I'm sorry

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After what felt like hours Knockout get out of med bay barley standing and shaken from tiredness. He looked down to see Megatron all sad and broken crying.,, My lige, are you alright?" he asked worried,, Knockout, what happened to Starscream, is he going to be fine? " Megatron asked with fear from what he will hear.,, I'm sorry, I don't know. The damage is sevire and Predaking shredded his wings. Even if he got back on his feet he will never fly again!"said the medic with sadness in his voice. ,, No, no, no ,no ,no noooooo" said Megatron while bursting in tears and slamming his fist on the floor,, I'm sorry Starscream I failed you noooo." ,, My Lord it's not your fault" said Knockout trying to calm his leader,,Yes, Yes, Yes it is, I wanted power, I wanted to win this war, I allowed Shockwave to continue predacon program even after Starscream begged me to reconsider it. I wasted our energy on them even after he told me not to. It is my fault I ruined it." Megatron said while crying more and more. Knockout was scared, he never imagined any of the deceptcion cry let alone Megatron who is the strongest of them. He just sat next to him and said. ,, My Lord, wipe your tears, get up and do you best to fix this mistakes, if I learned anything from Starscream it is to fix my mistakes and try harder. If he could do it we also can so go finish your duty and I will try my best to fix him.,, Knockout said this and got up and left. Megatron was still sad but manage to get himself up and entered the med bay. He came to the table where Starscream was. His body looked like it was eaten by scraplets, paint job was scratched, leg and arm in band aid and hooked up on life support. This broke him so much that he started crying again. ,,I'm sorry Starscream, for all the things I said and did to you, If I knew that it will be like this I wouldn't allow project predacon to happen I'm...the... worst... leader...to...ever...exist. At that moment he felt something touching his arm and a weak voice saying,,No... you... aren't." He looked down to see Starscream's claw holding his arm and rubbing it. At that moment Starscream woke up and just started at Megatron. All of a sudden Megatron gasped in shock and wanted to hug him but he remembered that he can't but, To his surprise Starscream just harder the grip and said,, do it, It's won't hurt me much, don't worry." At that moment Megatron just gently wrapped his arms around his shoulders and squeezed him a little bit just to feel him, but he heard a painful groan and let it go. ,, No, don't let me go"cryed Starscream . ,,But I'm hurting you, you are in pain." Megatron complained.,, No, just hold me I don't care." Said Starscream while hugging Megatron more,, This is sweetest pain in my life and I don't want this to end."

I hope you are enjoying this ( also English is not my native language so sorry for mistakes. I'm Serbian)

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