,, Five words "

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Meanwhile in autobot base Optimus and Soundwave are trying their best to translate The text from the script. ,,I don't know about you but this is pointless." Said Soundwave while sitting on the floor. ,, Maybe we can figure it out on the decepticons ship." Optimus answered while Soundwave nodded and left to open the groundbrige. Everyone is asleep in the base. Shockwave is sleeping with predacons in the main room, Knockout fell asleep on the medical table while Ratchet is sleeping on the medical bed, the rest of the autobots is in their rooms. Optimus left a message on the computer that they are on the ship and left. On the ship viecons are sleeping in their rooms, ship was quite. They entered the lab and heard footsteps. ,, Who was it?" Asked Prime curious. ,,Calm down it's me, Starscream." He said while eating an energon cube. They looked closely at him, bite marks all over his wings and neck. Paint is scratched a little bit and he is shaking a little. Optimus and Soundwave looked at each other and understood what happened. ,,So how's translation going?" Starscream asked eating. ,, Not a single effort." Soundwave replied sadly,,We tried to translate it but if we try it's not compact with the early translation." Starscream came closer and looked at the other data pad that has a translation on it. ,, Wait, the early translation that our closer ancestors did isn't true!" He said. ,, Starscream, what do you mean?" Optimus asked confused. ,,If you look at translation that we have and the way letters are arranged you will see that the translation doesn't make sense." He answered pointing out to the words. Soundwave tried and it was true, the words didn't make sense. ,,Oh great, I thought that we will make effort but now we are back to nothing." Soundwave replied angry. He really wanted to restore the Cybertron but now he is loosing hope. ,, Well I won't give up, my home planet is needing help and I will do my best!" He said while coming towards Soundwave ,, You two need rest, sleep tonight and tomorrow you will try again." ,,I guess you're right, let's go Soundwave." Prime told him. ,, I'm coming don't worry." He answered voice shaking. Prime just nodded and left.,, Soundwave Come on." Starscream said while opening his arms for a hug.  Soundwave just hugged him back and cried. He is used to be under the pressure but this time is different. ,, I can't do this, I can't do anything." He cried while Starscream hugged him. ,,I understand you and don't worry we will figure this thing somehow but, now, we need you rested well and calm so now, go to bed and don't worry." He now let go of Starscream and left to sleep. Starscream looked at the data pads and now he sat down with clear data pads saying ,, Let's try it, nothing can go wrong." He started writing. It's now 7 am and everyone is awake. All the bots are going to the data pad now hopeless and sad that the translation isn't true. Upon entering they saw a huge pile of data pads laying on the floor and some are on the table. Starscream was there, tiered, holding a data pad and rubbing his eyes to stay awake. ,, Starscream, how long have you been here?" Asked Bulkhead worried.,, WHOLE NIGHT, I couldn't sleep so I tried to translate this abomination of a data pad and I only managed to translate FIVE WORDS!" He answered tiered and exhausted. ,, How, and what did it says?" Asked Smokescreen. ,, One, four,east five, Nort. I don't know what it means." He said now barely holding up. ,, It's a way of the coordinating on the planet. We can try to see what's on the coordinates on the earth." Said Ratchet and others agreed. ,,Did you found anything else Starscream, Starscream?" Asked Megatron only to see him sleeping on the table. ,, Hello, wake up commander!" Said Knockout while calling him. ,,Wha... Oh yes I think that if we translate everything we will also find something elseee........" He answered but fell asleep again. Optimus just looked at Megatron.,, Fine I will carry him to his bedroom and keys are your problem now." He said while getting to Starscream. As soon as he tried to pick him up Starscream jumped off the Chair and slammed himself on the floor. ,, Sorry old habits." He answered. Megatron understood this, since Starscream is his whole life in military he can't sleep deep so even the slight move can wake him up. Megatron just picked him up and carried him to his room. On the way there Optimus called,, Thanks to Starscream Soundwave and I are translating the words easier and you have a very important task to do today." ,, What?" Megatron asked curious. ,,To take care of Starscream, Knockout and Ratchet are worried because he doesn't rest and today is his first Medical check up so please be careful." Optimus told him.,, Wait Optimus can you please call Ratchet to see Starscream, his health is worrying me." He asked him. ,, Ratchet is already in the med bay so carry him there. " Optimus told him and left. At the med bay Ratchet is scanning sleeping Starscream. He looked at monitor with sadness. ,,His state is a little worse then yesterday, he didn't rest and overworked himself with the data pad, if he didn't slow down he will kill himself." Megatron was sad, he can't understand him, why is he doing this?,, I'm honestly surprised that he still worked even when he's in pain, but how?" Ratchet asked pointing at the red marks on scan that are all activated pain receptors. ,, Because he doesn't feel pain." Knockout said standing at the door holding up two energon cubes,, Normal Cybertronian would cry out in pain but Starscream is so used to it that his brain doesn't respond to it." ,, What do you mean by that?" Asked Ratchet now curious what will he say. ,, Well" Knockout continue,,He has high pain tolerance, so high in fact that he could still be beaten so harshly that he needed to be hospitalized and still he would stand up and continue like nothing happened." Ratchet is shocked and Megatron Is feeling guilty, his beatings are the reason Starscream lived in so much pain and now when he stopped, Starscream is unable to feel it when needed. ,,He is tougher than he seems, trust me ,but still, He needs to be more nicer to himself or he will kill himself." Added the red medic while coming towards Megatron with Ratchet.,, Megatron he needs you more than ever, you are the only person he will listen to and only person that he loves so please take care of him." He added While Ratchet followed,, And also you need to know one more thing." ,, What?" Megatron asked scared. ,, You are his only hope for recovery or else his life is done." Ratchet told him. He now understood everything and pick Starscream up to send to his room. ,, Megatron." Said Knockout. ,, Yes?" He asked. ,,Stay with him today, you are his only hope."  He nodded and left. At the bedroom Megatron carefully placed him on the bed and Laid next to him. He placed Starscream on his chest hugging him tightly and kissing him on the head tears falling from his face.,,I love you commander but please, don't kill yourself because of others." He said while hugging him more and sleeping with him.

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