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The next day was pretty boring, no reports to fill or fighting with autobots. Soundwawe, Shockwave ,Megatron and Starscream are sitting in the dinning hall bored. Starscream is trying to balance the empty energon cube on his finger.,, Ugh it's so boring today" Megatron said,, At least we won't fight with ouch" At that moment Starscream slapped him under the table and said,, Don't even think about saying that, last time someone said that I was in the middle of a fight with Predaking so shut up." He was very serious saying that,, Starscream your saying is illogical." Shockwave added.,, Illogical or not I'm not saying anything." He said while lying on the table like a bored toddler. ,,Oh come on Starscream they were right, it's really boring today and I'm pretty sure that we won't see autobots today". As soon as Megatron finished the sentence Alarm went on. ,, You were saying something Megatron?" Starscream added angry. ,, Commander Starscream there's two autobots fighting in the mine." The com link said. ,, Can you recognize them?" He asked. ,, Yes Optimus Prime and Arcee." Viecon said. ,, We're coming Megatron your with me!" He said while hanging up.,, He said while getting through groundbrige. ,, But, Wait, Wings Aghhhhh he's impossible " Megatron said while following him. At the mine Arcee is already fighting with Starscream while Optimus fought with Megatron. This fight was different. Without his wings Starscream is more faster and agile. Arcee is barely holding him up. She is blasting her lasers at him but he Easley dogde it and punched her at the leg. While she was falling he manages to punch her in the chest Wich causes her to spill energon. That distracted Optimus and he looked at her just to see Starscream punching her with his elbow and causing her intense pain. At that moment Megatron punch Him with all of his straight. The pain was unbearable, Optimus couldn't even stand and at that moment Megatron punched again sending him flying in the air. Arcee tryed calling for backup but Starscream catch her and slammed his elbow is her shoulder seriously hurting her. Both of them are laying barley awake from the pain with Megatron and Starscream standing beside them.,, Wow Starscream you are much better at fighting without your wings." Megatron said while putting his arm on Starscream's shoulder.,, Mhahaha yes but I still want them back" he said putting his arm over Megatron's ,, So what will we do with them " he asked pointing at the injured autobots.,, I don't care what happened to the two wheeler she's your's now but I will take care of Optimus now." Megatron answered while calling Soundwave.,, Soundwave, open the groundbrige we have prime and his companion." As soon as he finished groundbrige opened and He dragged both of them in it while Starscream followed. At the ship Optimus woke up tied to the lab table unable to move. He looked up to see Megatron standing next to him,, Hello Optimus" he said calmly,, Megatron what do you want, where's Arcee?"he asked while trying to break free. ,, Oh I'm sure Starscream is taking good care of her, he is very good with tools" Megatron said while slowly going to the computer typing something in it. ,,If something happens to her you will regret it Megatron?" Optimus said when suddenly he felt dizzy and tiered.,, Hehe don't worry about her Prime, if she talks she will be fine trust me, until then sleep well." Megatron said leaving him alone. Meanwhile Starscream is on the other side of the Ship with Arcee on the floor covered in energon. Claw marks are all over her body and tears are falling from her face because of pain. All of a sudden Starscream kneeled down to her and Said:,, Oh come on Arcee just tell me where to base is and I will spare you the misery." ,, Never" she said angry.,, Oh fine then I guess I'll have to torture prime instead!" He said while slowly getting up. ,, Megatron would never allow it" she said calmly.,, Oh yes I would, Starscream you have promisson to do whatever you want to autobots so enjoy your little spree." Megatron said standing at the door with drugged Optimus on the floor. Arcee was shocked to see her leader in that condition she wanted to fight but she couldn't even stand up. At that moment Starscream pointed to the wall and Megatron left Optimus there. ,, Thank you master" he said while Coming to na Arcee,, now this is your last chance to tell me where the base is or I will end Optimuse's life and you will be responsible for his death just because of your stubbornness. Same Old Arcee, because of her all of her partners died. Cliffjumper, Tailgate and now Optimus Prime." As soon as he finished his sentence he spread out his claws and slowly started walking towards Optimus.,, No, no, no NO, NO please I will tell you the coordinates just don't hurt Optimus please." She begged,, I don't trust you Arcee be more specific." He said while getting to Prime. ,, Jasper Nevada, north, go there and you will see the base just let him go." She cried more and more. Starscream finally got to her and said,, Good autobot, see that's how you could save you previous partners now show me the exact coordinates and this will be over" Crying she lifted her arm and shoved the exact coordinates to him. ,, Good. Solders lock them up separately." He ordered some viecons who dragged Arcee out and chained Optimus. He came to Megatron and said,, Coordinates are here and both of them are alive, Optimus is same as he came but Arcee is scratched a little.",, WOW so fast Starscream, but how?" Megatron asked amazed,, Unlike Airachnid I hate to torture bots so I make them suffer mentally until they break. Arcee was easy because I know for her partners and I used it to my advantage. She can handle the pain herself but seeing others she confessed immediately." He explained slowly.,, Well tomorrow we will discuss about it now I need to go see Knockout wanna go with me?" Megatron asked and Starscream nodded.,, So , didn't take dark energon today Megsy ?" He asked.,, No surprisingly I would use it before  fight but not today how did you notice?" He asked curious when Starscream replied,, Well I saw you punching Optimus Soo hard he went flying in the air so it means you didn't use dark energon because you wouldn't be able to do that. Dark energon take away physical straingh for feeling of power Soo that's how." ,, I'm sorry Starscream but since when did you know that much about dark energon?" He asked with a flirting thone in his voice. ,, Well I guarded it until you came and took it remember Megsy?" He said while hugging Megatron. ,,Oh yes and I'm honestly really happy that you know because It will be much easier for you to help me get rid of it." He said while picking him up and kissing him on the neck.,, Not here my love, too busy area." Starscream said while pulling Megatron away. ,, Fine then as you wish." He stopped and carried him into his room that was couple of feet away and closed the door. As soon as he closed them Starscream started biting his neck cables and rubbing his arms on Megatron's back. Megatron didn't like the bite but loved feeling Starscream on his chest so he Bitef back only to hear Starscream saying. ,,Ah, my…Lord, p-p-please I can't." He was enjoying the show he liked Starscream so much and he bites again. ,, What's wrong commander, don't like the small bitting." He asked only to hear Starscream all shaken:,, Ah I like it but you have SHARP TEETH AH GET OF ME." At that moment he let go of him only to see him holding his neck.A small drop off energon was on the floor and Starscream looked at him saying,, WELL THAT'S IT, from now on no intense bitting, you don't have teeth you have a saw in your mouth ah this hurts." He was angry but still looked at him with love. At that moment Megatron got him on the bed and just kissed him passionately.,, Sorry my dear, I promise no... more... bitting."he said while licking wound on Starscream. It surprised him and he moaned. He isn't used to this type of love but he likes it. He started kissing Megatron back and hugging him. The rest of the day was just both of them enjoying each other's company. And at the end they slept together hugged and happy.

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