is cowerd with energon and is laying unconscious. This scene light up something that was extinguished a long time ago. He got his blade and told Soundwave to call medical help and take care for Starscream then he run towards Predaking yelling like a warrior. He jumped on him ready to pierce him right through the chest but Predaking is ready. He dodge it and punched Megatron in the chest causing him to fall in pain while coughing energon. Then Predaking grabbed him by the neck while raising his claw and saying,, This will be you end Megatron. You will pay Aaaaaaaaaaaagh." All of a sudden Predaking was in a lot of pain and his wings are broken. Megatron looked behind for a moment to see Starscream laying on the wall with hiss arm in the air. He fired his rocket and caught Predaking off guard. Megatron put all of his strength and punched Predaking in the chest with his blade causing him to fall on the floor dead. At that moments Megatron looked at Starscream he isn't lifting his arm in the air, his optics don't shine anymore he is just laying there, dead? Megatron kneeled besides Starscream holding his arm and crying. ,, I'm sorry Starscream I failed you." At That moment Soundwave showed up with medical help for Starscream. They took him it the mad bay and Megatron just sat on the flor and cryed.

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