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Megatron now had the hardest job on the planet, keep up with Starscream and keep him out of trouble. As soon as he finished his drink he started flying while Megatron yelled,, Starscream please, slow down!" But Starscream didn't listen, he was speeding in the sky and doing all sorts of tricks. ,, Megatron what are you doing so early today plus in the sky flying?" Optimus asked on the com link . ,, I'm…trying to…catch Starscream he's having a lot of energy today and he won't stop flying can you help me." Megatron asked sad only to hear Him saying,,I can't fly and he's your responsibility now Megatron, you can handle this." Now he ended on the dock of the ship. He Then saw Soundwave standing. ,, Can you entertain Starscream for a second I need rest." Soundwave let out Laserbeak from his chest and gave him instructions. ,, Starscream try catching Laserbeak." He told him through the com link. ,, Understand " he answered and speed up more. ,, That would keep him busy for about an hour and..." Soundwave didn't finish the sentence, Starscream is on the dock of the ship with Laserbeak in his arms. ,,Done!" He said smiling ,,Did you two really think that I'm such a bad flyer that Laserbeak would keep me busy for an hour, you need to try harder my little scraplet?" He said while kissing him on the cheek and leaving towards his bedroom. ,, Little scraplet?" Soundwave asked Megatron. ,,He gave me that nickname because of my teeth, I bit him too hard one time and from that day on I'm his little scraplet. " Megatron said to Soundwave. He isn't ashamed to talk about it with Soundwave because he is his long time friend and knows him best. ,,I kinda want to ask, do you ever wanted to bond with Starscream like for life and stuff like that?" Soundwave asked curious. ,,We talked about it one time and he said that he doesn't like it" Megatron replied,, We actually share same mindset about it, if You really love someone you should let it go and if they come back they are your partner but still, you don't have the right to take their freedom away." Soundwave was surprised, he isn't a big fan of Starscream's ideas but from him to hear about freedom, that's something new. ,,Wow but how did he knew so much about it?" Soundwave asked only to hear a quiet,, Because he loves it" from his back. Soundwave turned around to see Starscream holding Laserbeak in his arm. ,,I forgot to give you Laserbeak back and I overheard your little conversation about me." Soundwave put Laserbeak back on his chest and said,,I just want to know, why do you value freedom Soo much you always have it?" Starscream smiled and started telling his story,, I like my freedom, everyone does and yes, I always have it but sometimes when I need to be inside,or just to stay in one place I feel bad, I love to explore, to be creative and not to be strapped to one place or person." Megatron listen to it and Soundwave started to understand the now obvious answer. ,,I love flying and that's my freedom, I also love to explore different ideas and just to enjoy playing with it." He continued smiling,, I just can't be in the golden cage like others, I love the freedom of choice." Megatron just hugged him and smiled. Soundwave understand now, Starscream love to explore so that's why he's Soo creative when it comes to ideas. ,,Hey how's translation of the data pad going?" He asked. ,,Well we did found out the other sets of coordinates but we can't send anyone yet because we need to check if  first one are true." He answered. ,, Well I kinda want to go in the first place, Megatron didn't let me on a mission for a long time, I want to go on the one." Starscream answered. All of a sudden Optimus and Arcee showed up. ,, Optimus, Arcee what are you doing here?"Megatron asked now surprised. ,,O didn't hear from Starscream or you so I decided to go check up with Arcee , is everything ok?" He asked. ,, Yes we are discussing who to send on the next mission and Starscream really want to go." Megatron told him. Optimus now started to think about it. ,,We didn't investigate the first coordinates so someone needs to go there, any idea who?" He asked only for Starscream to say,, Maybe me and Smokescreen can go?" Megatron was strictly against it, he can't control Starscream when he's near him so going on a mission would be challenging. ,, Apsolutly no, You aren't ready for the missions and your health is declining, I'm not risking it." he answered. Optimus also step forward,, I agree with Megatron, your health is more important we can send someone else." Arcee and Soundwave now started to think, everyone is busy with the work. ,, With all due respect but who will we sent, all decepticons are busy, Knockout and Ratchet are working with Shockwave in the lab, Skylinx and Darksteel are with Bumblebee and Bulkhead in the mines, Wheeljack and Smokescreen are helping viecons with organization of the store room and I am working on fixing the computer so the question stayed, who are we sending on a mission?" Soundwave asked now confused. Both leaders looked at each other but couldn't think of the solution. ,,See it's one more reason for me to goo, c'mon Megatron I will be fine, please!" Starscream begged him. ,,I said No what part of it don't you understand?" Megatron asked angry, even though he liked Starscream his determination to be his way drives Him crazy, sometimes he wonder if it's determination or stupidity. But Starscream didn't give up, now he's looking at him using his puppy eyes and looking sad, wings lowered and arms on his chest. ,, Please I will be fine." He continued. Megatron couldn't resist to say no to him, he looked so cute and fragile and he let it go. ,, Ugh fine but, be careful and if you misbehave, no more missions for you understand you little idiot." He said cowering his face with his hand. Others couldn't believe what they saw, Megatron breaking his words so easily, especially for Starscream, they were all shocked. ,, Arcee you will go with Starscream to make sure he's fine." Optimus said. She just nodded,,Yes, yes I will go" and left with Starscream who is jumping from happiness and Soundwave who is going with them to open the groundbrige. Alone, Optimus came closer to his friend who is still ashamed of what he did. ,,He looked Soo cute when he begged you didn't he?" Optimus asked Megatron. ,, Yes he is cute and I just couldn't resist, he looked soo fragile and innocent and cute You cold almost forgot he offlined some of the autobots and decepticons." At that moment both of them snapped, did they just sent Starscream who killed Arcee's partner on a mission with Arcee. ,,Oh primus what did we done?" Both of them said. Optimus got a message from Ratchet,,The groundbrige malfuncstoned and Arcee and Starscream whent through it, also com link isn't working properly because BULKHEAD THOUGH HE SAW SCRAPLET AND BROKE THE COMPUTER! BULKHEAD WE NEEDED THAT?" He yelled angry and frustrated. Now Both of them are scared more, what will happened when they came to the first coordinates, what will happened when they realize that the com link isn't working? Both of them hoped that they will be back from the mission in one part, alive.

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