,,O no you won't!"

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Starscream called viecons on the com link only to hear static.,, Do you read, DO YOU READ!"He repited scared for all the crew. If Megatron can't fight against them who can. He rushed full speed on the dock and passing injured viecons.,,We need medics on the dock NOW!" He said speeding more and more. Optimus and Megatron barley followed him.,,He is fast I can't hold on to him!"Said Optimus worried what will happened.,,Me neither just drive we will be there somehow, I just Hope he doesn't get himself in trouble like last time!" Megatron added worried. At the dock two predacons are fighting with the armada viecons. They try to hold them but they had no chance. One poor viecon good beaten up and when predacon got ready to strike final punch Starscream showed up transforming mid air and kicking predacon in the chest with his heel. ,,Get of my troopers! " He said while landing on him.He quickly stood up ready to fight.The other predacon saw it and wanted to jump on Starscream when Megatron showed up.,,O no you won't!" He yelled while punching him in the chest causing him to fall instantly. At that moment Optimus showed up and punched other predacon who was trying to get Starscream who was laying on the floor with broken heel. Starscream limped to his solder to check on him and called medical help again,, Knockout, Shockwave we need you both at the dock, we caught predacon and some troopers are injured." He ended the call and came closer to the predacons wanting toput a handcuffs on their claws but he stopped. Megatron was looking at the damage of his ship while Optimus is checking if viecons are fine. At that moment Shockwave showed up with straps for predacons, chained them and left to his lab.,, Troopers are fine only one of them is injured!" Optimus said.,, They damaged our satellite only Soundwave can fix him." Megatron said looking at Starscream.,, Reports to Soundwave sent, Shockwave got the predacon and injured trooper so let's see how others are doing." Starscream said tiered from all of this. His heel was completely broken so he was limping but Megatron picked him up and carried him to med bay for a check up. Optimus called his team members to make sure everything is ok.,,We aer all good boss, we are safe in med bay." Answered Smokescreen. ,, Good" He ended call and followed this two. At the med bay Ratchet and Knockout are repairing injured bots when Starscream showed up with broken heel.,, Seriously Starscream again!?" Said Knockout exhausted and angry,, That's the 2nd time this week how many times do I have to tell you" you need to take better care of yourself!" Megatron placed Starscream on the floor and he just calmly said,, Yes I know I need to take better care of myself so please shut up!" ,,What is the reason this time?" He asked. ,, Fight with predacon again."" He answered fighting with some of his tools. ,, Wait there I'll replace it." Medic answerd now bored.,, Sooo the predacons, what are we going to do with them?" Asked Smokescreen. ,,I don't know this are different than Predaking." Optimus said while looking at Megatron who is also wondering what to do.,,I just got a message from Shockwave they are in stasis handcuffed so we don't need to worry about that for now but still there's a mess that needs to be cleaned and reports to be made." Said Starscream. ,,Well fine then it's late and I'm getting tiered" said Smokescreen.,,Me too" Bulkhead added and Arcee followed. ,,If you want you can stay here or we can open the groundbrige to your coordinates?"said Megatron. ,, No thanks we would stay in our base." Bumblebee Said beeping. ,, You go I want to discuss something with Megatron." Optimus said. ,,Ow Knockout if you want to kill me do it faster." Starscream said while holding to his leg. ,, Sorry I'm having a lot of work to do so I will fix you better when I get time." He said while repairing him faster. ,,Ok then Ratchet?" Asked Smokescreen. ,,I would also like to stay I want to help the Knockout with repair." He answered. ,, Fine then" Smokescreen said while getting into the groundbrige that Soundwave just opened and left.,, Thank you for your help Ratchet." Knockout answered and finished Starscream's leg.,, I need to go to check the reports and fill in mine so good night." He said running outside. ,, Megatron and Optimus got out right after him.,,Wow, Starscream is really useful team member. " Optimus said to Megatron amazed. He respects his team but this type of dedication he never saw. ,, He is useful but hard you have no idea how much." Megatron answered tiered. ,,He has huge abandonment issues and when he's scared you can't control him." ,, But you saw him in the fight he was amazing, and didn't hesate for a bit." Prime said try to help Megatron see more in Starscream but he doesn't have it. ,, That's the reason why he's problematic, he rushed to save viecon from one predacon but didn't think about other than could kill him. " Megatron added,,Hi isn't perfect teammate but I like him because he isn't blind follower, he disobey my orders sometimes but only for greater good and that's only one