I really love you

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Megatron was just looking at his second in command, the ship was empty, only he was awake guarding Starscream. All of a sudden he bursted into tears,, Why does everything bad happened to you, why, you are trying to change, you are trying to be good why?" He was now broken,,I wanted to live on Cybertron but not without you I…can't believe that someone would actually love me." He grabbed his arm and hold it closer to his spark. ,,I just want you to be fine, to see you again flying in the sky and just to be happy." He continued,, I love you Starscream, I really love you, please do your best to wake up, please, I just want you to live. " All of a sudden grip on his hand became stronger and other hand was there hugging him. ,, You didn't abandoned me.." he heard. Starscream woke up crying and hugging him. Megatron hugged him back and didn't want to let go.,, I didn't, I didn't abandoned you I never will." He was hugging him tightly. He was never happier than now. Starscream felt a little weak but still hold on the Megatron. At that moment Both medic stood on the door. They didn't want to interrupt them but still, they needed to check on the Starscream. ,, I'll call the medics to check on you." Megatron said while letting him go. ,,No need for calling." Knockout said while coming towards them with Ratchet following. Megatron was a bit imberrest, he didn't like to show emotions to others but Starscream just calmed him. Scanning showed that he was clean from the black rust but he needed recharge and rest for a long time. ,, You need to rest for a while so you will be fine." Said Ratchet while Knockout added,, Oh in case you are filling dizzy or have a blurry vision get here immideatly because you may be poisoned, we used that type of solution to heal you." Starscream just looked at him worried,,Ok...I will call you in case of that now I need to go." He got up but fell on the floor. He slowly got up but couldn't walk. ,, Your sistem is still tiered so you don't really work well." Knockout said. Megatron just looked at Starscream holding up to the table and sitting there. Starscream looked back at him and spread out his arms like a baby wanting to be picked up. Megatron understand what he wanted and gently took him in his arms. After they get out Megatron asked him where does he want to go. ,, I know I need rest but, can we please go on the dock of the ship, I wanna see the stars ?" Megatron understand and carried him there. The stars looked beautiful, bright moon and darkness of the sky made perfect atmosphere. They just sat there next to each other when all of a sudden Starscream leaned his head on Megatron and started talking,, Thank you for, not abandoning me when I needed help and thank you for all of the beautiful words you said to me while I was in a coma." Megatron realized that he could hear him in a coma so he just took his arm and said ,, You are only one who didn't see me as a monster and I will always be thankful for that but I don't understand what you see in me?" Megatron asked him knowing that he won't say anything but he was surprised when Starscream started talking,, Well I saw my leader who understand the struggle and most important, I saw the biggest power of will to ever exist in the bot.",, But I'm useless, I can only fight, I'm no good for war, I can't even fix the paperwork without others helping me." Megatron told him ashamed to admit it but to Starscream it's not important. ,, Yes you are not good with paperwork and I'm not good in fighting on the ground, we are all made with different purposes in the world, Megatron, you are not useless."  Starscream said while hugging him ,, How about this, I can help you learn to handle paperwork and can protect me on the ground fight ok? "Megatron was thinking for a bit and agreed. Starscream was happy to finally prove to him that he is not useless. Megatron asked him does he wanna go to sleep and he said yes. Again he picked him up and carried him to his bedroom. On the way there they saw Soundwave and Shockwave in the lab working together happy to spend time with each other. ,, This two are really cute together" Megatron said. ,, Agree" Starscream answered happy. In the bedroom Megatron carefully placed Starscream on the bed and kissed him. ,, Can you stay a bit longer my little scraplet?" He asked a little sad. ,, I don't want to be alone!" ,,Oh fine my dear Star." Megatron said while laying next to him. Being with Starscream is fine to Megatron until he tried to hug him while laying in the bed. He tried but Starscream's wings are the problem. ,,Uhh weird question but, how do I hug you?" He now asked dumb founded. ,,Try around the waist, I don't know either no one wanted to hug me." Megatron tryed lik that and it worked. Starscream also wanted to hug him but he scratched himself on Megatron's spike on his shoulders. ,,Ow you are also not easy to hug either." He added while putting his arm on Megatron's back. ,, Looks like we aren't meant to be blessed with love touch, only to fight." Megatron said tiered. ,, And still we found a way to get it from one another." Starscream added while getting closer to him. They both feel asleep happy to feel each other's company.

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