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The next day was very funny. Everyone found out about Megatron and Starscream's fight and both of them are different. In the dining room Starscream is eating his energon and everyone is looking at him, all of a sudden entered Megatron and sat next to Starscream. They are both quiet, Megatron is looking at him with guilt. Starscream is ignoring him and started eating faster. ,,Oh for primus sake say something!" Knockout said while eating. Both Megatron and Starscream looked at each other and Starscream said,, I'm still mad." Megatron was sad, even though he looked big, angry and unlikable he's like a puppy with Starscream. He loves him very much and now him being mad is making him feel really bad. ,, Star " he tried to say but Starscream stopped him by putting his finger on his lips,, No, no, no, no, no you're not "Staring " me I can't deal with it now so please stop." Megatron, now angry , sat next to him saying,, you are a huge headache." ,, Well you are no good either so deal with it or leave me." He answered it . ,,I think I can handle it" Megatron said while putting his arm on Starscream's waist so no one can see it. ,,My goodness you are really complicated relationship." Knockout said while eating a cube. Everyone left to attend their duty leaving Megatron and Starscream alone. Megatron tried to kiss him but he leaned back. ,, Can I get a kiss please?" Megatron asked like a small child. ,,No." He said while leaving to his room. Megatron left following him. At the bedroom Starscream was putting his code and Megatron run towards him,, c'mon Star, look I'm sorry for yelling at you and sorry for calling you an idiot and other names in the book so please, just don't be mad." ,, Hmph" he growled with his hands crossed and looking up in the celling. ,,Oh please I'm sorry for everything, sorry for sending you on a mission, sorry for yelling at you about your eating disorder, sorry for not letting you on a missions earlier so this stupid thing never happened and sorry for doubting your abilities." He said ashamed. All of a sudden Starscream kissed him in the head. ,, You saying sorry for doubting my abilities is only thing I wanted to hear my little scraplet." Megatron was happy, he finally made up to him. ,,I need some sleep soo meet me at the dock of the ship tonight and rest today." Starscream told him. ,,Why?" He asked but Starscream just smiled and said,, Because we won't be sleep tonight". He closed the door and Megatron left happy. That day everyone was working really hard, Optimus and Soundwave found another key in the Forest and only half of the script was left. Megatron was happy, everything is going well today. At the dinner, Megatron is chilling with decepticons and enjoying energon. ,,Starscream is still sleeping?" Shockwave asked. ,,I can't believe I'm saying this but yes."Megatron said while looking at him. ,, But I saw him out minutes ago." Soundwave said and that confused everyone. All of a sudden Knockout entered frightened. ,, Have you seen Starscream?!" He asked worried. ,,No what happened?" Megatron asked scared for what he will hear. ,,He went missing and I can't find him, my monitors are showing that he's now bleeding his energon and he isn't responding to my call." Everyone is shocked. All of a sudden Arcee called them frightened,, HELP PLEASE WE'RE TRAPPED,MINE CRASHED DOWN AND WE ARE TRAPPED HE'S BLEEDING HE..." Call ended, Megatron was now scared to death for his lover, what if he die? If he die, Megatron can only give up. ,, Soundwave call Megatron there's a mine crash and Arcee is trapped with Starscream underneath the rubbish." Soundwave open the groundbrige to the mine and all of them entered in no questions asked. In the mine autobots are worried. ,,We can't dig into rubbish we can crash them."Some viecons said. ,, Then what will we do?" Asked Bulkhead worried.
