,, Good job Megatron!"

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,,We can open the groundbrige now but we can't risk it." Knockout said to Megatron who is worried about them. All of a sudden Bulkhead showed up scared and angry why did they send Starscream with Arcee. ,,I don't care how big of a risk it is I'm going to save him!" Megatron yelled while throwing something on the table causing it to brake. ,, Megatron for primus sake That was important part of the console for the ground brige !" Soundwave yelled angry,, Now I need more time to fix it." Bulkhead is now more angry,, You decepticons really don't know how to fix things." Megatron came closer and answered angry,, Because we don't brake them like you autobots do. " Both of them are ready to fight. Optimus tried to calm them down but it didn't work. They started arguing when all of a sudden Knockout showed up. He pulled out shocker and shocked both of them. ,,,I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR FIGHTING. YOU ARE GOING TO RESCUE MY FRENDS FROM SITUATION YOU PUT THEM IN TOGETHER!" Optimus came and pulled them apart while Knockout continued,, Starscream's last medical record before he entered the bridge was critical, he was on half of his reserves and Arcee was on half also so if we don't help them they will die."  Megatron and Bulkhead calmed down. Soundwave just finished his fixing. ,,Com link Is working." He said while calling Arcee. ,, Hello base?" She answered tiered. ,, Arcee report." Soundwave asked worried. ,, I'm ok and Starscream is really tiered, we can barely move and we are cold please send help." ,, We're coming but, can you hold on for another 15 minutes?" Knockout asked only for her to say tiered and exhausted,, You have 10." Everyone work as fast as they can,Soundwave stabilized the bridge and Megatron and Bulkhead whent through it. The stom has calmed a bit and then saw a temple. Upon entering they saw Arcee and Starscream close to each other. Starscream was only movning his leg to give some signals of life while Arcee is almost Asleep holding omega key. Bulkhead picked up Arcee and left through the open ground brige and Megatron carefully lifted Starscream and followed. On the ship they put them into med bay and waited hoping that they will be fine. After about half an hour both of them woke up. ,, Bulkhead hugged Arcee while Starscream looked around for Megatron. He wasn't there? ,, Don't even think about getting up Starscream, you still need medical check up!" Ratchet said to him while standing next to Arcee. ,, Where's Megatron?" He asked curious. ,,He waited outside with Bulkhead then left because someone called him."  Ratchet said,, Arcee you can go." She got out with Bulkhead but stopped and thanked Starscream for the cube. When they left Knockout entered with Megatron. Starscream's mood instantly became happier and Megatron ran to hug him and Starscream also jumped in. ,,I must say Starscream, you are really strong you didn't eat for 3 days and survived cold desert that's very hard. " Ratchet told him. ,, THREE DAYS?!" Megatron yelled at him,, You lied to me and said that you ate yesterday, why?" He asked angry. ,,I simply forgot and I'm used to it so it's not a big deal." Starscream told him while getting up. ,, Not a big deal, NOT A BIG DEAL, you could have died in the desert from starvation how's that not a big deal?!" Megatron continued ,, You are playing with your life like you have a millions of it." ,,Oh really well you are the reason why I ended up there in the first place, taking care of me please!" He said angry. Both medics looked at them worried. ,, Should we...?" Ratchet wanted to ask but Knockout stopped him,,No just sit and watch." ,,My fault, my fault ,you wanted to go in the first place you idiot!" Megatron yelled at him. ,, Yes but on a safe mission not on the deadliest one you stupid waste of metal, you really doesn't love me!" Starscream told him crossing his arms. ,, What… wha... That's not true!" He yelled angry while clinching his arms. ,, Yes it's true, you send me on a deadly mission and now you yell at me, plus it's not my fault, good job Megatron we're back at our old dinamic as always, really you are impossible to handle!" Megatron was now angry and he punched the table while breaking a data pad. ,, MEGATRON I NEEDED THAT!" Yelled Ratchet. ,, Well looks like anger issues didn't heal." Starscream added now getting closer to him. Megatron couldn't handle him and just grabbed him in the face and kissed him. After that he stormed off and Starscream followed. They both ended up in different direction. All medics looked confused about what they saw. Knockout said,, Looks like I need to ask Starscream for explanation." Ratchet just picked up broken data pad and nodded off. This two are confusing.

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