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Megatron snapped out of shock and started following Starscream. He was scared for him, what he will do he is far from predictable person what if he hurts someone or worse, himself. While Megatron is running to him Starscream was breaking in his room, he was crying, yelling and ramsacking his room. Everything that could be broken is broken and he is just screaming. At that moment Megatron showed up and slam him on the wall. ,, You Idiot what are you doing do you want to kill yourself?" He yelled more scared than angry.,, SO WHAT IF I WANT THAT I'M USELESS,IM BROKEN, IM DONE. I HITT THE ROCK BOTTOM."He cryed while whining.,, No, no you're not. You are Starscream, seeker commander, you always come back with plan for situation like this ." Megatron said in hope to bring Starscream back to reality but it just made it worse.,,NO I'M NOT, SEEKERS NEED A LEADER THAT CAN FLY AND LEAD THEM TO THE SKY AND NOT A USELESS NON FLYING BOT WHO IS NOT MUCH DIFFERENT FROM THE DRONE. I'M A LOSER I CAN'T HANDLE IT, I DON'T WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS I..."But he didn't get to finish, Megatron pulled him in the kiss hugging him tightly and holding his head. At that moment Starscream was shocked, he didn't expected this to happened but he is enjoying it. He calmed down and hugged him back gently. Megatron was surprised, in his whole life no one treated him gently, everyone is scared of him, they treated him like a monster from the pits. But this was different, it was so weak but still strong to make him happy. He pulled Starscream away from the kiss and said,, Don't even think that you are useless, you are and always be my Starscream ". ,, But I can't fly I'm useless." he said tears flowing through his eyes.,, No you aren't " Megatron said whipping tears from his face,, You can't fly yes but, you know a lot about flying and you can think in battle unlike any of the deceptcion you are not useless.",, No you're lying, You only said that so you can hit me later and yell at me for things I didn't do you just keep me as your stress toy." He said crying more and more.,, But you tryed to overthrow me, to kill me." He said afraid of what will happened next.,, I did tryed to overthrow you but only when It's obvious that you won't survive, I wanted to continue your legacy, to finish what you started, you are different person before you..." He said crying more and more. ,, Before I what, tell me?" He said angry.,, BEFORE YOU USED DARK ENERGON AND TURN YOURSELF INTO THING YOU HATED THE MOST! " he yelled,, you used dark energon and turned yourself into the tyrant who doesn't care about his people and is corrupted by power.",, Starscream I didn't know that you think like that" Megatron said while holding his arms and rubbing them.,,We all think this but we are all scared that if someone said anything you will punish them." He continued ,, I stayed by your side because something told me to, I didn't like the abuse but just looking at you made me strong enough to continue after every failure. I wanted to be strong like you.I lost my seekers in war and I don't have any friends, the deceptcion cause is all I have in life." At that moment Megatron put his arm on Starscream's face and softly said to him,, I don't know what to say, my apology won't help you but I need to confess something." he said while slowly putting his other arm on Starscream's waist,, I also wanted to end you, after you tryed to overthrow me but... I just couldn't. And when Predaking attacked you I thought that I wouldn't mind seeing you hurt but, you ignited something that I thought was lost forever. Starscream it's hard to say this but I..." ,,You what? Don't think I'm good leader,or want me replaced or"but he didn't finished the sentence, Megatron pulled him closer again and kissed him with all of his passion and said:,,I love you, not as a friend,or a solder I love you as a person I want to spend my life with. I don't care what others say I love you Starscream" At that moment Starscream hugged him back and said,, I love you too Megatron" and started kissing him. That night both of them hugged each other until very late in the night. After that Megatron said to Starscream,, Tomorrow You and I will be alone on the ship so we can talk about this do you agree?" He just curdled up to Megatron and said,, Yes I wanted to do that for a long time."  Both of them hugged and feel asleep together.

So I just want to say that I don't see Megatron x Starscream as an abusive ship because Megatron only abuses others when his limits are broken. In show when he was winning he didn't abused anyone like before. Also I think that if he found someone who really love him he would be happy. Same goes for Starscream so stay tuned for other chapters.

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