reason to keep him besides me." Optimus understand this,, But why do you love him if he disobey you and doesn't respect you?" Optimus asked curious. ,, Because he saw me as a Megatron, not as gladiator or slave like others did, he believed in me in my Idea, he showed me the thing most bots didn't, he shoved me love." Megatron said smiling happy ,,And I will always be thankful for that". While these two chatted Starscream finished his job and handed to the Shockwave's lab. He saw no one there and saw two predacon chatting in their bot form. Whatever Shockwave did to them kept them in place.,,Come on Skylinx get up we need to run." Said one of them. ,,I can't it hurts, can you help me Darksteel " said the other holding his chest in pain. At that moment Starscream realized that how much damage he did to poor predacon. He entered the lab and greeted them,, Hello" he said,, I hope you calmed down ". At that moment Darksteel hissed at him angry. What do you want to kill us like Predaking and others?" He said angry at Starscream. At that moment Starscream understand what is wrong with them they are left alone with no one and are scared what will others do to them. He has been in this type of situation himself so he just calmed down and came closer. ,,No I don't want that he answered I just want to help you not to end up like Predaking." He said with calm tone. ,, You are lying, you want to make us into a killing machines that can easily be controlled." Said Darksteel sad looking at Skylinx who was in pain. ,, The war is over, Predaking turned himself into killing beast who killed anyone regarding of who they are, he was power hungry and careless. If you don't trust me think about it if he really wanted you to be alive he would constantly be with you in the lab." Answered Starscream. ,, But you wanted to kill us." Said Skylinx almost crying in pain. ,,We were scared you wanted to kill my troopers and to ruin our home so we fought back, you would do the same so I have a proposal to you."Said Starscream coming towards them. ,, What?" Asked Darksteel sad. ,, You can join us, we want to rebuild our home planet and you can live there happy, free and most important safe." Answered Starscream waiting for the answer. ,, What do you have from it?" Darksteel wonder. ,, Everything we fought for, equality for all bots and two very useful team members so do you agree?" He asked. ,,Yes we do" said Darksteel while looking at a Injured Skylinx. ,, Good now let's get your brother fixed." Said Starscream while calling Soundwave,, You have a video tape send it to Megatron and call Shockwave here, we need to fix this poor thing." As soon as he finished he helped Skylinx get up and lean on the wall. It was a little easier for him now but pain was still here. At that point Shockwave showed up and just said,,I know everything I will start now." And started operating. The procidure was done for 15 minutes and pain was gone. By that time Megatron and Optimus showed up. Megatron was angry at Starscream but he hid it. When Skylinx was feeling better They free them and Both of them said that they will help rebuild Cybertron and promised not to hurt anyone. So everyone went into their room while predacons slept in lab. While walking towards his bedroom Starscream got pulled in by the Megatron. He was angry. He pinched him against the wall and yelled quietly,, What is wrong with you I told you to stay away from the predacons they could have killed you fool?" He was very angry and started pinching him a bit harder.,, But Ah... They didn't and now we have a two useful team members and Ah... if no one helped them we would have same situation as Predaking so ah... Stop pinching me" he yelled and Megatron relax a bit,, You are so lucky I love you unless you would be in much bigger trouble so keep quiet."He said while slowly kissing Starscream on the neck. Still pinched against the wall Starscream hold on against Megatron and kissed him in the lips. He really liked him but now Megatron got interested in His wings. He knew that they are having a lot of nerv endings but if you find right you can give your seeker a very good pleasure. He dropped Starscream on the bed and started kissing him harder. He also started rubbing his wings gently what made Starscream a little uncomfortable. ,,Ah... my Lord... p-p-please...be careful ah." He warned him. ,, Mhm... don't worry commander, I think I found what I was looking for." Megatron answered while scratching the small end on the wings Making Starscream moan harder.,,AH...My...LorAH..." He could even speak. He never felt such a pleasure. Megatron also liked seeing Starscream fully in the mood so he continued rubbing and bited him on the neck. It was the golden movement Starscream was in a full mood.,,AH...MAGHHH...L...L... LORD... P-PLEASE...AH" He started moaning harder and Megatron got turned on he was fully enjoy the show. They continued to do this for good 30 minutes until Starscream gave up not being able to stand up. Megatron just pulled him closer into the final kiss for good night and fall asleep with Starscream on his chest.

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