,,Don't be mad"

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Starscream woke up extremely early today. He looked at time 03:15 in the morning. He stretch a bit and started poking Megatron. ,, Wakey, wakey my little scraplet, we have a lot of work to do." Megatron was really tiered, he just moved to the side saying,, Five more minutes." Starscream is now used to this type of behavior, after all today is officially a month since they had a talk with each other and confess their love. ,, Fine then go to sleep and I will do the rest of the work." He kissed Megatron on the head ready to leave. At that moment Megatron realized that Starscream can overwork himself and he immediately jumped off the bed. ,, I'm awake now!" He said while quickly getting to Starscream. On their way to the workplace Megatron just looked at Starscream. ,, What's on your mind scraplet?" Starscream asked. ,,Why are you calling me scraplet?" He asked happy. ,, Well, you have Sharp teeth and bite a lot." He continued while hugging him,, But you are my little scraplet and only mine." He kissed him happy while Megatron picked him up and carried him in the workplace. Starscream loved being carried by Megatron, he was a big and grumpy bot and him being gentle is something very funny. At the work place pile of work is already there. ,,All of this from yesterday, plus today's work." Megatron is alredy whining but Starscream comforted  him,, Hey, don't worry It's a lot yes but I will help you with it and learn you how to handle work ok?" He just nodded sighed and sat down with Starscream next to him and pulled the data pads closer. ,,Ok so what I usually do is that I start doing two easy problems, one medium and one hard so I won't lose my focus and motivation, want to try?" Starscream asked while sorting out the data pads. ,,I could try." He said while looking at data pad. Surprisingly it worked. Megatron did have a couple of mental breakdowns but Starscream kept him on track. After 5 hours Optimus and Shockwave showed up. Both of them are surprised to see Megatron and Starscream. ,, Megatron, Starscream what are you doing here and how long have you been there?" Optimus asked surprised. ,, Since 3:15 in the morning" answered both of them tiered from work. ,, You two need rest especially you Starscream." Optimus scolded both of them for braking the rules. ,, Prime's saying is logical and your work for today is done." Shockwave added. ,, Wait, really?" Asked Megatron confused. He never did his work on time or even finished it so quickly. ,,Looks like you have a day off Megatron." Optimus told him happy. Yes Optimus is Megatron's friend but he doesn't like to work with him because of their different approach. Optimus is calm, more willing to help and overall softer Megatron,on the other hand, is much less approachable, with anger issues and can easily give up on the work, they are total opposite. Optimus told Megatron to enjoy the rest of his day and others will reassure that everything will be fine. ,,Ok then I'm heading back to sleep." Starscream said while slowly getting up tied, barley walking. Megatron also followed heading in his room. ,, Wait a second " Starscream stopped,, The ship is almost empty where's everyone?" At that moment Megatron realized that Optimus, Shockwave, Starscream and he are the only one on the ship. ,, Others are on their mission." Shockwave answerd calmly,, Optimus Prime and I are going to some mine checking." Starscream was now very suspicious. ,,Mine checking you said, but you hate mines and you Optimus should translate the script from the relic we got, what is going on here?!" Now, more suspicious about it Starscream got Megatron's attention. ,, Hate to say it but, Starscream's right, what's happening here PRIME?" Megatron yelled angry. ,,N... Nothing Megatron calm down." Optimus told him but it only made it worse. ,,Calm down, CALM DOWN?!,, He yelled,,How can I calm down when you are sceaming like Starscream!" ,, EXCUSE ME!" Said Starscream insulted by Megatron. ,, Sorry Star, I didn't mean it." Megatron tried to calm him but he just backed off and groweld. Now he is more angry that his work is interrupting his love life,, Optimus Orion Pax Prime, if you don't tell me what is going on I will kill you LIKE A BEAST FROM THE PITS OF KAON DO YOU UNDERSTAND." At that moment Megatron realized that Starscream is backing up ready to flee from the danger. ,, Fine but don't be mad." Optimus told him. ,,He is already mad, he's boiling from rage just, tell him what's going on or he'll beat you up until your hospitalized for primus sake."  At that moment whole room shifted, Megatron was shocked from what he heard. Shockwave is now standing next to Optimus in case something happens. ,, Well we broke the main computer and didn't tell you all crew is finding replacement parts for it so please don't be mad I'm sorry. " Optimus spilled the tea and Megatron is now standing next to Starscream wanting to hold his arm but for some reason Starscream is, afraid. ,,I don't care how, or what happened or why but you have exactly tree days to fix it from now on do you Understand?!" He yelled. Both Shockwave and Prime  got out leaving Starscream and Megatron alone. Megatron was boiling with rage, when all of a sudden Starscream asked him,, Are you alri...ah?" ,, Leave me alone!" He yelled while swinging his arm to push Starscream away but he forgot how strong he was actually. Starscream was sent flying couple of feet away. At that moment Megatron realized what he has done but it's too late. Starscream is now holding his chest while crying,, I know you couldn't change." ,,Star please I..I... didn't mean to" he tried to explain but Starscream stopped him. ,,No, No, I understand now that someone like you can't love ANYONE!" He yelled while running towards his bedroom crying more and more. ,,Starscream wait please!" Megatron yelled while trying to stop him. He got to his room locked himself up and cryed on the floor while Megatron is banging outside his room.

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