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In the morning Starscream woke up and saw Megatron still sleeping. ,, Good morning master " said Starscream stretching out.,, Noooooo, later!" Said Megatron while turning away.,, Wake upppp. It's talk day!"he said still stretching.,,Ok fineeee!"After that he slowly got up. After that he finally got of from the bed and stretched a bit. ,, You are not the morning person aren't you?" Said Starscream ful of energy.,, No not at all, I'm not even a night person."Megatron said still hunged over. ,, Well I'm more of a night person but today I feel burs of energy and I want to use it." He said almost jumping up.,, Well how are you going to do that,I mean you can't fly or walk properly and you can't work sooo how?" Megatron wonder.,,Hmmmm let's see.I can write the reports from the incident." He said happy.,,Ok but at the end what are you going to do after that?"Megatron asked.,, Have a talk with you about yesterday." He responded,, We still need to do that but I don't want to do it on the ship.",,Why?" Megatron asked now annoyed with Starscream's sceaming.,, Soundwave, he is both eyes and ears of the deceptcions and he can hear everything. And I don't want him to hear us, I think you don't want that also." he said quietly. ,, Ugh fine, your sceaming is really beyond this world." he said while leaning for a kiss. ,, Well that's the reason why I'm you second in command." He said hugging Him also leaning for the kiss. At that moment both of them started making out when suddenly Knockout showed up.,, Sorry Am I interrupting you my lige?" ,, Umm not actually but what do you want?" Megatron asked still hugging Starscream.,, Well I kinda have a good news"he continued ,,so I stayed up all night and fixed Starscream's wings but there is still some parts missing. I can re build them but I will need time and resources so if you allow me?",, Yes, I allow it yes just make a list of what you need and I will get it for you"Megatron said excited.,, Well Then here's the list and if you excuse me, I would like to go back to work." He said leaving the two of them alone. ,,Did you hear that Starscream, you can get your wings back you can fly again?"Megatron said while hugging him more.,, Don't be so excited Megatron " Starscream said calmly,, He didn't said that he was 100% Shure and, seeing the state of my wing, even if he reattached them question is will I be able to fly.",, Oh come on Starscream be a little more enthusiastic" Megatron said hoping to cheer him up,, I will get him a resources and you will be back to your old self without an issues I hope.",, Oh issues will stay until we had a talk so wait for it." He said almost angry.,, Ok so the talk, I have a place for it" He said very happy,, Meet me at the end of the day on the dock of the Ship.",, Fine I'll trust you Megsy" he said while kissing him on the neck. ,, Megsy?" He said while slowly kissing Starscream on the head,,I think I like that Star." ,, Mhmm that sound good."he said while slowly hugging him.,, Lord Megatron you are needed on the ground brige."They hear com link. Both of them decided to go there since they have work to do. The looks on the faces of solders are priceless. They are all stunned to se their Commander walking like nothing happened only missing wings what made them confused. At the ground brige Soundwave looked at Starscream with disbelief. Starscream just calmly said,, Don't worry I just came to fill a report on the incident and then I will leave Soundwave you won't be responsible for me."Soundwave just nodded and continue taking with Megatron about new mine and Starscream continue to work on the reports. The work on the ground brige was a huge headache for all bots that day. Megatron and Soundwave filled all the reports about mine with Starscream's help. They finished later in the evening.,, Finally it took all day long for this thing to be done." Said Starscream relieved. ,,Yes, and now Starscream we have something to do so Soundwave can you open the ground brige to this coordinates" Said Megatron and in the seconds ground brige was opened and two of them went into it.

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