,,We will find out something." Optimus said comforting both Bulkhead and Megatron. Underneath the rubbish, Arcee is trying to stop bleeding from Starscream's wound. Arcee is brave but being trapped underneath the rubbish is giving her a panic attack. Starscream is also scared but he now worried more about her then himself. He didn't cared about his wound now, he took Arcee's hand and started calming her down. ,,Hey, hey, hey, don't worry about me just, calm down please." He told her and then he placed her next to him. A piece of equipment exploded on the 5th floor of their biggest mine and everything started falling down. He pushed Arcee from falling rubbish and then got trapped underneath the big piece of falling floor right next to the wall. Both of them got hurt, Arcee is full of small cuts, some of them are deep and Starscream got a piece of metal stuck in his leg. Both of them are in pain. After they calmed down a bit Starscream leaned down against the wall and Arcee is looking at him. ,, Thank you for saving my life but why?" She asked him curious. ,, Well I honestly try to make up because I offlined your partner and I just didn't want to end on that." She understood him. Cliffjumper was her friend and his killing broke her, she always saw Starscream as monster and she wanted to end him but, now, she knows that they had a lot in common. ,, I forgive you, he was my partner but now I just want to hug Bulkhead and be with him." She cried. ,,I also wanted to be with Megatron, today was supposed to be our first official date but now, I ended here." He answered honestly. ,, You really love him do you?" She asked. ,, Yes he changed for me and he really loved me, we fight sometimes yes but, it's not like before, he doesn't yell at me, he listen to me and he doesn't hit me he just hugged me or kiss me I just wanted to let him know that I'm alive." Arcee believed him, after all Megatron is also abused as well and he can understand Starscream. ,,So you and Bulkhead, I thought you are with Cliffjumper." He told her smiling. ,, Yes we are together for a long time,I was with Bulkhead even when we were on Cybertron, Cliff was just a friend nothing more." She answered smiling. ,,He was funny, honest, little clumsy but I still love him." Starscream was happy for her to have someone. ,,Soo you and Megatron? Sounds impossible " she asked him. ,,I already told you he changed, he even stopped using dark energon." He pointed out. ,,No way how did you even managed to do that? " She asked amazed. ,, Well after I lost my wings I had a mental breakdown in my room where he comfort me and we agreed on the talk about our issues and after that we were together." He answered. Arcee was now fully interested in this story. ,,How did he confess his love to you he isn't an emotional guy?" She asked and Starscream continued ,, Well I was having a mental breakdown in my room and he followed me there. After he saw me he slammed me against the wall and asked me what's wrong and did I try to kill myself on what I replied crying that I'm useless and that seekers need someone who can fly so he leaned me into a kiss saying that I'm not useless and that he loved me for years while I also confessed that to him." Arcee was shocked, she's the only one from the autobots to find out how this two hooked up. ,,Wow that's crazy." She said on what Starscream only smiled. On the surface viecons and predacons cleand half of the rubbish while searching for this two. ,,I did a reconstruction of the incident and found out that they have a small pockets to run into and survive." Shockwave said to Megatron and Optimus. Bulkhead wanted to help but he's just slowing down rest of the team. ,,Calm down Bulkhead we will find them" Knockout said,, Looking at the time of the incident and Arcee's call she called me 2 minutes after so she definitely survived." Megatron was panicking inside Arcee can be fine yeah but No signal from Starscream. Meanwhile Starscream is wondering how to get out of rubbish. ,,We can make noise to get their attention." Arcee Said but he denied it ,, The won't hear us from under this rubbing." She looked at his leg, the piece of metal was stuck in in and clogged energon supply to his leg. ,, Does it hurt you?" She asked pointing at his leg. ,, Yes but I'm used to the pain "he answered looking around. They are trapped between an big cave wall and a metal flower while rubbish is on the other sides of the air pocket. ,,We can pull this piece and we can make a room for us." Arcee said while pulling it out. The rubbish feel down and that made a loud noise that alerted the rescue team on the surface and they started digging. After the 15 minutes they finally reached them. Medics took them to the med bay with Megatron and Bulkhead following while others continue cleaning. In the med bay, both of them are cleaned and fixed for an hour. ,, You got really lucky Arcee, if you didn't move faster you would be dead from falling rubbish. " Ratchet told her on what she said,, Thanks to Starscream, he pulled me closer, thank you." ,, Nothing important." He answered. ,, Well you are also very well Starscream, you are fixed so you can go now." Knockout said. Starscream left the Med bay with Megatron. ,, What are you ever doing in the mine?" Megatron asked him. ,,I wanted us to have an official date tonight so I wanted the fresh energon for you. Megatron smiled while kissing Starscream on the head. ,,Oh Star that was the most beautiful thing someone ever did to me but, I don't care about the date, I just want to spend time with you. " He answered to him while hugging him. ,,Then please come to my room so we can talk and enjoy each other's company, you know to, spend some alone time together." He asked him politely. ,,Of course my dear." Megatron told him and entered his room. They chatted almost whole night talking about everything they wanted. At the end Starscream hugged and kissed Megatron while falling asleep on his chest.

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