Peace and problems

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Starscream was  flying for the rest of the day. Everyone enjoyed the show but all of a sudden he remembered Soundwave. He transformed back and went to the Soundwave's bedroom. As soon as he got there Soundwave is already waiting for him, he showed him to go in and he followed.,, Knockout told me you wanted to see me so I came." He said wondering what did he do to be in this situation. ,, Don't worry I just want to tell you something." Soundwawe said with his natural voice. ,, Oh, sorry, I didn't expect you to talk with me like that." Starscream said scared a little bit. Soundwawe rarely talk in his natural voice only if the matter is important.,, I just want to say thank you for helping Megatron get back to his old self."he said,, your love really helped him." ,, Well I Loved him for my whole life but everyone thought that you are his favorite deceptcion." Answered Starscream a little bit ashamed. ,, Everyone loves me sa a solder but not as person." Soundwawe said full of sadness in his voice. ,, Well there's someone who actually love you for who you are." Starscream said with a smirk on his face. ,,  Really who, How did you know that?" Excited Soundwave asked.,, Well one big benefit being friends with Knockout is that you know every single secret on this ship and gossip so Shockwave told him that he really likes your quiet personality and your dedication to work." Starscream said while smiling. ,, Shockwave!? Really?" Soundwawe asked. ,,Yes and he wanted to ask you on a date but is super shy about it because he doesn't know how, emotions are not his best field. " He said when all of a sudden Soundwave hugged him and said ,, You made my day better thank you." ,, Soundwave stop I hate hugs you hate hugs and I'm sharp. " He yelled. ,, Yes, yes Your arm reminded me of that." He said while pointing at the small scratch on his arm. ,,I'm going to see Shockwave so..." ,, Good luck Soundwave"Starscream said while leaving. He walked towards the main room and there he saw Megatron worried.,, What's wrong my little scraplet you don't look so good?" He said while hugging Megatron around the waist. ,, Well for an hour I have a meeting about peace treaty with Optimus soo I'm worried, I'm not good with talking I just know how to fight." Megatron said worried what will happened,, Will you come with me or call me Soundwave?" He asked a bit worried. ,, First no, Soundwave is on a date with Shockwave and second if I entered with you Arcee also need to enter with Optimus so it would be fair play and knowing her temper we won't go far. " Starscream said very serious,, But I can give you a piece of advice" ,, Really what?" Megatron said while looking at Starscream.,,
Don't use too much words, be honest and don't overreact, and respect others,Optimus, even on the other side, still consider you as a friend so just be Megatron and everything will be fine. Starscream said while hugging him. ,, You think that?" Megatron asked,, No, I know that." He answered. Both of them got out and at that moment viecons brought the Optimus Prime and Arcee. Optimus already knew what Megatron wanted to discuss so he was very calm. Arcee walked beside him angry at Starscream for almost everything. He just looked at both of them and then at Megatron who is a little bit of nervous. He whispered to him so no one else can hear him,, everything will be fine Megatron, don't worry." Megatron let Optimus Prime in the room before he entered and shutted the door. Arcee and Starscream waited on the outside sitting on the floor. It's been an hour,Starscream was preoccupied with work. But all of a sudden he looked at Arcee to see her crying. ,,I know it's not my business but what's wrong, past strike again?" He said only for her to look at him and nod yes.He left all the work and came closer,, don't worry, this two will find a good solution trust me and then we will leave this place." He said while looking at her.,, But what if something goes wrong Megatron is agresive what if he..." She looked at Starscream crying. ,,Oh don't worry in the evening he let all of his agreison on me so Options will be fine." He said laughing.,, I can't believe that I'm talking honestly with you after you killed my partner and almost me." She answered laughing.,,Me neither, but at least we can work on it"ha also laugh. ,, Wait did you have scraplets on the ship?"she asked pointing at the bite mark on Starscream's leg. ,, What oh this, no it's Megatron but it's quite the same considering the marking and pain."he said. ,, Wait Megatron bites you why?" She asked confused. ,, Well he's now my lover soo yesterday night we had a little fun." He answered ashamed a bit. ,, Wow you and Megatron that's a crazy coincidence." She said.,, Yes, yes I know." Meanwhile in the room Optimus and Megatron's discussion was going good.,, So let's see we can officially say that we are