,,You did what?,,

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Optimus called Ratchet:,, Ratchet, can you read The signals from Starscream and Arcee?" He asked worried. ,,No, I can't find it." Megatron was shaking a bit, he finally understood Starscream and now if he got out of this situation a breakup or a big conflict will be there. Meanwhile at the coordinates Arcee and Starscream are looking around, not a single Sing of living, only sand. ,, Where are we?" Starscream asked while Arcee was looking at their location. ,,Map says Egypt, we are really far away from coordinates actually." She answered while calling the base,, Arcee's calling base, do you read, do you read?" Only static can be heard. ,, Weird, let me try, ship base do you read, hello, do you read?"  Also static. The sun is slowly setting and it's going to be dark soon. ,, Let's go to the coordinates we will drive and then we can think of this." Arcee said while transforming and driving. Starscream followed her hoping that this will end up quickly. Meanwhile ,at the base, Soundwave is fixing computers while Megatron and Optimus are quietly panicking. ,, YOU DID WHAT?!" Yelled Bulkhead looking at Options who told them what happened. ,,We forgot that they aren't on the best terms and send them on a mission sorry we were busy." Optimus told while Soundwave called them. ,, Well, the computer won't be fixed for 5 earth hours, the main board is broken and repair will be long." That scared Megatron even more when viecon entered asking for leaders. ,,The com links aren't working, satellite is fine but still." He answered. ,, Well the main board is broken so the com link won't work until I fix it so find other way." Soundwave answerd trying to fix this mess. Now only thing they can do is wait. Starscream and Arcee didn't have it easy in the desert, Arcee couldn't drive properly on the sand and is constantly being stuck while Starscream fight against the sand that wind carried onto him. ,,Ah not again, no, come on!" She yelled while being stuck on the hill, Starscream transformed and came to her. ,,Hey ,calm down, you are sinking more if you move, we are here so be carefulAaaaaaaaaaaagh." He doesn't get to finish it, his feet aren't made for walking on the sand and he just fell on his back tumbling down on the bottom of the hill. ,, HAHAHAHAHAHA, OH COMMANDER! Arcee laughed almost crying. Starscream got up, sand falling from him and shaking it off from his wings. ,,Oh Megatron just wait until I get on the ship, you are going to pay for this." He yelled while walking with Arcee to the temple they just arrived at. ,, But you wanted to go?" Arcee asked for Starscream to answer,,Yes but not in sand where both of us are useless, I can't even stand and you are constantly stuck, why did they even send us together ?" At that moment they entered the temple. Both of them transformed their hands into weapons and started exploring, the temple wasn't so big for them and they found the key. It was in a bit room standing on the exebition table made of stone. ,,Be careful I feel something is wrong." Starscream added while looking at Arcee. ,,Oh please, it's just an old temple,, she said while stepping on the floor. All of a sudden a blaster shooted at her. Luckily Starscream pulled her back and she was safe. ,, Yes an old temple full of traps so be careful, we don't want one more bot dead." He added smiling. She smiled back and look at the room ,,So if it's full of traps, how are we going to get the key?". ,,Hmmm let's see." Starscream answered while picking up heavy rock and trowed it on the floor. The Rock bounced a few times but didn't activate any of the traps ,,If we imitate a rock falling we can get the key so let's go!". ,,Starscream wait" She called him but he already stepped on the same place where Arcee stood up. ,, How, you didn't activate the trap?" Starscream looked at it but didn't know for sure. All of a sudden Arcee got it. Starscream had smaller feet then her and he has a very light walk. ,, Your feet are the reason why trap isn't activated, you can get a key." She said. He understood her and slowly started walking. Arcee isn't trusting Starscream a lot but now, she is encouraging him to be careful. Starscream got the key and got back to Arcee. He gave a key to her,, Here since you don't trust me very well." He said smiling. ,,Yes, we finally got our first key!" She smiled. Both of them are happy to have a first key. ,, Starscream to base do you..." Static still. ,,We will have to wait until they get us out. " He said to her while shaking sand out of his leg. ,,Well it's