,,Please I can't "

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,, Starscream please open the door." He yelled scared for him. He now realized that even though he liked him Starscream is still afraid of the abuse.,,GO AWAY!" he yelled crying more and more. ,, Please, please I won't get in, I won't hurt you, I won't yell but please, please just... open the door." He sobbed more and more. At that moment he heard a door opening And Starscream stood next to it. At that moment Megatron couldn't resist and hugged him so tightly that he slammed him on the floor crying. ,, Thank goodness you are fine, you're fine!" He get him on the bed hugging him. ,, Please, I'm not fine." Starscream was saying while hugging him back. Megatron understood this hug, it's not that tight but still, he didn't want to let go of it. ,,My little Shining star, what's wrong with you, I know you are scared of something come on, I won't be mad I promise my love." He kissed him and Starscream relaxed a bit. All of a sudden he started talking,, Megatron I'm scared, I'm scared that you will be back to your old self." Megatron pulled him closer into the hug and said,, Because of today?" ,, Yes and  It hurt me that even if you are a good person I would still be one abused all because of my stupidity." He said while looking at his eyes. ,, It's not stupidity Starscream it's love." He answered happy,, I love you more than anything and you are the reason I changed." ,, really?" He asked smiling with his tears in eyes. ,, Yes you loving idiot, I would do anything for you even giving my life to you." Megatron really loved him, it's hard to believe but it's true. Starscream really changed him and make him the happiest he's ever been.  After this Starscream just wanted to stop time for this moment to never end. Unfortunately that was stopped by the call from Shockwave. ,, Lord Megatron, computer is fully operational and ready to be used."  Both of them heard. ,, Shockwave my least favorite scientist how do you know that you ruined perfect moment. " Starscream added making Megatron laugh a bit. ,, Good now what's next on our list of problems Megatron can't find about." He asked angry a bit. ,,Optimus and I are going to take the data pad in the autobot base to translate it others are there waiting." Shockwave answerd calmly. ,, I'm not coming there so enjoy." He hung up and laid on the bed tiered. ,,Hehe you are really tiered aren't you my little scraplet?" Starscream asked while standing up. ,,I'm hungry" he answered. ,,Me too so I want to grab some energon wanna join?" He asked. Megatron nodded yes and went with him. At the cafeteria they grabbed a drink that they chugged. ,,Ok now this is the fastest drink I ever consumed in my life so yeah I'm going now." Starscream said while kissing Megatron. ,,Same here my love." Megatron answered while going to his room. At Megatron's bedroom he started kissing Him on the lips. ,, You know Starscream I'm still a bit hungry" Megatron said while hugging him. Starscream know that he doesn't want energon so he also started kissing him back passionately,, Really my dear scraplet, but, I'm more hungry then you are." Megatron chuckled a bit and entered his room kissing Starscream. As soon as the doors are closed Starscream jumped on the Megatron kissing him on the lips. He now didn't want to stop, now Megatron manage to get over him holding his arms with one and lifting his leg with other. Starscream just kissed him harder,, Mhmm... You are really good at this my love " he said while scratching Megatron on the back. Megatron now got really turned on. His grip hardened and he bited Starscream on the neck. ,,AAaah…my…LORD… yes" he somehow said wanting more. Megatron really liked Starscream in bed. Unlike in real life he loved being dominated. Megatron understand that and just started kissing him more while moving his hand slowly from his hands to his neck over the shoulder and onto the wings. Starscream just hold onto him with his legs kissing him, arms scratching on his back. Megatron really loved it, he moaned softly. ,,Mhmmm…you are really good commander…mhmmm …just…keep…going." Megatron added while now biting on the special spot on his wings. ,,Ah...MY...AHHHH..JUSS... KEEP ME GOING." Starscream added now fully turned on. Grip harder than ever, eyes wide and full of passion. He continued to kiss Megatron more and more. They continued their session until Starscream started to slowly give up. ,,A...Aghh... My...Lord I can't do this anymore...Aghhhhh " he somehow mumbled tiered and exhausted. Megatron also couldn't do this anymore and he started to gave up. He moved on the other side of the bed, exhausted breathing air to cooling down. Starscream was shaking, he was really exhausted but he loved it.,,This is awesome my dear" Megatron answered pulling Starscream in a hug. ,, Yes it is now I just want to sleep love." Starscream answered happy and exhausted. He wrapped his arms around Megatron's chest and putting his head on his neck. Megatron just wrapped his arm around his waist and kissed him. They slept together for the rest of the day enjoying each other happy.

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