done with war. You and autobots will help us rebuild the Cybertron and you can stay on Earth while deceptcions will be on Cybertron." Megatron said calmly While Optimus nodded,, Mhmm" ,, And Both faction can travel peacefuly between Earth and Cybertron without any issues." Yes Megatron that's what I want." Optimus said while looking at Megatron calmly.,, Well I guess we both want the same thing but what about sistem?"Megatron asked confused ,,All bots should be free and they can choose jobs on what they want to do how's that sound ?" Optimus asked his friend.,, Perfect" Megatron answered. Optimus smiled at Megatron and wanted to hug him but he stopped seeing scratches on his back. ,, What happened to you my friend?" He asked worried. ,,Oh that , well I kinda had a very busy night with Starscream?" He answered blushing a bit.,, Megatron did you punished him again?" Optimus asked worried. ,, No, no I just had a really sharp teeth and he had a really sharp claws so when I hugged and bited him I kinda forgot and he scratched me a little bit." He answered seeing Optimus who is laughing. ,, Megatron you are in love with a Starscream how crazy is that?" ,, Well Starscream helped me get of from dark energon and he is the first bot to propose peace treaty, but his abandonment issues are a little problematic Soo it's fine I hope."Megatron answered to him. ,, Well I'm glad that you found someone who can love you " Optimus said,,but I need to tell my team about peace treaty and." ,,Oh don't worry about that Starscream took care of that with Arcee they knew what is happening." Megatron said while getting out.,, Wow Starscream is really useful team member." Optimus though. Outside Arcee and Starscream are talking about the usual stuff. ,,So yeah sorry for killing your comrades and you a couple of times " Arcee said laughing a bit. ,, Sorry for killing your partners and you a couple of times." Starscream also said while laughing a bit, all deceptcions are here to see what will happened. At that moment both of them stood up and asked their leaders what happened.,, So " said Megatron,, we will rebuild our planet together and there's no more war" Megatron said while Optimus continue,, We also won't attack Earth, both factions are free and the sistem will be different, all bots will be free and choose jobs on what they want to do so it's official, we are not in war anymore." All deceptcions and Arcee cheered happy except Starscream who is working on something.,, Starscream are you happy?" Asked Megatron. ,, Yes my lige but, we have a problem?" He said while looking at data pad. ,, What now?" Asked annoyed Megatron.,,A viecon told me we have a scraplet invasion on our ship and that one predacon survived the explosion so we are having a problem, also other autobots are here and they heard peace treaty so anything else?" At that moment all autobots screamed in horror.,, SCRAPLETS!?" Everyone jumped out of fear only to see all other autobots on the ship shaking out of fear.,, Could this day get any worse!?" Asked Megatron only for Starscream to say,, Yes, Yes it can, I just got a message from other bots saying that they ate some of our equipment so shut up please I'm already scared!" ,,Scared from scraplets?" Asked Optimus. ,, No Scraplets, Megatron same thing but predacon, I almost died once so I'm not going to play with that beast." Starscream said while twitching a little bit.,, Well guess we are going predacon hunting." Said Knockout. ,, What about scraplets?" Asked Bulkhead scared.,, We have an anti scraplet sistem it will lower the temperature so they will freeze and we only have to melt them once they were done." Said Shockwave while typing something on data pad. As soon as he finished the temperature dropped to zero and viecons called.,, We found scraplets and we think this is only colony so we will take care of it." ,, Collect them and crush them at the garbage disposal." Starscream commanded.,, Understand" viecon replied.,, Commander Starscream there's been a problem at the energon storage room, something completely ruined it come here quick" other viecon replied worried.,, Coming" he answered,, Shockwave, Soundwave take care of scraplets, Knockout, Ratchet at the med bay we can't afford to lose our medics, Arcee and Bulkhead with them to protect them in case of a problem, and" he didn't have time to finish when com link started again,, Commander Starscream there's another problem, we saw two creatures we can't define they are running outside the ship and there's some viecons injured help." ,, Understand" Bumblebee,Smokescreen, Knockout go help them and" he didn't finished this ether,, Commander Starscream, predacons are attacking us at the dock." ,, I'm coming " he said,, Megatron, Optimus with me now " he said while transforming and flying as fast as he can while Megatron and Optimus follow worried what will they see.

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