not like we have a choice." She pointed out, the big sandstorm is there. Flying or driving are out of the question, if they try it sand cold get stuck in their engines and they will die. ,,This with be a long night waiting!" They both said a bit sad hoping that someone will come to them. On the ship Soundwave is calling Knockout. ,, Knockout do you have a drill?" He asked. ,, Yes but since when did you use a drill to fix a computer?" He asked worried. ,, Since the main board cannot be fixed I need to at least try to fix com link, just, do you have a drill or not?" I'm coming he answered while going to help him. ,,So how much time did you need to fix this? " Knockout asked while trying to help. ,,,At least an hour, I just hope they were doing well!" Soundwave replied. In the desert night is getting colder and storm was getting louder. In the temple is getting colder, both of them shiver from it and sand that was stuck on their engines isn't helping. ,,Hey, it's really cold here." Arcee said shivering more. Being smaller bot it's soo good when cold hits.,,Hey ,calm down, don't think about the cold let's play a game." Starscream answered shivering. ,,Yes let's play a..." She answered him when both of them said at the same time,,WHO SCREW UP IN THE BASE?". This made them laugh a bit. ,, I'm putting my bet on the Bulkhead, brute though he saw the scraplet and hit one of the computers so that's why we're stuck here." She answered.,, I'm on the other hand betting on Megatron, he probably got angry and punched something or someone that's important so we're stuck here." Starscream said while slowly getting closer to Arcee who is now shivering more and more trying to block the wind with his wings. ,, Punch someone, Optimus never punched us why did he do that?" She asked scared. Optimus never yelled at them and hitting is always out of the question but, hitting someone because of rage is just unthinkable for autobots. ,, Well sometimes it's from the rage, other times it's if you fail on a mission or, if you angerd him or just because you're unlucky that Thay to be on his way, but he mostly took it on me Soo it's fine." Starscream answered tiered. Cold really wore them out, they can baearly move and taking kept them in line. ,, Starscream Megatron really abused you how are you still alive and why you?" She now just wanted to know why. ,, Because I'm closest to him and cold easily be replaced." He answered. ,, Replaced, how can you replace a bot?" She asked worried, now she understood that Megatron See his solders as a tools not like people, like Optimus does. ,, Easy " Starscream continued ,, Knockout is our only medic so he isn't taking the abuse, Soundwave is the only technician on the ship so he isn't taking the abuse either, Shockwave is a scientist and no abuse for him and I can only fly, I'm not strong like him, I'm not smart like Shockwave or Soundwave so I was made into his stress toy formally called decepticon's second in command. I can easily be replaced". ,,No you can't and if he abused you Soo much, why did you stick around or fought back ?" She told him. ,, Because I believed in him, I hoped he will change so I don't fight back. After all I was right." He answered smiling. He really loved Megatron and he really changed, now he doesn't abuse anyone and anger issues are smaller. ,,I didn't eat anything since yesterday, old habit, how about you?" He asked. ,,I also didn't eat, I would usually leave energon for others because of the small ration, Bulkhead would remind me but I simply forgot." She looked at him. ,, Same here but instead of small ration, I would usually be in a med bay or work so I won't have time for it, now Megatron would remind me and if I'm working he would bring it to my work." He smiled. Arcee noticed that and pointed it out ,, You are really in love with Megatron." He instantly said,, Yes" and remembered something. He opened up his cockpit and sure enough there's a small energon cube in it. It wasn't enough to power him but enough not to die out of starvation. He gave it to Arcee. ,, Here I still have a plenty of energon in me." She all of a sudden asked him,,Why are you so good with people now, I wanted to kill you?". He understood that and told her,,I don't want my past to interrupt my future so I want to try my best to help." She immediately understood that and took the small cube and eat half of it. ,, You need energon to!" She offered it to him but he politely declined saying that he isn't hungry. They were both now hoping that team is coming to the rescue.

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